About the P.S at the end, no offense to guys. I just saw it somewhere and thought it was funny

Max: Despite the fact that we're running from killer erasers, I have decided I shall waste my time trying to find a good cookie.

Fang: *munches on peanuts*

Max: Wait, you are eating peanuts? SACRILEDGE!

Gazzy: Oh look, I see woman eraser.

Nudge: Yeah! The female experiments of the world are finally shaking off years of discrimination!!

Angel: Despite you being the girliest of all of us.

Max: Let's get off of the subject of feminist winged hybrids and RUN FOR OUR FREAKIN' LIVES!

Fang: How is nobody noticing these things hunting us?

Iggy: Hello? New York?


Max: Wow! I'm going to have spiritual moment about believing in god; then never say a word about him for the rest of the series!

JP: Yeah, I just wanted to make sure people didn't blame me for having characters that, like, impersonate angels or something.

Angel: Um, yeah. Wouldn't want that, now would we?

Iggy: Now we're all going to pray. God, it would be great if you could send me a bazooka, and some hand bombs, and some hairspray and matches. *cough* flame thrower *cough*.

Max: Hey Ig, what about protection?

Gazzy: Yeah, cause highly dangerous, lethal weapons aren't considered protection. Yo god, anytime you feel that it would be good to strike the Dr.s of Smarticleness or Intelligencityness with lighting, be our guest.

Nudge: Ditto

Angel: Copy that.

Fang: Repeat

Max: Amen

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am not trying to be sacrilegious or anything. Just funny. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Flock: We sleep in tree.

Cops: We try to arrest you and send you on wild police chase just because you were climbing a tree. After all, it's not like there are any dangerous criminals around in the most densely populated area in the country, or anything.

Flock: YOU'LL NEVER CATCH US ALIVE, COPPERS!!!! *laughs insanely*

Did this come before or after the church scene? Can't remember.


Gazzy: I shall now start snuffling and crying, making Max feel sorry for me so we can go get on the worldwide news.

Max: Yeah, cuz we're just crazy about publicity.

JP: Well, I had to move along the pot somehow.

Jason: Hello, delinquents! Despite you have this popular thing called money, we're going attempt to throw you out.

Max: God, this is getting annoying *dumps olive oil on his head*

Flock: Let's go. *flies away, blowing their almost nonexistent cover to all get out*


JP: Now we arrive at the scene where Fang almost dies, causing Max to kiss him. Nothing like a little bit of fore shadowing!

Max: Ya know, how does no one notice all of these erasers in broad daylight, anyway?

JP: There's a Jonas brothers concert farther down the beach.

Max: That explains a lot.

Fang: *is, like, hurt and stuff.*


Max: *kisses*

Fang: *heart explodes*

Max: Hope you enjoyed it. That's closest thing you'll get to making out with me until book five.

Gazzy: Let's see, Iggy is obviously the only sane one left, and he's blind. Let's put it this way; I'm dead.

JP: Look at it this way; soon Angel will be competing to take over Max's role soon anyway. You can be led by a little six year old that controls people with her mind.

Gazzy: Wonderful.


Love it? Hate it? REVIEW!!!!!


P.S. I'm about to embark on a journey to the deepest, darkest corners of my room in search of what some might call, "a floor". Wish me luck, my friends, for I may not return alive.