Disclaimer: You guys (or girls) know the drill: No, I don't own Harry Potter. Yes, I wish I did :)
Time After Time
Chapter Four: I'm Just Missing You
September 1, 2003
As soon as the train arrived in Hogsmeade Harry, Ron, and Ginny raced to grab the first carriage to Hogwarts. They didn't stop to look at the thestrals as they had in previous years, because they were in such a hurry to see Dumbledore.
When they reached Dumbledore's office the trio found him standing by the gargoyle as if waiting for them.
"Lemon drop," he said simply and the gargoyle sprang to life, "Follow me please, you three." His blue eyes were twinkling which led Harry, Ron and Ginny to believe that he knew what was going on. Dumbledore went to sit behind his desk and pointed to the three chairs in front of it, "Sit, please."
"Professor, you have to help!" Harry exclaimed.
"Hermione is gone, she just disappeared!" Ginny added.
"And it's entirely my fault," Ron said miserably, "I'm so stupid!"
"Mr. Weasly, you may have caused her to disappear, but you must not worry, no harm will come to her," Dumbledore replied.
"Sir?" Harry questioned.
"Harry, Mr. Weasley, and Miss. Weasley, your friend, Miss. Granger, was planning on using a timeturner again this year to help with her classes. You all recall her using one four years ago in her 3rd year?" They nodded, "Unfortunately, Mr. Weasley spun it one too many times and she has fallen back into time."
"Then why can't she just use the timeturner to come back here?" inquired Ginny.
"That is a good question Miss. Weasley," Dumbledore got out of his seat and walked to the window to look at the stars, "Time works in curious ways sometimes. Hermione has a task she must accomplish before her timeturner will return to her and she can return to our time. Now, the feast will begin soon and I'm afraid we will all be missed if we don't show up, so off you go now."
"But, Sir, what abou—" Ron began.
"Not now Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore interrupted as he ushered them all out the door.
"Professor," Harry paused before he left, "What time did Hermione get sent to?"
"Your parents 7th year," he replied with a sad smile.
Days passed, then weeks, and then 2 months had passed. Nothing was the same without Hermione. Harry and Ron's grades weren't the only things that were suffering; they were both sinking into despair without Hermione brightening up their days. The whole school thought it was so strange for them to be so sad especially when Harry had just defeated Voldemort in early June. Then again, the rest of the school had been told that she had decided to finish her schooling at Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts. Only her close friends were told where she had really gone.
No one blamed Ron for what happened. It had just been pure curiosity. He still felt extremely guilty about the sadness he had caused his friends, family, and himself to feel.
One day in early November Ron was sitting in the common room staring out the window when he came up with an idea. "Why did no one think of this before?!" he berated himself and the others as he ran to find Harry. He found Harry sitting in the middle of the Quidditch field firebolt next to him, deep in thought.
"Harry!" Ron called as he ran on to the field, "I have an idea! I don't know why we haven't thought of this before!" Harry startled and looked in Ron's direction.
"What did we not think of?"
"Lupin," said Ron between breathes, he sat down next to Harry, "I mean think about it, if Hermione went back to your parents 7th year then Lupin would have known her. Since none of the teachers will talk to us about it, then why don't we talk to Remus?"
As Harry took it all in his face began to brighten. "Why don't I write him a letter and ask if he'll meet us at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade this weekend," Harry suggested.
"Okay, let's go do it now!" Ron and Harry scrambled back to the castle and up to the Gryffindor common room. Once they arrived Harry immediately sat down with a quill and parchment to write Remus. While he wrote Ron spotted Ginny sitting by the fire and went to fill her in on what was going on. Harry finished and went to show Ron before going to send it off with Hedwig.
It read:
Dear Remus,
Hermione has fallen back in time and we know she went back to you seventh year. None of the professors including Dumbledore will tell us anything about her. We just want to know how she is doing and anything else you want to tell us. Please do this favor for us, we are worried about her and we just want to be put at ease.
How about meeting the 3 of us at the Three Broomsticks this Saturday at 12:00?
Harry, Ron, and Ginny
"Sounds good!" Ron said while Ginny nodded in agreement.
"Okay, I'll go send it now." Harry folded the letter and walked up to the Owlry. He whistled for Hedwig and she flew down to him. "Take this to Remus, please," he said while tying the letter to her leg.
"Thank you!" he called as she flew away.
The next day the trio got their reply from Remus:
Dear Friends,
I'd be very glad to talk to you all about Hermione. See you Saturday!
Over the next few days Ron, Harry, and Ginny became very excited to talk about Hermione with Remus. Finally, Saturday arrived and at 11:30 all three of them were the first in line to go to Hogsmeade. As soon as Filch okayed them they ran to a carriage that took them to Hogsmeade. After arriving they walked to the Three Broomsticks and bought four butterbeers. When they sat down the trio heard the door open and turned to see their former professor walk in. He came and sat down.
"Hello Ginny, Ron. Hello Harry," he said smiling warmly at them.
"Hi Remus," they chorused back.
"So you want to hear about Miss. Hermione Greene, do ya?" he asked
"Greene?" repeated a confused Ginny. Remus chuckled.
"That's what she told us her last name was, because she was trying to protect the future."
"Ohhh," replied Ginny. Remus saw the impatient looks on Harry and Ron's faces and quickly continued, "You guys will be glad to find out that Hermione is perfectly fine." The all breathed a sigh of relief.
"When Hermione went back she became fast friends with Lily who really helped her adjust. She also became friends with James, Sirius, and I."
"What about Peter?" asked Harry.
"Well, she always seemed suspicious of him and he also began hanging out with us less. Now, thinking back on it, I understand why she acted the way he did and I also can come to the conclusion that 7th year was when he probably joined Voldemort. Anyways, she didn't see him too much, but I've heard some rumors about some encounters between them."
"Would you tell us about her and you guys and Lily while she was there?" Ron questioned.
Remus nodded and smiled, "I can't tell you everything, because it's Hermione's story to tell, but I can tell you some things. Where do I begin? Hmmm…Oh! On her first day we had Potions and…"
As Remus told them stories about Hermione, the Marauders, and Lily the trio felt at ease for the first time in 2 months. Remus, Harry, Ginny, and Ron laughed the afternoon away and they were happy.
A/N: Okay, you'll notice the date is 2003 at the beginning. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that the dates would be different so the story would work. I'm sorry for not posting this sooner. I had it typed out, but forgot to. Also, I know I say every time that I'm gonna be better and actually post the story, but I never do. I apologize for this and this time I won't make any promises, but I will try. Toodles for now!