"I didn't know a van could go up on two wheels like that. For so long."- Nudge

I don't own anything except the parody. It is out of absolute adoration for this book that I mock it so.

Chapter One

Flowers and happiness and shortcake and mocking eight year olds…

Angel: OMG! Erasers!!

Max: WTF??????

Ari: Ha ha! I is eraser! Bow to my pink rubbery might!

James Patterson: *cough cough*

Ari: What? Oh, sorry JP. Bow to my hairy, wolfy, seven year old might!

Max: Turbo Action Heroes, go!

Le Fight: *Is bloody*

Iggy: Oh, frick. They took Angel and have a helicopter waiting for her.

Fang: Thank you, captain obvious.

Readers: Hold on. Erasers? What?

JP: Werewolves.

Members of team Jacob: Woohoo!

Angel: Max! Save me!

Max: Na, I'm just going to attack a helicopter for my health.

Angel: Shut up and take a plot point.


Max: Okay guys, let's go get Angel.

Iggy: Hahahahahahahahaha-NO.

Max: Say what?

Iggy: I'm not going on a suicide mission.

Max: Sure, whatever. You weren't going to go anyway.

Iggy: You bet I'm- wait, what? *Le gasp* You were going to leave me behind? Suddenly, I want to go on this so called suicide mission.

Max: No way.

Gazzy: Haha. Sux 4 U.

Max: You're not going either, oh-smelly-one.

Gazzy: WTF?

Nudge: Stop speaking in abbreviations! That's my thing!

Fang: Hahahaha. You probably can't go because your scent would lead them right to us.

Gazzy: That's not the reason, is it Max? It's probably something smart like me being to young.

Max: Na, it's pretty much the scent thing, Farticus. Anyway, no matter what the reason, you guyz aren't going.

Gazzy&Iggy: Oh go to h-

Max: Alright. Let's go before this thing is still rated K+.

Fang: Wait, you mean me and you are going together? ALONE??

Max: Stop drooling, emo boy. No, nudge is going too.

Fang: Ah man. I'm gonna go slit my wrists.

Max: No way. Be emo on your own time. Besides, that's Ari's thing.

Ari: Hey! That's not till book two!

Max: Shut up dog breath. I'm not supposed to kick your #$% until we're in a subway tunnel.

Once again, I wrote this because I love the books, parodies are funny, and Ari threatened to kill me if I didn't. R&R!!!!!