Summary: We all know that Carlisle made Edward into a vampire to save him from death. But what happened after that? This story tells the events leading up to the creation of the Cullen family. An ode to my hero and original Vampire novelist, Anne Rice. Warning. Very dark and angst ridden. Enjoy!

The transformation was a harrowing experience for both men involved. Carlisle had never attempted to make another vampire before Edward. The sheer volume of blood coursing into his mouth tested his will power.

He fought off the urge to drain the boy dry, yet that was only half way into the process, the next part would be true test Carlisle's strength as well as Edward's.

The process of becoming a vampire involved the death of ones body; a feeling that could only be described as having acid coursing through your veins on its way to your heart. Your body would shake and quiver as it tried to dispel the venom, yet some were not able to handle it and their heart gave out before the venom had done it's purpose. Carlisle truly wished that Edward could do this. His own transformation was so terrifying; the mere memory shook him to his core.'

He stole the boy away from the hospital, hiding him away in his loft on the east side. He restrained the boy to the bed, several leather belts wrapped around his wrists and ankles.

Edward screamed and writhed on the bed, his body convulsing violently. His green eyes rolled backward in his head, as his mouth dropped open.

Carlisle hovered over the bed, his eyes flashing nervously over Edward's body. He clenched and unclenched his fists, wringing out his hands as he paced the apartment floor. He covered Edward's mouth as his screams were alerting the neighbors on the floor. With his hands pressed over his face, Carlisle stared down at him silently.

The process took several hours, lasting long into the night and the next morning. Finally, he was ready.

Edward opened his eyes, now a deep void of black, turning to Carlisle.

Carlisle removed his hands, sliding gracefully into a chair beside the bed.

Edward's brows furrowed together as his eyes danced over Carlisle's face. "You're the doctor". he muttered softly, his eyes trailing up the walls of the empty flat.

"Yes. I am Edward." Carlisle said, his eyes falling to the ground. He reached out, quickly unwrapping the restraints as Edward sat up.

"Where am I"? He asked turning quickly to Carlisle. He frowned as voices echoed in his mind, one voice standing out in particular. Carlisle's. 'What have I done? So young. What will I say to him'? "What was that"? Edward said as Carlisle frowned.

"I did not speak." He said, his yellow eyes softening.

"But you did, I heard you."

Carlisle shook his head, his eyes turning toward the window.

"Dr. Cullen". Edward whispered breaking Carlisle's lifeless stare. "What did you do? Why do you regret doing this"?

Carlisle's eyes widened for a moment as he looked at Edward. "I am sorry son. I have sinned terribly." He folded his hands under his chin. "I have doomed you. But not for me, for your mother".

"My mother"? Edward muttered staring at the metal heater against the wall. He searched his mind for a memory of the woman Carlsile spoke of, only finding blurry images of a strange woman. "Was she at the hospital"? Edward said looking at Carlisle.

"Yes." Carlisle said smoothly. "On her dying bed she asked me to save you. I knew of no other way but this". He whispered bowing his head.

"What do you mean"? Edward said glancing down at his body. "Nothing has changed in me. There are no stitches or bandages or anything."

Carlisle laughed dryly, his eyes flickering to the window. "No. To a human eye it would look as if you were exactly the same as you were in your hostpital bed. Your hair is still messy, your body still as it was." He glided to his feet, his hand curling around the shutters. Prying them apart, he watched the sunlight fall on Edward's skin.

Edward gasped, his skin sparkling as if it had been dipped in diamonds. His eyes flickered back to Carlisle. "What is this"?

Carlisle shut the blinds, falling back into the chair. "You are not as you were then. I have made you what I am. You are a creature of the night, a vampire."

"What"? Edward laughed, his brows pulling together. "Have you gone mad good doctor? Those creatures only exist in fables, in childrens books". He looked over his body once more. Glancing back at Carlisle, he saw a ray of sunshine peeking through the shutters, hitting the side of his cheek. His skin glimmered brightly.

"No. Edward you are as I am." Carlisle shut his eyes, his fingers against his temple.

"You did it again". Edward muttered as Carlisle looked at him. "This truly a mess, how can I make him understand'? You said that just now".

Carlisle's eyes widened, his hand dropping onto his knee. "I didn't say that son, I was thinking it." He fell silent, his eyes flashing over Edward cautiously. "Perhaps the ancients were right."

"About what"? Edward said throwing his legs over the side of the mattress.

"They say that some of us are born with gifts. They are similar to traits we had as humans. Perhaps you are one of them".

"You say born. What do you mean by that"?

"I mean born into this life. It is just a phrase, it means nothing really. What is done is done".

Edward's eyes trailed to the walls, many stacks of medical jounals sat on the floor. "Can you explain to me what it is you are talking about"? Edward muttered as Carlsile nodded.

"In time you will learn everything I know. I will give you all the knowledge I have aquired in my years of life." He rose to his feet, walking smoothly toward his books. "We will travel by night, I will show you the ways in which to live".

"By night"? Edward said as Carlisle.

"By night. Or when the sun is not on us. Humans are just as you are now my son. They still believe we are creatures of legend. They scare quite easily."