Characters are still not mine.

The second chapter – the aftermath of the attack.

Hope you enjoy.



It was rather disconcerting, waking up with a face right next to yours.

He blinked and stared at his sister, breathing in her light floral scent and stifling the urge to scratch his nose as her hair tickled him. Her eyes lit up as she noticed him blink at her blearily.

"Oh! You're awake! Lucy – Edmund's awake. Oh you had us worried, Ed." Susan flitted around him as he squinted into the bright light.

"Su," he complained, (his voice was scratchy), shutting his eyes again and sighing as she began plumping his pillows and fretting over the covers. "Stop that, you're jostling me."

She laughed wetly and Edmund finally opened his eyes properly to see that she was wiping away tears.

"Oh don't cry," he said desperately. That was the last thing he needed. A blubbering sister.

Susan sniffed and, smiling tremulously, sat down on a chair which was positioned next to him, gently reaching out to brush her fingers through his hair. "Oh Ed," she said simply and that was all.

He tried to give her a smile and attempted to sit up. The sudden dull ache in his shoulder stilled his movements.

"Careful," Susan warned him. Her cool hands pushed back on his chest. "Careful, now."

The sudden burst of pain shot a message straight to his brain. And then he remembered. Edmund shot upright, not caring about the groan that escaped him or Susan's concerned gasp as she reached out to stop him from leaping out of bed.

"Peter?" He looked around the room with frantic eyes. Last he remembered – "Peter!"

"He's here." Edmund's eyes landed on Lucy, who was sitting next to the bed across the room, huddled over a lump of sheets.

Peter was fast asleep, his face peaceful, but his shoulder and torso were heavily bandaged. Lucy was holding one of Peter's hands in her own, her gaze holding steady upon his chest. She was watching the air go in and out of his lungs. Steady. Constant.

"Why isn't he awake?" Edmund asked her, leaning forward against Susan's iron hold desperately. "I'm awake. The cordial should have worked by now, shouldn't it? Why hasn't it?"

Lucy finally looked up and smiled at Edmund weakly. "His bite was a little worse than yours, so it's taking more time for the cordial to work."

She studied Edmund a moment and then gave him a bigger smile, her eyes brightening slightly. "Glad to see you're alright, Ed. Any pain?" she asked.

Edmund shifted against Susan's hands and held back a grimace. "Bit."

Lucy nodded knowingly. "Yes, there will be. Not for much longer, though." She glanced out the window. It was getting dark. "You've been asleep for half an hour. But the wounds were deep; the muscles were completely destroyed." Lucy levelled her solemn gaze back to his face. "They'll ache as they regrow. You'll be tired, too. Both of you will be. Blood loss does that."

Who cared about being tired? There were more important things for right now.

"What about Peter's bite? It's not – he's not a -" Edmund tried to ask, but his tongue tripped on the words, his brain faltered at the consequences of a positive reply.

"Shush." Susan said to him fiercely and suddenly she was in front of him, pushing him back to the bed. "You need rest, Edmund. Stop it."

But Lucy saw his panicked eyes and shook her head in reply. "No, he's not a werewulf." She gave him another weak smile. "Thank goodness. I'm not sure how the Narnians would react to having a dark creature as their High King."

"It shouldn't matter," Edmund said fiercely, arching to see around Susan's shoulder, staring at his brother's face. "He'd still be Peter."

"We know," Susan said, calmly and firmly ending the discussion. "But we don't have to think about that. The fireflower cures all. Now let me look after you, Ed."

Edmund didn't relax, his eyes remainedl trained across the room, but he let Susan push him back against the pillows. Already his arm was starting to hurt less, Susan was unwinding the bandages, clucking her tongue as each red mark was revealed.

"And the body?" he asked either of them.

"The General was taking care of it last we heard. He was also sending out scouts to scour the area. We have to make sure there are no more," Susan said softly. Edmund saw her eyes dart to the door as she placed the bandages on a nearby table. He could see a centaur standing guard, along with several Cats. "They're treating it like an assassination attempt until we have more evidence otherwise."

Edmund shook his head, despair welled up, he clenched his fists. "I was stupid. I told Pete to let the guard go for the day. We were only going to be gone an hour tops. The damn thing has probably been lurking in the woods for ages, just waiting for the perfect time. And I just handed Peter over on a silver platter."

"Hush." Susan stroked his hair and held out a cup of herbal tea. He swallowed the scalding liquid without a fuss. "These things happen. It wasn't your fault. In fact, Lucy said if you hadn't of moved Peter through the woods and came across those Rabbits, he would more than likely have died before she could have reached him."

