Nessie's POV

Chapter 30 (Shopping)

When it was getting dark outside my mom decided that we should leave. I promised Charlie I'd come again this week and he threatened playfully that if I didn't he might have to break into the Cullen's. Jake and I left in my mom's car with her. The ride was pretty funny. Jake complained to her about how she didn't even notice him when they got there. Then he made my mom stop the car and get out so she could give him a hug. I was surprised he hadn't asked her to drive. After of course, my mom asked me about what had happened and I showed her all I knew. My mom left us by the cottage, even though I complained and told her that we could run to it because I didn't want her car to get ruined with some rock getting stuck in the engine or something. She however, insisted in taking us back.

"I'll try to get your dad to stay over there tonight. Not that I regret having you and you know I love you but just to prevent another unexpected pregnancy, please use prot-"

"Mom!" I interrupted her. "Please, just go! Thanks for the ride." She smiled at me and laughed quietly as she pulled away. I turned to face Jake. One of his eyebrows was raised.

"Excuse me, Miss Cullen but why didn't you let your caring mother finish her sentence?"

"I prefer to be called Mrs. Black, if you don't mind," I said as I slid my arms around his neck and got on my toes.

"If that's what you'd like, but I should probably warn you," he began saying as he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up, "nothing I do today will be as gentle as it was yesterday."

"And that's just fine with me," I whispered before kissing him. Next thing I knew, we were moving at full speed through the house and I was thrown on the bed. I arched my eyebrow up and in response, Jake hovered himself over me before kissing me hard.

* * * *

This is how I want to wake up everyday for the rest of my existence. Snuggled up with Jake, my back pressed against his chest and his arm around me. I turned my head so I could see him and saw that he was still sleeping. I smiled at how even more beautiful and exotic he looked asleep. I placed a light kiss on his lips before carefully getting out of his hold. As much as I wanted to stay there with him I couldn't because I didn't know when my parents were coming. I took a couple of seconds after I got off the bed to look at Jake in all his naked glory, then blushed because I realized what I was doing before I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

I had to come out wrapped in my towel because I hadn't brought clothes in with me, and just in case my parents were here, although I didn't hear them. When I walked into my room, I saw Jake sitting up on my bed, looking through my iPod.

"Hey, baby," he said but didn't look up at me. He padded his lap and I went to sit on him. I noticed he was still naked; the sheets were just over his legs and they stopped at his hips.

"Hi," I kissed him softly again. I shifted in his lap and he pulled away from my kiss, eyeing me skeptically.

"Are you okay?" He looked me over. I swear that guy had x-ray vision. "I didn't hurt you last night, did I?" I pulled his lips back to mine.

"Mmm no," I mumbled against them. "I've never been better." He relaxed and responded to the kiss. I pulled away when I knew we were taking things too far and we didn't know if my parents were to come through the door at any minute. "We should get dressed," I told him and he agreed. I never really got to see what he had been doing with my iPod but it didn't matter. I went to my closet and got dressed while he put his clothes back on.

After that, Jake ate some breakfast, which consisted of 7 slices of toast, why he didn't just devour the 8 one is beyond me, and he drank a glass of orange juice. I didn't eat anything since I was still full from yesterday's hunting trip. We ran together to The White House, only stopping twice to kiss which might have to be a new record. When we got there everyone was quiet and minding their own business, barely noticing us come in. Except for Alice, of course. She came running downstairs and ran right into me as she pulled me into a hug.

"I have a surprise!" She chirped. My dad, whom was playing a game on the x-box against my uncles, sighed and she turned quickly to stick her tongue at him, even though he was facing the other way.

"What's your surprise, Alice?" I asked her. Then my mom spoke up from the couch where she and Rose were sitting on. She was reading a book and Rose looking at magazines.

"Nessie, if you value your life, run now. I'm allowing you to." I gave her a confused expression but she wasn't looking at me. My aunt scowled at her before turning to me again.

"Bella is just being over dramatic, Nessie. I know you love to shop!" I groaned.

