Disclaimer: All Characters belong to the BBC and Kudos Production.

Well people, this is the last chapter. It's taken some time in getting to you, and because of that i'm seriously surprised at the amount of people have stuck with it. So extra sloppy thank you's for everyone. For those of you that used up even more time in leaving a review on either here, TRA or Luigi's - oodles of love is now being hurled in your direction, so mind yourselves. I hope this doesn't disapoint, thanks again! LQxxx

Alex stood rooted to the spot as Chris and Ray lifted him out of the chair.

He smirked at Alex.

"Ben, actually. Didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon, Mrs Alex, at least not with your big protector."

Ben narrowed his eyes in Gene's direction before turning back to Alex.

"She was pretty fond of him too. She got what was coming to her for that. But not Mrs Alex, oh no. Let's put it all behind us eh? I'm a free agent now, I bet you're a dirty bitch when you're getting down, am i right?"

Ben started to smirk again but a quick winding punch in the stomach and it was wiped from his face. Gene, happy with the results, nodded to Ray.

"Get rid of 'im."

Alex went to lean on the fireplace, noting the photos of Ben and Nicky together; all smiles and laughter. He'd lied to her. He'd been using her all along.

Gene came to stand behind her.

"Did you…did 'e ever touch y-…"

Alex shook her head, keeping her back to him.

"We went to dinner once, that's all."

Alex turned around to look at him.

"I'm sorry Gene, I didn't know. He-"

"Let's just get back to the station."

Alex nodded, feeling a little numb, and followed him off to the Quattro, feeling distinctly like Gene had hit her, rather than Finale.

Alex sat at her desk putting all the pieces together, linking all the evidence and double checking the details. Gene wandered out of his office to stand at her desk.

"'ow's it lookin' Bolls?

Alex nodded, raising her eyes from her work to meet his icy blue gaze.

"With all of Kite's help and the evidence, I'd say it's water tight."

Ray looked up from his desk at the mention of Kite's name.

"Where is she anyway? She was just startin' t' get interestin'."

A few of the C.I.D boys laughed along and Ray soaked it up a little before looking to Gene for an answer. Gene pouted.

"Gone on t' better things Raymondo. Greener grass 'n' all that."

Gene ignored the looks the boys exchanged and went on.

"Case closed then! I think a celebration's in order, lunch time gentleman."

He turned back to Alex while the boys cheered and reached for their coats.

"I quite fancy a drop of Bolly. What yer reckon Drake, up fer it?"

Alex rolled her eyes but smiled all the same.

"I'll get my coat."

Alex laughed as she watched Chris and Ray doing the madness dance to 'One Step Beyond'. They may have few brain cells between the two of them but they became a class act after a few too many glasses of wine.

She turned her head, still smiling, to look at the man propping up the bar next to her. He gave her a slow sexy smile.

"Enjoyin' yerself Bolls?"

"Not as much as Chris and Ray it would seem."

"Like a bit of dancin' do yer?"

Before Alex could reply Gene shouted across to Luigi.

"Oi Luigi, stick yer usual rubbish on would yer?"

"Yes signor."

Luigi switched the tapes, that soft Italian music replacing the bouncy beat of madness. Gene slid off his stool and pulled Alex from hers by her hands.

"'mon then."

He said nothing more as he led her a little way from the bar and fastened his arms about her waist. Alex was all too aware of the dozen pairs of eyes watching her and felt unsure of where to put her hands.

Gene rolled his eyes with a huff.

"It's easy enough Drake, I'll show yer."

He took her arms and flung them about his neck before resting his palms on her hips. The C.I.D boys cheered and Gene raised his chin in triumph for a moment.

He started to move in time with the music, encouraging Alex to do the same as bent his head to mumble in her ear.

"Come on Bolls, work wi' me! I'm puttin' my reputation on the line 'ere!"

Alex smiled. She supposed in his own way, he was too. The Manc Lion, the big strong man, dancing with her in front of his team. He'd done it in his own way, sure, but it was good enough for Alex.