Edmund's heart jumped. He recalled the stuttered breaths against his neck as they lay in the grass, the ache in his shoulder, the fog in his head.

"Died? Was it – is it that bad?"

"Hush," Susan repeated, "you need to sleep, Ed."

She was right, his eyes were drooping. Strange, he was feeling alright five seconds ago. Susan watched him with her hawk eyes, twisting something in her fingers. He glanced at the tea cup in her hands and glared at her accusingly.

"You drugged me!"

He saw her fight a grin before he blinked and somehow his eyes didn't seem to want to reopen.

"It was the only way I was going to get you to slow down. You need sleep to replenish the blood you lost." He felt her cool hands against his forehead as she smoothed his hair. "You can ask more questions later. When you've rested."

"You'd better be here then," Hhe slurred, his head felt very heavy. "And Peter had better be awake."

The memory of his brother freezing underneath the Wolf's paw as he spotted Edmund's blood passed across his memory.

"...Cause i'm gonna yell at 'im"

"I really don't think you will."

"Nooo...I will....I...I"

"Shhhh. Night, Ed."



Susan was staring at him again.

"Seriously, Su. Staring at me while I sleep is creepy," Edmund mumbled, rolling over to glare at her.

It wasn't Susan who was sitting in the chair beside his bed.

It was Peter.

"Pete!" he said in surprise, his eyes flying open as he shot upright. He noted his shoulder didn't pain at all now. "You're awake!"

Peter cracked a smile. "I'm awake," he repeated. His eyes drifted over Edmund, lingering on his shoulder. "So're you." His voice was full of relief.

Edmund struggled out of the covers, ready to throw himself into his brother's arms, but Peter must have seen his intention and held up a hand in between them, protecting his wound, his eyes flaring briefly as he braced himself. Edmund paused, his arms hanging in the air and his smile fell.

"Are you alright?" he asked anxiously. "Lu did say that there would be pain for a bit. Your wounds were deep so it'll take a while for the muscles to regrow."

He raked his eyes over his brother's face, seeing each pain there. "A bit sore?" He paused when Peters reply was not instant. "Peter?" he prompted.

Peter seemed loath to admit it but finally nodded. "A bit," he replied and dropped the hand which was held up between them to gently touch the bandages.

Edmund huffed at the gesture. He levelled a stern gaze at his injured brother. "Well you wouldn't be sore, if you hadn't of gone all big brother on me and gotten bitten in the first place! What was that Pete? You know better than to get distracted."

Peter frowned. "Well you didn't actually see yourself, Ed. You had blood all down your arm and you were staggering. You were really hurt."

Edmund sighed. "Yes, but thanks to your momentary distraction, you got hurt worse and I had to drag your great big lump of a body through the forest until I collapsed on a pair of frightened rabbits!"

Peter quirked an eyebrow, a tiny smile appearing on his lips. "Rabbits?" he asked.

Edmund felt his own grin begin to form as he recalled the Animals frozen faces, the shock they must have suffered as their two kings practically fell on top of them bloody and half deceased.

"Yes, I rather think we disturbed their tea."

Peter snorted with laughter and Edmund smiled to hear the sound. "We should perhaps invite them for supper - they did save us by running for help. Lucy got there in time," he said.

Peter's laughter cut off and Edmund sighed, the lighter atmosphere fell flat.

He studied his brother's worn face, eyes travelling over the bandages. "I wasn't sure she was going to make it." Edmund continued softly. "You were pretty bad off, Pete."

Peter reached out his hand and grasped Edmund's, squeezing tightly.

"But you saved me," he replied. "Again. Thanks Ed."

Edmund shrugged. He looked away so his brother didn't see the tears he fought back.

"The wulf?" Peter asked into the tense silence.

"Dead," Edmund told him firmly, blinking fiercely. "I killed it."

Peter shook his head. "One of the witch's? I thought I saw -"

" -Yes. It had the markings across its paw. A renegade. More than likely been alone for a long while."

"Hasn't been an attack in –"

"Two years," Edmund finished for him with a nod. "Oreius has set up a perimeter already. They won't find anything."

"Why not?"

"Because there aren't any left."

Peter stared at him, another smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I beg to differ."

Edmund ignored his good humour and sighed. "Not enough to find anyway. There's only going to be the few like the wulf who surprised us. We'll just have to keep up our guard."

There it was. The absence of the guard. His stupid request which ended with an attempt made on his brother's life.

Peter squeezed Edmund's hand and hung his head, lifting his spare hand to rub his nose. This gesture Edmund was not used to seeing. It generally only appeared when Peter was greatly upset.

"It's all my fault," Peter murmured.

