One Look Only

Chapter Six

"Jake.. You're …"

"a werewolf" Jacob said at the same time Harry finished, "naked."

Jacob stilled and pulled back looking at Harry in surprise, who flushed under his scrutiny, and couldn't help but laugh. "Of either of those statements, that's what bothers you the most?" The flush deepened and Harry quickly shook his head and opened his mouth to tell Jacob that he didn't mind, when a voice from the forest rang out.

"Well, it bothers me. Get some clothes on, Jacob. No one wants to see that." Leah stepped into the clearing, barefooted, and her hair a tangled mess, Seth not far behind her. "Well except for maybe-" she was cut off as her brother gave her an elbow in the side.

Jacob frowned at her, but reluctantly let go of Harry and reached down to his leg to undo the bag there that held his clothes. Harry looked at Leah and Seth as Jacob got dressed, though it was somewhat of an effort.

A frown furrowed his brow. "Were you..?"

"Yeah." Seth said, coming closer to help Harry stand, and upon doing so stepped back as Jacob threw an arm over the smaller teens shoulders. "Cool, huh?" A grin curved his lips, but Harry could see the worry in his eyes and tried to smile encouragingly.

"Did you catch it?" There was a growl in Jacobs voice that vibrated through his chest.

"No, vanished off the cliffs." Leah frowned, looking at Harry. "You're taking this awfully well. If I'd been told werewolves existed, let alone had seen it with my own eyes, before I became one, I would have run screaming."

"Maybe this isn't the best place?" Seth shifted his weight as if unable to keep still.

"I agree." Jacob said, hand squeezing Harry's shoulder gently, still shaken by how close he had come to losing him. "Harry and I'll go home. We'll meet up with you guys later."

"But," Seth protested, wanting to be there for the conversation.

"Later," Leah said, paying her brother back for the rib in his side with a well placed one of her own, grabbing his arm and dragging him the way they had come, Harry and Jacob close behind till they branched off to go their own separate ways.

Harry was unsure whether or not he should push Jacob's arm off after having seen what he had in the Blacks' kitchen. The way that Jacob had touched him just moments ago confused him. Where was his Gryffindor courage? Or perhaps this was why the hat wanted to put him in Slytherin? That he felt the need to go about finding out what he wanted without making himself vulnerable.

"Has erm, has your guest gone home, then?" Harry asked, quietly, as he watched Leah and Seth go the right.

"Bella? Yeah, she went off to make more wedding plans with her bl-- fiance." there was a frown on his face, and the hot grip on Harry's shoulder became a little painful. Something in his face must have given this away as it suddenly loosened.

"She's still marrying him? But with what I saw in the kitchen, well I thought.." Harry was definitely no good at these situations. He had always tried to stay clear of other people's relationships, after all what sort of experience did he have to bring to the table? None really.

Jacob paused as he opened the door for Harry. His mind turning back to the reason why Harry had ran out in the first place. He withheld a sigh, knowing exactly what it must have looked like. It would seem it was time to tell Harry straight out what was going on.

"I have to tell you something, Harry, but it'd be best if we sat down first." he said motioning toward the table as the screen door slammed behind them. Harry bit his lower lip, nodded, and sat down his hands resting on his lap under the table, clasped together tightly.

"Do you remember the legend I told you, on the day I picked you up at the airport?" Harry's thoughts shifted back to that day and the conversation they'd had in the truck. He had meant to relay it to Remus and it had slipped his mind. He nodded, the realization of what Jacob was alluding to causing his eyes to brighten with understanding.

"So you're…"

"Yep. And I'm sure you have questions, but I have to agree with Leah, as much as I regret that, you're taking this really well."

"Well," Harry said quietly, "You're not exactly the first werewolf I've met, though.." he paused looking thoughtful, "I never heard of him transforming during the day. " Jacob's transformation actually reminded him more of an animagus, sans the lack of clothes. He shuddered at the thought of McGonnagal missing hers, that would have certainly made for a more disturbing first day of class back in first year.

Jacob stared at him from his own chair. "Who? Where?" he asked. "Wait, don't answer me yet" he said in his next breath, "there's something more I have to explain to you." He had struggled with this decision, wondering if he should tell Harry the whole truth, but with the vampire showing up on their land, perhaps it would be too dangerous to keep secrets. It had also shown him Harry's fragility. What if something were to happen to him without Jacob never having a chance to tell him how he felt?

He took in a deep breath and fortified himself. "So you know that we are considered spirit warriors. Well there's another part of the legend. I think that we, when, we've," he ran a hand through his hair frustrated at his inability to speak eloquently. "I think that when we become werewolves, we are more aware or connected to our spirit. It's like learning something important about yourself and the world that you were never really aware of, and because of it we, our souls, along with having a few more survival instincts, recognize our perfect mates."

"Like soul mates?" Harry asked, frowning. Jacob nodded.

"Something like that. We call them spirit wiv-mates." he reworded. Harry was definitely not a woman, and probably would not take well to being referred to as a wife, "And with one look only we know upon seeing them. We call it imprinting and it's a very powerful thing." he was definitely not a story teller like his father and he felt as if he wasn't explaining it all that well either.

Harry still looked confused, as if unsure as to why Jacob was telling him this, asked, "So you don't have a choice?" Harry could definitely understand that. There had been many instances in his short life that others, or fate, had determined decisions for him.

"Not really, no, but it's not something we hate exactly, except for maybe Leah. Although I, too, hated it at one time just as much as I wanted it."

