'Shane.' Mitchie pouted. 'Don't go.'

He laughed and kissed her forehead. 'I won't be long.'

'But I'll miss you!'

'Mitchie, I'll call you everyday. And before and after concerts. And before bed. And when I wake up. And whenever I can. I promise.'

'I know you will, but it won't be the same. Why do you have to go on tour?'

He laughed again, 'I spent the whole summer with you! And September. And October! I owe it to my fans.'

'But I'll miss you.' She whines again. Shane chuckles and leans down to kiss her mouth this time. After a while they pull away.

'I'll miss you too.'

'Then why are you going?'

'I have to.'

'Why don't you want to stay?'

'I do. I really do.'

'Then why are you going?'

'You ask a lot of questions.' He laughed.

'But you love me anyway.' Mitchie smiled.

'True.' He said, letting go of Mitchie to pick up his rucksack.

'I don't want to say goodbye.' She said, tears forming in her eyes. Shane laughed at her cuteness, before pulling her in for an apologetic hug.

'Then don't.' Mitchie looked confused. 'Don't think of it as goodbye, Mitch. Think of it more as 'See you later.''

'It's still goodbye.' She mumbled grumpily.

'I'm sorry. I don't want to go.'

'Then why are you? Why aren't you angry? Why aren't you putting up a fight?'

''Cause if I get angry then I'll revert back to jerk-Shane and I'll lose you and without you then I … I don't know what I'll do.' He explained desperately. Mitchie put her arms around Shane and buried her head in his chest.

'You'll never lose me.'

They stood there swaying for God know how long, until they heard a car horn.

'It's Time For Me To Fly.' He smirked.

'Hold On.' She breathed, anxiously gripping onto his shirt.

'Take A Breath babe.' Shane chuckled, holding her hands.

'6 Minutes?' She questioned, and Shane laughed at her puppy-dog eyes.


'Stop Pushing Me Away.' She pouted.

'Goodnight And Goodbye.' He laughed.

'A Little Bit Longer?'

'We're cheesy aren't we?' He said, kissing her forehead.

'So cheesy.' Mitchie agreed, looking up and smiling at his angel-eyes. 'I Love You.'

'Love You Too.' He said, giving her one more short kiss before grabbing his suitcase and walking out of the front door.

'See you later Shane.' She said, clinging to the doorframe for support as she watched him go.

Two OnShot's in one day? Wowwerz - I'm on a roll :P Again, like it? Love it? It's very random - written in a mix of RS, French and Geography lessons XD I dunno :) I'm taking challenges for OneShot's now - tell me a song and I'll have a OneShot on it within a day :) Don't be a stranger now :)