She let herself relax, moulding to him as they swayed together. She let her head rest on his shoulder as she played with the shorter hair at the base of his neck, smiling into him as she felt him shiver.

When the recognisable outro started to play she felt Gene bend his head a little and opened her eyes.


She lifted her head, careful not to bump him and flashed him a lazy smile. His eyes watched the curve of her mouth, noted when her lips parted a little and waited for her tongue to skirt across her lower lip in anticipation.

When it did a satisfied smirk appeared on Gene's features. His hand moved from her hip, lightly tracing up her back and through her hair to cup the back of her head. Her eyes widened as she realised what he was about to do, in front of the team. A dance was one thing…

He closed his lips over hers before she could protest, gently massaging her lips until she kissed him back, her tongue tracing the line of his lower lip.

The whole team roared and whooped, wolf whistling and cat calling until the pair stopped kissing. Gene tried not to smile as he pulled away, instead going for a nice smug pout that made Alex giggle. He kept an arm around her, hand resting on her hip, as he looked to his team.

"Right then boys, meself n' D.I Drake 'ere 'ave got a very important job t' be seeing t'"

Gene dropped his hand to goose Alex, making her giggle and slap his chest before walking to the foot of the stairs, earning another round of cheers from the team.

"Poor tart, she's been waitin' long enough. Now then, if anyone even think's of interrupting-"


Gene turned his eyes on Alex, her pose as sultry as her speech, it looked as though she wasn't letting him have all the fun. Ah well, it was always more fun with two.

"Yes luv?"

"About this important job…"

The boys cat-called, Shaz giggled and Gene had the good grace to smile.

"What about it?"

"…You're evidence is showing."

Gene picked up his coat from the stool and held it conspicuously, much to the team's amusement.

"Right, I've just about 'ad enough of yer! Yer need reprimanding. Luigi? This is an emergency, I'll 'ave t' use yer flat as a temporary office."

Gene marched across the bar, ignoring the shouts and grabbed Alex by the elbow, man-handling her until they were out of sight. Alex giggled and scooted up the stairs ahead of him, away from his wandering hands.

He caught her at the door, his arms coming around her waist and pulling her closer so he could kiss her neck. Alex struggled with the keys, her shaking hands were proving a little unhelpful.

Eventually inside Gene kicked the door shut and whipped her round to face him, moving her curls aside to kiss her neck. Alex sighed in contentment.

"You surprise me Mr Hunt."

He lifted his head fractionally.

"The best's yet to come."

Alex let out a low chuckle and started to move backwards in the direction of the bedroom.

"Mmm. You don't do things by halves do you?"

She paused to moan in satisfaction, her voice breathy as she continued.

"I might start thinking you're going soft."

He growled as he pushed her jacket from her shoulders, propelling her towards the bedroom a little faster.

"Soft eh?"

He took one of her hands and guided it across his erection, bringing a small gasp from Alex and a groan from Gene.

"I 'ad t' do it. Don't want any o' them bastards near yer."

He might not have said it, but Alex had got the message loud and clear. As far as Gene was concerned, she was his and that suited her just fine.

She pushed the bedroom door open with her back as Gene's lips came to hers, his hands making quick work of her blouse.

Alex started on the fiddly buttons of his shirt, but her shaking fingers still wouldn't cooperate. With a frustrated cry she pulled at the material, pinging buttons off and sending them bouncing of the floor.

"Christ almighty!"

She gave him a seductive smile before seeking his lips once more, shoving the ripped shirt off his shoulders and relishing the feel of his skin.

They broke apart momentarily, hopping from one foot to the other to remove their boots before crashing together again. Gene tugged at her jeans and pulled her back onto the bed, leaving her to peel her jeans from her shins while Gene whipped his own trousers to his ankles.

When Alex reached for him, he held her off making her lie back so he could look at her. She was the picture of beauty, her flawless flesh now rosy with desire. There was something very modest about her.

That was until his eyes met hers once more, her usually hazel eyes now almost black for him. He felt his length twitch at the very thought.

