I dont own degrassi

Jay was impressed with how Emma took to Blake. It had has been a month of her living him and she was always taking care of both. Jay couldn't help but smile. Sean walked over.

"She proved you wrong didn't she?" Sean said.

"Yea she did. Honestly thought she would never take to him." jay said. "I'm glad she did. You don't mind watching them tonight? I really want to be alone with Em and show her that we can work. I know she still iffy. Especially since Amy seems to be coming around more."

"You think Amy is up to something?" Sean asked.

"I really hope not because Blake doesn't need that shit. Either do I to be honest. I just hope she doesn't take him from me." Jay said. "He's been here since day 1."

Manny came running in. "Fucking Amy."

Emma came out holding Blake. Jay and Sean glanced at her weirdly.

"That bitch stole my money and took off. She left a note, she's gone again. She even stated she doesn't care about Blake."

Jay looked pissed. Sean followed him as he slammed the door. Emma glanced at Manny then at Blake.

"Poor little guy." Emma said. Blake started crying. "It's ok." Manny sighed.

"Sorry." Manny said. "she's horrible."

"Well it was only a matter of time." Emma said. "At least he doesn't understand yet. That's the plus side."

"Seriously." Manny said. Lily started crying from the swing. Manny grabbed her. "I got her."

Emma smiled at Manny. "Thanks."

Jay walked back in and grabbed a beer. Emma glanced at him. "Want one?"

"Sure." Emma said. Blake was sound asleep in Emma. Jay was angry still but couldn't help but smile at how calm Blake seemed. He couldn't help but question why he was angry Blake had a mother Emma. Seemed like she cares alot about him.

"Thanks." Jay said. Emma glanced at him weird. "Just being amazing and loving Blake as your own. It means alot."

"Well he didn't ask for this life."

Jay nodded and sipped his beer. "let me see my boy." Emma smiled and handed Blake over. Emma got up and grabbed her beer. "I would have gotten it."

"no problem." Emma said. "Amy doesn't deserve to know him. You have done some great Jay don't let her get to you."

Jay glanced at her and smiled sadly. "Yea I know but I feel like an asshole, no mom. Should have given him up like she wanted. He would have 2 loving parents like Lily has."

Emma frowned. Wow she didn't know he beat himself up so bad over this. "Jay he has me now."

"I know." Jay said. Emma glanced at him knowing he had more on in his mind. She finished her beer and got up. Sean and Ellie walked in with Sean's little girl.

"I play with Blake?" Krista asked.

"Sure." Jay said placing him down. "we will be back." Jay said as he left with Sean.

"Where are they going?" Ellie asked.

"Jays s a bit beating himself up. He feels bad that Blake doesn't have what Lily has which is both of us. Even though I adore the little guy. He feels like an ass."

"Well Amy coming then going doesn't really help with that." Ellie said. "He is doing amazing better than I ever imagined."

"I know, wish he would see that." Emma said sadly.

"He's scared." Manny said. "He loves Blake to death but he wishes Amy would to."

"Which will never happen." Emma said.

"Well I Sean told me Jay adores the way you are with Blake, so give him time to cool off. Once he does he will forget about the dead beat mom Blake has and the amazing mom that adores him to pieces." Ellie said hugging Emma. "Jay knows he got lucky with you, but down deep it hurts him probably because of his own parents. "

"Which one was his dead beat?" Manny asked.

"His mom died when he was young, his step mom and asshole of a father raised him but pretty much didn't if that makes sense. His older brother did." Ellie said. "I asked Sean once." Ellie said seeing the girls glance at her weird.

"I guess we all always wondered why he was such a treat." Manny said. "Sort of makes sense."

"Yup and now daddy is paying him to be able to see Jay and the kids. Trust me Jay rather not have anything to do with his father but he knew he can't do it with 2 kids with 1 job." Ellie said. "Ok I'm done."

Emma smiled and laughed. "No worries El."

Jay and Sean walked back in. Jay sat on the couch silently.

"So I kind of have a problem." Manny said breaking the awkward silence. Everyone looked at her. "I need a place to crash well live. Since I now have no money and forgot to mention my place was trashed and I got kicked out."

"She trashed it?" Emma said. "Is the rest of my shit safe or gone?"

"Most was safe since you had it in my room in boxes. But she did smash the babies stuff."

Emma sighed. "Great." Jay glanced at her weird. "What? Manny please tell me I put her birth certificate and stuff in your room."

"Yea she ripped that stuff up."

Emma sighed. "I swear she is dead when I see her."

"I guess I should leave the part out where she smashed your bank your mom got you when you were little."

Jay jumped up and grabbed Emma as she was heading for the door. "Your not going to find her."

"No I'm going to go see what of my shit she didn't ruin."

"Promise?" Jay said.

"Manny will be with me so no worries." Emma said leaving.

Emma and Manny grabbed some of the stuff and headed back to Jays.

"So can Manny crash here for awhile?" Emma asked.

"Sure." Jay said. "So how bad did she damage the place."

"Bad." emma said. "She smashed every window there was."

"Manny you need to turn her in." Jay said.

"I did." Manny said .

"So Sean's watching the kids tonight because we are going out." Jay said. "Especially after all this Amy shit we deserve it."

Manny smiled. "So are you guys actually together yet or?"

Emma glared at Manny.

"I guess." Jay said. "I mean we haven't really talked about it. Em?"

"If you want us to be." She said.