Edmund closed his mouth with a snap. He had just been about to apologise for the whole mess.

"Excuse me?"

Peter glared at him. "It is, Ed. I should have brought along the guard. I was stupid to think we were alright travelling outside the Cair alone. Anything could have happened. You could have been killed!"

"Peter, I told you to knock off the guard so we could have some fun for once. And I didn't almost get killed – that was you. Or were you too unconscious to remember that bit?"

They stared at each other heatedly until Peter cracked a smile. "It's a bit blurry," he admitted. "Well Ed, did you have fun?"

"Very much, thank-you. I do hope we can have such an outing once again, brother," Edmund dead panned. He whipped out a fist to cuff Peter's ear good naturedly. "Pax?"

Instead of replying, Peter caught Edmund's extended arm and peered at his shoulder.

"Can I see?"

Obligingly, Edmund yanked down the neck of his shirt, displaying the vivid red claw marks which now marred his skin. Peter's grip on his arm tightened and Edmund instantly regretted showing the marks. But, he mused, Peter would somehow see it, best get it over with now.

"It'll scar?" Peter asked, his voice low.

"Yes. But not so vividly. They'll fade."

Peter's eyes glimmered in the dim light, his breathing was ragged as he reached out and gently pulled the shirt back over the marks. Edmund swallowed heavily against the sudden lump in his throat.

"Sorry, Ed."

Edmund pulled his arm away, clearing his throat. "Pax, remember? Nobody's fault." He leant forward. "Show me yours. Yours should be rather impressive."

Gently, he helped his brother to unwind the bandages which were surrounding his torso and shoulder. Peter leant forward so Edmund could see his back and shoulder clearly.

Edmund felt the salty tang of tears as they sprung to his eyes once again. He stood behind his brother's chair, glad that Peter could not see his face.

"How is it?" Peter asked.

It was horrible.

Edmund shook his head and whistled low. "Phew. Yeah, that's a pretty one for the collection. I can make out teeth marks." He made a fine effort of sounding light and cheery.

"Really?" Peter twisted and Edmund was pleased to see he didn't wince at the movement anymore. "Teeth marks?'

"Uh huh." Edmund traced them with his finger gently. "Here, here, here. It's basically an imprint of its mouth Pete."

Peter was quiet again, staring over his shoulder at his brother's face.

"What?" Edmund asked him, moving around so Peter didn't have to twist.

Peter smiled at him again and shook his head minutely. "Just thanks – it could have been my neck if you hadn't have gotten there in time."

Edmund squeezed Peter's elbow. "You'd do the same."

Peter nodded. "And more."

"I know."

They smiled at each other.

"Oh come here." Peter finally said and pulled his little brother into a hug. Edmund went gladly and was comforted to feel his brother's steady heart beat against his ear.

He had time.

"Peter!" It was Lucy. She stood in the doorway, dressed in her night clothes. "Peter!"

She clapped her hands and dove at them, wriggling herself until she was between the brothers, her arms wrapped around them both.

"Oh dear, Peter, try not to do that again."

Peter laughed. "Hey! Edmund was hurt too."

Lucy glared at him mockingly. "Yes, but from what he's said, you got hurt unnecessarily. Edmund can look after himself."

Edmund nodded. "Yeah! Edmund can look after himself. You tell him, Lu, Maybe he'll listen to you."

"Not likely," said Susan as she walked into the room and smiled. She came to sit beside Peter, perching on the armrest of the chair the other three were squished onto. She leaned over and placed her arms around them all, affectionately brushing Peter's cheek in hello as she did so. He smiled up at her warmly.

"But really, you two, we worry enough when you go out on campaigns, don't make us worry when you're home and meant to be safe!"

"Sorry, Su. " The brothers chorused, meeting each other's eyes with a grin.

"Now you'll both have to take it easy for the next day or so, get your energy levels up, you lost a lot of blood, especially you, Pete." Lucy warned. As she spoke, she lifted her bare feet and pressed them into Edmund's stomach. He yelped and squirmed away – they were freezing. Peter tightened his hold on both of them, grinning as they tussled. Edmund noticed only the slightest tightening around his eyes as Lucy's head hit his shoulder. He was healing well then.

Susan's eyes lit up. "Oh! You can help me with the winter festival organisations! I've yet to put up the flowers in the throne room."

Edmund, giving up fighting off Lucy's toes, rolled his eyes as Peter threw back his head and laughed.

"Sure, Su. Whatever you need." He grinned at Lucy, who was hiding her giggles in Peter's chest. "Can't be any worse than fighting off a Werewulf, right?"

Lucy winked. "We'll see."


All done. Let me know what you thought!