"Is this another shopping trip?" I asked and Alice just jumped up and down in front of my with her hands together and her irresistible puppy pout. No one, and I mean no one could say no to that. By this time, Jake had passed by us and joined my uncles and dad on the couch where they had thrown a control at him and they were all playing.

"I told you," my mom mumbled quietly. I don't think my aunt caught it.

"Can we leave that for another day, Alice? Is it not enough that we had to deal with the Volturi yesterday but you wanna torture me some more?" My aunt Rosalie snickered from the couch and turned the page of her magazine.

"Ugh, Nessie, stop being so much like Bella!" Alice threw her arms up. "We're vampires, we don't get tired."

"Well I'm half human so I do get tired."

"And you had all of last night to sleep," Alice disagreed. "It's your own fault if you decided to use the night for something else." I knew I was turning scarlet. "Please, Nessie! Please, please, please, ple-"

"Fine! But Jake has to come." Jake's head shot up, earning for him to lose the race, and gave me pleading eyes.

"Aw, Ness!"

"If I have to endure the torture then you do, too."

"But I was gonna spend the day with the guys and-"

"You're coming, Jake," I told him.

"Yes, ma'am," he raised his hand to salute me. I rolled eyes at him and the rest of my family as they laughed.

An hour later, we were standing in front of the mall. When I say we, I mean Alice, Rosalie, me and Jake. Alice grabbed the hand that wasn't entwined with Jake and pulled me as she nearly ran into the mall. Rose was right next to her and I tugged Jake with me. We went into 3 stores and we already had 5 shopping bags, that was when Jake spoke for the first time.

"Alice," he said, catching her attention. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes, Jakey?"

"Can you bring me to a store? I wanna buy some new shorts."

"Sure," my aunt squealed, happy to be able to buy something for him.

"Wait, why don't I go with you?" I asked, studying Jake's face closely. He was hiding something.

"Don't be silly, Nessie," Alice said. "Spend some time with Rose. You guys like just about the same things." She pushed Rose and I into another store before she and Jake ran out of our sight, leaving us with all the bags.

"Those two are definitely up to something," my aunt said. I nodded. "I don't wanna know about it because after, I get blamed for things I wasn't even in." I giggled at her.

After two hours of Rose and I 'spending time together', there was still no sign of Jake and Alice. I actually started to get worried until I thought about how stupid that was because for God's sake! My boyfriend is a werewolf and my aunt is a vampire! What could happen to those two? So Rose and I went to the food court because I was tired, where I ordered Chinese food and Rose gave my food a glare before looking around and listening for Alice and Jake.

Various sighs later, from Rose's part, she decided to talk again after she had been tapping her fingers impatiently on the table.

"That's it! It doesn't take that long to find some shorts for the dog," she said as she pulled her phone out of her bag. "I'm calling her."

"No, Rose," I said, grabbing her hand. "I'm sure whatever they're doing is productive."

"Yeah," she snickered. "As productive as what we're doing."

Moments later, Alice appeared with Jake. They were both grinning from ear to ear and looked extremely suspicious.

"So, who's ready to go home?" Alice asked, smiling innocently.

Jake's POV

Chapter 30 (Rings)

Talking to Charlie, as I mentioned before is fun. I can always make him uncomfortable by just looking at him. So the whole time we were at his house, I was laughing, which earned several curious glances from Nessie and Bella. Charlie avoided eye contact with me. It was pretty hilarious. On the way home, I pointed out to Bella how she greet me when she saw me, and it had been a pretty long time since we had seen each other. At least a day. It's true. I might've had something to do with the fact that Bella pulled over to give me a hug. I will give no more comments on that. Anyways, we continued until Bella left us right in front of the cottage. I didn't know what was the point in that because she knew exactly what we were gonna do now and she was making things easier but I guess she wasn't necessarily opposed to that.

"I'll try to get your dad to stay over there tonight," Bella told us. "Not that I regret having you and you know I love you but just to prevent another unexpected pregnancy, please use prot-"

"Mom!" Nessie screeched. The look on her face was priceless. "Please, just go! Thanks for the ride." Flush filled her cheeks and I knew that she was embarrassed so I didn't laugh but instead raised an eyebrow at her. Bella, however, chuckled and left. Nessie took in a deep breath and turned to look at me.