Alex smiled, her hooded eyes almost mocking him.

"What are you waiting for Hunt? Another interruption?"

Gene leant across her and took the phone from its cradle, kissing her neck as he did so. Alex moved beneath him, dragging one hand down his body to take his length in her hand.

He groaned as Alex performed that age old technique. She pushed him onto his back and knelt between his legs, bending her head to take his tip in her mouth while her hand continued to work him.

Gene tried to control his breathing as he watched her. It excited him more to see her moving her mouth over him, all vanity gone as she let her curls tumble every which way around her head. Gene thought she had never looked sexier.

Alex moved faster, listening to his breathing until it turned into grunts and groans of approval. She licked slowly up his length, raising her eyes to find him looking right at her.

"Enjoying yourself Mr. Hunt?"

She grazed her nails gently over him causing him to breath in sharply. She smiled as he let out a long breath of relief.

"Bolls…please Alex, don't stop, please."

Gene Hunt, begging? Wonders would never cease. She bent to work, moving to a faster rhythm. He started to buck beneath her, bringing his hips up to meet her. Alex smiled and ceased, raising one eyebrow.

"It's my turn Gene."

"Wha-? Yer 'aven't finished yet!"

Alex smiled and sat back, her knees bent beneath her.

"Well if you won't do it…"

Gene watched as Alex's hand moved across her hardened nipple, tweaking and pulling it before stroking down her body. His eyes widened when her hand went between her legs.

"Bloody 'ell!"

He watched with fascination as her hands went to work, stimulating the most sensitive part of her with practised ease. Her watched her mouth as she moaned in appreciation. Listened to her breathing quicken and come short between moans. He couldn't take it.

Gene pushed her back on to the bed, spreading her legs to place his head between them. His tongue found the sensitive flesh Alex had been manipulating and moved over it. Alex bucked beneath him.

She'd done half of the work for him. He brought his hand between her legs and pushed two fingers inside her while his tongue continued its assault.

He pushed into her as she shook and moaned, not stopping until she called his name and spilled into his hand and onto his tongue. He lapped at her with satisfaction for a moment before raising his head.

"I've got a bit of a problem Bolls."

"Hmmm?" she said almost lazily.

Gene lifted himself so he was hovering above her, one knee resting between her legs while he kissed and nibbled the soft skin at her neck.

"Mmm. Think I'm gonna need more than a 'and this time."

Alex smiled and locked her ankles around his bum.

"I think I know just the thing."


"Trust me, I'm a doctor."

Gene smiled before he pushed himself inside her. Alex rocked her hips in time with his, taking him deeper and deeper, ever closer to her core. Gene didn't think he would last long, his Mr Woodcock had been through quite a night, but Alex still insisted on upping the pace.

He closed his mind, determined to please Alex before himself but the more he tried not to think about it, the more Alex moaned. The faster she pushed against him, the harder he thrust into her.

When he feared he would go any moment, he felt Alex shaking beneath him, moaning out as her walls moved around him, encouraging him.

"Jesus! I'm gonna-"


As her walls clamped down around him he could hold on no more, and with one final thrust he spilled himself inside her, collapsing his clammy body onto hers.

The only sound in the room for a few moments was that of heavy breathing, but as they gained control another noise captured their attention.

"What is that?"

Gene shrugged, and pointed an ear as if to better hear. His eyes searched the room but he could think of nothing. Alex giggled.


Alex leaned across to pick up the phone receiver. A ringing noise came floating out at them. Gene rolled his eyes and flopped back on the pillows while Alex put the phone back in its cradle.

Gene smiled as she snuggled into his arms.

"Doctor Alex?"


"I do hope I can get a repeat prescription."

Alex giggled into his chest and Gene knew right there and then, he wouldn't be letting anyone get near Alex's medicine without a fight.

Done! I hope you liked it, i'm a little worried about the dancing in Luigi's bit being ever so slightly out of character for Gene, which i hate, but i leave it to you guys to judge. Thanks for reading! LQx