Okay, so ever since everyone started liking my oneshot, Only So Much Time, I decided that I really liked writing in Leah's point of view. She's a character that I feel doesn't really get explained enough in the book, and even though Stephenie may have written it differently, writing about her makes me feel like more of her story is complete. Wow, that's cheesy, but anyway, this might become a series if enough of you like it, so REVIEW and COMMENT!!!!

I grimaced at my reflection in the mirror. Bubble-gum pink, Emily? Seriously? Was she trying to make this torture even more impossible than it already was? The dress was disgusting. I had refused to go shopping for dresses with Emily, even though I was the maid of honor. I regretted that decision as I turned to the left, wondering if I would look any better at an angle. I didn't. All of the bridesmaids were from La Push; why had Emily thought that any of us would look good in pink? We looked sickly.

"Leah, you ready to go?" Jacob Black said, poking his head in the door, then came in the room. He was (surprisingly) the best man, and was also looking great in the black tux, even though I would never admit that out loud.

"How disgusting do I look?" I asked, turning towards him and pouting. It was a rhetorical question, and I didn't really expect or want an answer.

"Pink really isn't your color," Jake admitted, a smirk forming on his mocking face. I sighed, stepping down from the small platform that was in front of the three-way mirror.

"Let's just get this over with," I murmured, walking towards him. A confused expression flashed across his face.

"If you don't want to be here, why did you agree to be maid of honor?" he asked. His tone wasn't mocking this time, it was pure. Like he genuinely wanted to know the motive behind what I was about to put myself through. I stood there in shock. Jake-or anyone for that matter- had never cared about what I had to say before today. What was it about today that made everybody suddenly care about me? My mom had been fawning over me for hours, never leaving me alone before I all but pushed her out the door an hour ago so I could have a few minutes alone to mentally prepare myself for what lay just forty-five minutes into my future. Did she think that I was depressed enough to kill myself right before my cousin's wedding? I'm depressed, but not that depressed. It took a few moments before I realized that Jake was still waiting for an answer. I scrambled for words, looking for a good answer.

"I don't know. I guess I wanted to show Emily that everything was okay between us; that we could still be best friends like before. Also that I'm strong enough- I'm not about to let all of La Push label me as weak. Maybe part of it is for me, though. So that I can have some closure. Some proof that he doesn't want me anymore, that he doesn't love me like I love him. It's just...I don't know..." I stared at my hands, embarrassed. I had never opened up to anyone like that before, and it was odd that I felt comfortable discussing this with Jacob. Surprisingly, he just nodded like he understood. How could he understand? How could anyone possibly understand how I was feeling right now? That's when it hit me. Jacob did understand. This was exactly what had happened between him and his leech-loving best friend, Bella Swan. Except for the fact that Jacob refused to show up at the wedding ceremony, just as I had.

"How did it feel…knowing that she belonged to somebody else, knowing that it wasn't meant to be? I just want to know so that I'm prepared," I asked him quietly. At first, he didn't respond, and he didn't even move for a while- he was thinking about his response.

"In a way, I felt oddly relieved. I knew she was happy, and that it was what she wanted. It was also that I didn't have to fight anymore. I didn't have to fight for something that I knew I was never going to win. All that time, I had this feeling like that if I fought for her love, I just might get it, though a part of me told me that I didn't stand a chance, I just had to keep fighting. The wedding made me feel like the fighting was over, and I had lost the battle, just like I had told myself from the beginning. It was shockingly easy to comprehend…to understand, more so, to accept," he said.

"So, it feels good? You're happier?" I asked. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of me being happy after Sam was married to somebody else.

"In a way, yes, but in a way, no. You still remember what could have been if that somebody else wasn't standing in your way, but you also are constantly reminded that they're happier this way, and that makes you happy, sometimes. It makes me mad that she's happier with someone else rather than me, but again, if she's happy, I'm happy. Or at least, that's how I look at it. It helps." He explained.

"Thanks, Jake. Believe it or not, you're a great friend." I said. And it was true. No matter how much it hurt to say so, Jacob was one of the truest friends ever. He smiled widely.

"I'm glad you think so high of me, Leah," he said sarcastically. His white smile clashed against his russet skin.

"Let me re-phrase that. When you're not being a pain in my ass, Jake, you're a good friend," I said smiling.

"Come on, you two, the ceremony is about to start," Sue Clearwater, my mother, said, poking her head in the doorway. She was supposed to make sure that everything flowed smoothly 'backstage', and was not giving up on her job.

As Jacob took my arm, lining up to go down the aisle, I couldn't even look back to get a look at Emily. She probably looked gorgeous next to me in this stupid pink dress. Even though Emily's face had been scarred years ago because of Sam, she had always managed to look stunning no matter what. Of course, Sam was overly protective of her- he didn't like it if you looked at her for too long- he felt guilty. The music started; the traditional piece that marked a wedding day. My mom told my younger brother, Seth, and some girl I didn't recognize to start, and soon enough, it was our turn to walk. I felt almost giddy as Jacob walked me down the aisle. I felt almost gorgeous as the glowing bride behind me, despite the wad of silk gum wrapped around me. My shiny black hair had been blown out to perfection, and my makeup was the best it had ever looked. I easily walked to the beat of the slow wedding march. I saw Sam staring at me. He gave me a slight nod, and I tried to figure out what that meant. Was he saying it was all good between us? That he was glad I was there to support Emily? Did he feel bad for me? I stopped the thought before I could burst out crying. I smiled, and Jacob's arm slid from between my elbow, and we separated. I stood behind Sam, staring at the back of his head so I wouldn't have to look at Emily.