A look of compassion appeared upon Harry's face and dawning realization and Jacob leaned forward expecting Harry to finally get it, but was shocked instead.

"So Bella's your spirit mate and she's marrying someone else? I'm sorry Jacob." he reached out, his hand touching Jacob's, once again noticing the heat of it, and finally having the answer as to why. "Is there really only one?"

Jacob's other hand covered Harry's as if keeping him from moving, "No! Yes! I mean, Bella's not who I imprinted on and there's only one person we imprint on. "

"But I saw you and her--"

"All just a misunderstanding. I won't lie, I did love her, I still do, but it's nothing compared to what I feel for the one I have imprinted on." he took a deep breath, the feeling of anxiety welling up within him, forcing him to try to stay calm. "Nothing compared to what I feel for you. That day at the airport, the first time I saw you, it was like finding something I didn't even know I was missing, but was so glaringly obvious that I was afterwards."

Harry stared at Jacob in shock, his hand fluttering between Jacob's slightly as if he wanted to remove it. Jacob, afraid he would run, held on, though not tightly enough that if Harry absolutely wished it he could not break free.

"Harry?" He asked, unable to keep the trepidation from his voice. He wasn't sure if he could handle the rejection. The thought of it hurt worse than Bella's actual rejection ever had.

"I.." the black haired Gryffindor licked his lips. Harry wasn't sure what to say. Did Jacob really have a choice in the matter? Would he have liked Harry even if he hadn't become a werewolf? Did it matter? If someone to tell him with absolute certainty that another would be the perfect mate for him, wouldn't he grab onto the opportunity. Was it any more odd than anything else that happened in the Wizarding World.

But this, this was a level of commitment that he had not expected. Yes, he had a crush on Jacob, but this was something beyond that. Jacob was saying that they were, for the lack of a better word, meant to be together, and he believed him. Or was it that he wanted to believe him? Could he start this relationship with the knowledge that he would have to leave soon, return to England, and wage a war that the might not survive?

Steeling himself, Harry looked into Jacob's worried black eyes, and spoke.

"I feel the same way, maybe not as strongly as you do, yet." Harry couldn't see how he could. It had only been a week, but he could tell from it alone that he could easily fall in love with Jacob. The thought of fate construing their being together didn't rankle him surprisingly, but instead comforted him in that he had found the person that was perfect for him.

"There are some things I need to tell you about me. It's not going to be easy, so I ask that you don't interrupt until I'm done." he bit down on his lower lip, watching Jacob's reaction.

Jacob had felt a large sense of relief when Harry had said that he returned his feelings, even if it wasn't to the same degree that he felt, but as Harry said, just not yet. And Jacob was a very persistent individual, he had always went after everything he had ever wanted with all of his being, and all of his heart, Harry would be no different. He would soon have Harry feeling the same way about him, and if not soon, well he could patiently wait.

Then Harry had said there was something he needed to tell him, and by the worried expression on his face, Jacob knew he wouldn't be expecting it. Perhaps it would explain why he had been so calm about finding out Jacob was a werewolf, which reminded him. "I have just one question, before you start, and I promise I won't say a word. Does this have something to do with your already knowing a werewolf?" he asked.

Harry nodded, a slight smile on his lips, as some of the tension left his shoulders. He flexed his hand under Jacob's, but did not remove it. "Yes he was my father's friend in school. I think, though, he's a different type of werewolf than you are. And I guess that's as good as a starting place than anywhere. I, like my parents and their friend, went to Hogwarts a school for witchcraft and wizardry…"

Jacob listened intently, his emotions ranging from disbelief in hearing about a world that lived beside their own, though in actuality perhaps he shouldn't be as surprised as he was, to anger, concern, and worry when Harry spoke of his parents demise, and though he noticed that Harry skimmed over his childhood with his aunt and uncle he kept his silence. Then he spoke of his years at school, the friends there, and ultimately what had caused his expulsion. Through it all, Jacob's hand did not release Harry's, and he had to consciously lighten his touch and keep his calm, only the fact that Harry needed him to listen right now, kept him from giving into his emotions and shifting.

.. And then I met you," Harry ducked his head, peering up at the taller teen through messy bangs.

Jacob sat a few moments longer in silence, considering what he should say or how he should react. He gently removed his hand from Harry's and for one horrible and terrifying moment Harry thought he had ruined everything and couldn't help the hot lump that formed in his throat. Then he was being pulled from his chair and pulled into a strong embrace. He could feel the minute trembles running through Jacob, and he tried to soothe them by rubbing his hands up and down the strong back.

"It's okay," he said softly, looking up at Jacob, the intensity of his dark eyes causing him to shiver for an entirely different reason.

"Don't go back," there was a plea and a fear in the taller teen's voice that wrenched at Harry's heart.

"I have to," he said, voice soft, with a plea of his own for Jacob to understand.

"Then I'm coming with you." and it was stated with such sincerity and finality that Harry could only nod, though every instinct in him was crying out for Harry to keep Jacob safe.

Then Jacob's lips were upon his own, and Harry couldn't think of being anywhere else, but where he was now in that moment, and for once Hogwarts and all the responsibilities he had left behind, seemed very far away.


Sorry this took so long to update! A lot of stuff has been going on in my life and I'm finding less and less time to devote to writing. I want to keep this story going, and I hope you are enjoying it so far, and please be patient with me! I will be looking through my reviews soon, as I know I had a few people express interest in being a beta for my story, and will try to clear up the mistakes I made in this story. Thank You.