I do not own degrassi!!!

What if Sean came back but never chose Emma? Instead He went back to Ellie.

What if Jay didn't stop doing his dirty deeds at the ravine? Especially with a certain person?

What if a certain person was hiding a secret from everyone?

Running away is what most people do when they'd rather not face their problem, but sometimes it isn't that easy when you have know where to run. So then you are stuck with facing those problems or else you can just hide them from those who should know the truth.

"Jay man, hey its Sean." Sean said on the other end. He kept staring at the red light how long did it take for a damn red light to turn green now a day's anyways. So far it seemed like hours.

"Sean? Sean who?" Jay said laughing. "Kidding Cameron, so why the phone call after what 6 months?"

"I'm coming back."

"O back here to Degrassi?"

"Where else would I be running back to."

"What are you running away from now?" Jay said. "Sean you only go somewhere new when there is something pushing you away."

"It's a long and complicated story." Sean sighed. "I'll tell you soon enough. But for now I need to move on."

Or maybe some people are just best at running away. Running away from all their problems all the time. Leaving those who mean something behind. Leaving a new memory behind. I hate those who run; I hate those who can't stand up to their problems. But in all honesty I guess we are all one of those at least one point in our lives, though we may hate to admit to it.

"I see, so you are only running."

"Running from s something perhaps, but also running towards something."

"Emma Nelson maybe?" Jay said.

"No, I need to fix things with Ellie."

"Oo Miss. Nash."

"Yeah why?"

"O no reason." Jay said.

"What don't I know?"

"A lot about this place, it isn't the same anymore."

Nothing stays the same. People change as time changes. Especially when you're missing from that certain place for awhile. Welcome to life it isn't meant to be simple or meant to be complicated. It's just life; you choose how you want your life to be.

"Hey Emma." Manny said.

"Yeah?" Emma said.

"What's wrong, you seem out of it."

"I just don't feel good." Emma said.

"Go to the nurse go home."

"I can't."

"O Emma never goes home sick never."

"Whatever Manny."

"Whatever to you to." Manny said and walked away leaving Emma standing by herself.

There are times when you wish you could spill the truth to the world. But you know it isn't that simple. Running away from those who know the real you seems to be the easiest way, but sometimes it just isn't that easy. You have to figure out where you're going to go. How much money it will take to get there. Where you will stay etc. So sometimes you're stuck with a secret that you just can't tell those who know you better then you know your own damn self sometimes. Welcome to a complicated life.

Emma stared at herself in the mirror. She didn't like who she was becoming, but there was really no going back now. She had made this person and she now had to continue with her.

"Hey." Ellie said as she walked in the bathroom.

"Since when did you even say hello to me?" Emma said rudely.

"I was being nice." Ellie snapped.

"I don't need you to be nice."

"What the hell is your problem?" Ellie asked Emma as she stood in front of her.

"This whole damn world that is what my problem is."

"Emma Nelson hates the world? Wow now this is something new." Ellie said confused. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine will you please leave me alone."

"Whatever." Ellie said as she headed towards one of the stalls.

Emma stared once more at herself and frowned. She then headed out of the bathroom and towards her locker. Screw this. She thought to herself. I'm out of this damn hell hole for the rest of the day. Emma grabbed her jacket and glanced around. Everyone was in classes at the moment so she was safe at no one seeing her leave the building.

You can lie to some people, but most people know the real you. The one that is hiding a deep dark secret. But still you lie and say your fine. You don't know what to do. But lying seems easy. Though I'm sure it isn't. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

Emma ran as fast as she could away from Degrassi. She decided to make her way to the ravine. This is where all her problems started. If only I stayed at home all those nights, only if I was to be the good little girl Emma Nelson, not this crazy one. Not this one who gets herself into such crazy messes. I don't know what to do anymore. Emma burst out crying. She really didn't know what to do anymore. Or where to go with her life.

Running away may seem like the right choice. But in reality if you knew why everyone who ran away ran away, sometimes you would just think they were chickens. Sometimes you have to grow up and stand up to your problems. Face them head on. It really isn't that hard. Well then again maybe the real reason a person ran away could be really shocking if you only knew the truth.