A sudden change in the music caught my attention though, and the boring march that I had walked to seemed to morph into a full-out fanfare. Again, I felt unsuperior to Emily as I always did. The entire audience stood-even Billy Black in his wheelchair in the front row was trying to make his back grow so he could see Emily. I was doing my best, but I had to look. I had to see the beautiful bride as she came sauntering down the aisle. I lifted my head slowly, as if it were a thousand pounds, and looked at her. I almost laughed. All this grief for nothing. Emily didn't look any better than I did, and for some selfish reason, I was glad I didn't go dress shopping. The dress Emily was wearing should have been beautiful, but it didn't fit her petite body correctly. It sagged in the wrong places, and it was too tight in others. Her asymmetrical face didn't do the dress justice, either. As I caught a glimpse of Sam's broad smile, I wanted to mess up the other half of her face. I pulled my thoughts together quickly, though, as I saw Jacob's concerned look pointed directly at me. Seth was nervously eyeing me, too, as if he expected that I would phase any second. I put a smile on my face and both of them visibly relaxed. Emily glanced at me, and I smiled reassuringly, and her wide smile only got bigger. Of course, my smile was fake, but Emily didn't need to know that.

Soon enough, the ceremony came to the part I had mentally prepared myself for so much in the past couple of weeks. Emily had told me that they were each going to each say a short speech talking about their love and what they want to tell each other. As each of them read their speech, I listened, knowing that this was the closure I needed, no matter how painful it might have been. Sam said his first, his voice calm, clear and strong.

"Emily. I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. Sometimes, I can't even fathom it myself how beautiful you are. I have waited so long for this day, and am so glad that it has finally come. I'm glad that all our friends and family are here to witness our marriage, and our true love for one another. I promise, I vow to you, that I will stick by you no matter what happens. I will be there for you as a lover, a husband, a friend, a coworker, a brother, anything you want or need me to be, I'll be there. I will protect you when needed, and love you always and forever," he finished, and the audience applauded. It took me a moment to realize I was crying. The words, no matter who they were directed at, were so passionate and binding, it was hard to keep myself together. I prepared myself for Emily's speech.

"Sam. We've been through so much together, and it has finally led to this. I'm the happiest I've ever been right now, knowing that I get to be with you for the rest of my life. You're not just my true love, you are my best friend. I promise you, that I will be there for you to the best of my ability. I will be someone you can talk to, someone you can cry to, and someone, that you can come home to at the end of the day. I vow that I will never love anyone the way I love you, that I will be faithful and strong, and we will always be honest with each other; there will never be a secret kept between us." Emily's voice shook through the entire thing, and I almost laughed at how cheesy her vow sounded.

"Emily Young, do you take this man..." the minister said, and I had to tune out the rest. I couldn't bear it. I could hardly hear Emily's whispered 'I do'.

"Samuel Uley, do you take this woman..." I squeezed my eyes shut as Sam said those two binding words.

"I do," he said, confident, and ecstatic, and clear, and strong...so much emotion packed into two little words that made my heart practically rip in half. It hurts more when you can actually feel your heart breaking, I realized. The minister's next words were unclear to me. They seemed far away, like I was in a deep in a cave far away, yet so close to this moment. I was woken out of my trance when the crowd applauded. Thankfully, I had missed their first kiss as husband in wife. Sam grabbed Emily's hand, and they ran down the aisle. Jacob beckoned me forward as I realized that it was our turn. I took his hand.

"Are you okay?" he mumbled into my ear.

"For now," I muttered. Once we were outside, Emily found me immediately; Jacob went over to talk to Sam.

"Oh, Lee Lee, thank you so much! You are the best friend ever!" she squealed. She seemed to forget all the pain I was in right now. Right, great friend, Em.

"Thanks, Em. Congratulations though, I'm glad everything worked out for you." I said, though the enthusiasm was a little flat. A little was just a bit of an understatement

"Lee, thank you, really. This couldn't have been easy for you, and I don't like making things hard, so I'm forever grateful to you..."

"Em, seriously, chill. It was no big deal." Yes it was. It was a huge deal. And, though I would never show it, I was dying, on the inside at least.

Sam suddenly motioned for me to come over to him. I blinked twice, wondering if I had imagined it, or if it had been a trick of the light, or maybe my subconscious mind showing me what I wanted most. I then looked behind me, but there was only Emily, hugging Jacob.

"Leah," he said, motioning for me again. His voice was quiet, only the werewolves here could have possibly heard it. I hesitated, but eventually moved forward. What could he want from me? After everything he'd put me through, I couldn't believe he actually wanted to say something to me. What was it? What could he possibly take from me now? I had nothing left to give him, let alone everyone else. I had nothing anymore, so what did I have to lose? Once I reached him, it was silent for several long moments. He then took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. Those were the words I had been waiting to hear for a long time. The pained expression on his face seemed wrong at this event, and I looked back at Emily, who was staring straight at me.