"Excuse me, Miss Cullen but why didn't you let your caring mother finish her sentence?" I asked her as she approached me.

"I prefer to be called Mrs. Black, if you don't mind." She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing herself closer to me.

"If that's what you'd like, but I should probably warn you," I wrapped my own arms around her waist and lifted her so we could be on the same level, "nothing I do today will be as gentle as it was yesterday."

"And that's just fine with me," she whispered close to my ear before pressing her lips against my own and giving me access of her mouth. I opened the door to the house, while I kept kissing her, and ran into her room. I didn't need to open my eyes to do the familiar path. I threw her on the bed, not too rough but also not very gentle. She arched a perfect eyebrow at me and I just growled before putting most of my weight on her as I kissed her again. Starting something that would last the whole night.

* * * *

I woke up to the sound of water running. I blinked furiously several times before realizing I was still in Nessie's bed. Naked. And… and alive! That means Edward, or Emmett and Jasper, didn't come here during the night. Thank God! Nessie was taking a shower, and I briefly remembered the day she had sang to me. I still remember the name of the song clearly as she'd told me; Love Story. I quickly got out of bed and in my inhuman speed grabbed her iPod off her iHome. I started looking through the songs until I found it. I had never heard the rest of the song and I was curious so I listened to it.

When the song was over, I got an idea. I knew she'd love it and probably would never expect it from me. Just then, I heard Nessie walk out of the shower.

"Hey, baby," I told her, patting my lap which was covered my the bed sheets. I was still looking through the iPod when she climbed onto my lap.

"Hi," she said quietly giving me a chaste kiss on the lips. She wiggle a little on my legs and I looked down at her, noticing she was only wearing a towel around herself.

"Are you okay?" I was afraid I had hurt her, even though I thought I had been gentle enough. "I didn't hurt you last night, did I?" She cupped my face in her hands and brought her lips to mine.

"Mmm no," she spoke on me. "I've never been better." I traced her lips with my tongue and she pulled away. I knew it was because her parents would come any second if we didn't go to The White House soon. "We should get dressed." I nodded at her as she stood up from my lap and walked to her closet. I set her iPod down on her bedside table and put my own clothes on. After that, we went to the kitchen where I made myself toast and drank some orange juice. Nessie didn't eat, claiming she was still satisfied. On the way to The White House, we stopped twice and basically slammed each other onto trees as we kissed. I was surprised we didn't break any.

We walked into The White House and no one noticed us. Well, they probably did notice us but just decided to ignore us. The little pixie, though, came running down the stairs and almost slammed into us as she hugged Nessie around her waist.

"I have a surprise!" I hated when she had those. They always included some type of torture for either me, or Nessie, or Bella, or me. Sometimes it was for all of us. I noticed the guys were playing with the x-box.

"What's your surprise, Alice?" Nessie asked her. I observed the game the guys were playing. It was racing. Why they would play it when they could actually just do it was beyond me but whatever.

"Nessie, if you value your life, run now. I'm allowing you to." I heard Bella say. I moved slowly and quietly away from Nessie and Alice to the couch where the guys were.

"Bella is just being over dramatic, Nessie. I know you love to shop!" My baby groaned and I smirked at myself for being right about the torturing thing before. I quickly took it back though because karma always found a way to getting at me. I sat on the end of the couch that was free and Jasper tossed me a control. Emmett was the one I was sitting next to and he sniffed me before hissing but didn't do anything else. I knew I smelled like Nessie all over, which was probably why Blondie hadn't made any remark on my 'stink'. I was already used to theirs.

"Is this another shopping trip?" Nessie complained as I sped past Edward's silver car with my blue mustang. "Can we leave that for another day, Alice? Is it not enough that we had to deal with the Volturi yesterday but you wanna torture me some more?" I was now in second place with Emmett ahead of me and Edward just a little behind. Jasper was almost passing Edward but couldn't seem to speed up.

