Hey everyone!

It has been so long! How are you all doing? So much has happened with me.

It's been almost a year since the last chapter of Case Files was published. This year took me away from writing and into a whirlwind of things, with a new school, two relationships and, in the end, a lot of self-reflection. I've found myself in a similar position as the one I was in when I created Dwindle, Fa, Arrival and Charade last December/January – trying to find and celebrate myself after a hard, emotionally draining relationship… in this self-reflection and mulling I have once again turned to writing as a powerful tool. So, getting to the point of this long paragraph, I give you, FINALLY, an update in the Case Files branch of the Death Note Universe: a mid/prequel from Backup's point of view known as "The Enigma of Fa." It is short - 2000 words, approximately – and deals with Backup's feelings in retrospect from his tiny jail cell near Los Angeles. I hope you enjoy it. It may still be a long time before I come up with the sequel. I have it all very clearly in my head, but after so long, getting back into the heads of Dwindle, Fa and Charade has been tough. I am very desperately trying to avoid making Case Files any more angsty than it is, so it might have to be that Remnants will be put on hold for longer. Please stay tuned to this story for future updates regarding Case Files: Remnants!

If you are interested in my original fiction works, check out my profile on writerscafe: kaychi. I am currently working on a teen comedy (with magic powers!), and could really use some feedback & editing… if you'd like to help, please email me at fireballyoshi (ATSIGN) .

Thank you for listening to my rant, and I hope you enjoy The Enigma of Fa. (You can find it, by the way, by clicking my username and going to my other stories. :D)

See you around!