Ten things about Roy Mustang.

1. Roy understands the Elric's obbsession with finding thier stone. All he remembers of his father is an empty chair and a look in his mothers eyes when she thought he was too busy to notice and she would sigh and look towards the north, towards home, where Roys father died fighting another war there; a man with his eyes and dark hair; a face just like his, so difrent from his arian step-father and his fair mother, and there was a time Roy would have given anything to give his father back to his mother.

2. When he was a child his mother would tell him stories of how his father used alchemy to fight for his people. He grew up belivieng war was an honerable pursiut. He dreamed of going off and coming back a warrior, able to stop his step-father from hurting his mother.

3. After his mother died Roy joined the military. He could not save her and his baby sister and he felt he diserved death. Three years later he went back and killed his step-father; no one missed the town drunk.

4. Riza was always behind him. He sometime wonders why he never saw Riza as a potentail wife. Part of him wants to belive that he sees her as a sister; a slightly scary, homicidal, gun carrying sister. But the other part of him knows that the truth is because she reminds him of his mother; strong but so fragile all at once.

5. He told her that once and she kicked his ass to prove him wrong. She never mentoined it to any one else but she has made it clear that she had no problem with doing it agin if she needed to.

6. Edward, he thinks is the same way, but he has more sense than to tell him that. Not the same in the reminding him of his mother, but in the fragility. All the strength waiting for someone to come and break him.

7. Roy would do anything in his power to keep that from hapening. Anything. He loves the little brat, even if he will never tell him that.

8. Roy's first time with a woman was when he was fourteen. His first time with a man was at sixteen, right after joining the army. Maes was very considerate, Roy just wanted it over. He never told Maes he loved him. The night he was going to was the night Meas showed him a ring and told him about Gracia.

9. The only time Roy has told someone he loved them they left. After not seeing each other for months, they spent the entire night wrapped in each other. Roy whispered "I love you", when he thought Edward was asleep and was shocked to find out he wasn't when he heard, "I love you too, Roy". Edward went through the gate that day, while he faught Bradley. He wishes Bradley had killed him.

10. Everytime he saw Alphonse he wanted to cry. That is why he took his possition out away from everyone where it was bleak and cold and so much like home but not. After all, how could anywhere be home without Edward?