"Ugh, Nessie, stop being so much like Bella! We're vampires, we don't get tired."

"Well I'm half human so I do get tired," Nessie argued with her aunt. I was getting closer and closer to Emmett. Just as I was about to pass him he clicked the turbo speed button and was out of my sight.

"And you had all of last night to sleep. It's your own fault if you decided to use the night for something else. Please, Nessie! Please, please, please, ple-"

"Fine! But Jake has to come." I was glad that Nessie cut her off- wait a minute, what? My head shot up faster than a bullet, and Edward and Jasper sped past my car. They high-fived each other.

"Aw, Ness," I whined.

"If I have to endure the torture then you do, too."

"But I was gonna spend the day with the guys and-"

"You're coming, Jake."

"Yes, ma'am," I saluted her with the hand I didn't have my control in before throwing the control at Edward, which he caught with one hand not even turning to look at me.

I didn't think I could endure much more from this. It had taken a whole hour to go to only 3 stores! It wasn't until we passed a jewelry store that I remembered this morning and my plan. I pulled Alice aside, I was sure she'd be happy to help me.

"Alice," I said and she smiled at me.

"Yes, Jakey?"

"Can you bring me to a store? I wanna buy some new shorts," I lied smoothly, thanks to my talent.

"Sure," Alice practically squealed.

"Wait, why don't I go with you?" Nessie asked. Excuse, excuse, excuse-

"Don't be silly, Nessie," Alice said, saving my life. "Spend some time with Rose. You guys like just about the same things." She pushed Blondie and Nessie into the closest store before we walked off in a different direction. "So, what store do you wanna go to?"

"Actually, Alice, I don't wanna buy shorts," her face fell a little when I told her this. "I wanna buy a wedding ring." Then, her eyes snapped even more open and I thought she was gonna explode. She started bouncing in place, her hair moving in all directions before she hugged me and squeezed the living hell out of me. "Alice," I got out and she let go. I could believe she was so strong.

"Sorry! Eeep! Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and pulled my through the crowd of people until we stopped at the first jewelry store. The clerk showed us all the wedding rings they had, Alice oo-ing and aa-ing in some of them but I didn't find the one that was Nessie's yet. So Alice dragged me into another jewelry store not too far from that one. The rings there were too plain. I said this, and Alice agreed with me so we went to another one. "I'm sure it's here," Alice said. "I can feel it." We were at Tiffany & Co. I saw one that I really liked and looked right for her but I didn't want it. The diamond was a perfect heart on a thin band of white gold. I didn't want to give her a diamond heart because it wouldn't represent my heart. I wasn't dead or frozen and neither was she. Then I saw it. It was sitting right next to that one.

"That's the one," I said out loud, while pointing at it. Alice gasped when she followed my finger.

"It's beautiful."

"Just like her," I agreed. It was beautiful, elegant, graceful, and gentle. Just like my baby. "We'll be taking this one," I said to the clerk. She asked me Nessie's size, which Alice answered, then what form of money would we use to pay and blah blah blah. I was beaming when we got out of the store, and Alice was just as happy.

"So how are you gonna do it?" She asked me.

"I don't want anyone to know, yet but you'll find out soon enough." Surprisingly, she didn't insist on knowing what it was. We were on our way to meet up with Nessie and Blondie, the ring in my pocket in it's little blue box. As soon as we spotted them, Nessie waved us over.

They were examining us suspiciously and Nessie came close to me.

"So, who's ready to go home?" Alice asked.

thanks for reading! im sooo sorry for taking such a long time but ive had some distractions... :) soo what do you think?? sorryy i didnt say what the ring looked like but in the next chapter you will know for sure! i also have the website, so you dont just have to imagine it! i had a little crying fest today bc i saw twilight and everytime i see it, i cry. and trust me, ive seen it alot of times! anyways, thanks for reading! please REVIEW! btw- this story is almost over (teardrop teardrop) im thinking no more than 3 more chapters. i know, it's sad. my baby's almost over! please REVIEW and tell me how you liked or didnt like this chapter. i really appreciate it. thanks for reading!! iloveyouguyssss -dunie