A/N: Im Back.... yes my lovlies the Queen B is back. I got a new computer cause the last was very sick so we put it to rest. But my new one is awesome. if anything you can go to my youtube, or i/m me with any questions, i would be glad to help, and answer questions. thank you of course to all my harrasers, that just couldnt leave me alone. because of you i got my modivation and put this updaTE. of course its a little short, but i promise next chapter will be a good one, and if you think the drama's over, well my lovlies you thought wrong. thanks so much. love you guys. and please REVIEW.!!!. =] _B

"Friends?", "Best friends…"

Keep your friends close; well you know the rest.

That was the first thing that popped into my head.

Alice stood in my front door bouncing, either from nervousness or excitement, I didn't know. For all I knew she came to do either two things. One was to chew my head off about beating the shit out of 'Ms. Cause I'm a blonde', or she came to apologize. I personally was still in a bad mood with her.

"Hey" she said shyly. Alice was never shy, so I'm guessing she's here to give me the story on why she defended the blonde bimbo and to apologize. I let her in.

"Come on in" I closed the door behind her and walked her to my kitchen. She sat in one of the stools that were near the island and waited.

Ah shit, she looked like a little puppy, her eyes got all big and her lip was starting to jut out in a pout. I hated seeing people cry, most importantly, I hated seeing her cry, because it made me see Alice for who she really was, which was a tiny fragile girl, not the glamazon, fierce pixie that always made you go shopping with her for hours, and then tortuously give you a makeover. She seemed so small in that stool, and so sad, I couldn't bare to see her.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked gently, my voice quivering, I really didn't like or want to cry, but I had a feeling it wasn't up to me.

"Sure" she replied softly. I turned away quickly relieved that I didn't have to look at her face, for a few minutes. I got the tea kettle out and washed it before pouring water in it. I set it on the stove and turned the fire up. I got the cups and the rest of the ingredients.

I set up the tea station and told her to help herself. I noticed that while pouring some tea in her cup, her hand was shaking.

Fuck, she's making being mad at her so very fucking difficult. I sighed.

"Alice, Stop, your making me crazy, just spit whatever you have to say out, I'm going crazy here." I told her frankly.

She looked up at me and gave me a small sad smile.

"I guess you want to know why I defended her don't you?" she asked while pouring some milk then sugar in her cup of tea. I nodded my head.

"Well you see…" she took a sip of her tea, and closed her eyes.

It reminded me of when we were little and we would play Madame Alice the great psychic, she would always close her eyes and try really hard to see the future, it never worked, but I guess with all the pushing your brain to the limit, it kind of gave her a little jolt, because the girl sure knew when something was going to happen, and she sure knew the New York Nicks were going to win the championship, same thing with Edward and reading people, and Jasper with his keen ability to always know when you were feeling down.

She sighed deeply than gave me a stern look.

"When we moved to Forks, I had no friends over there except Rosalie, and Tanya was there to be my friend, she made sleepovers and we went on vacations together, but most importantly she made Edward happy, I kind of forgot that you were the one to really make him happy" she took a sip and took another breath.

"When we left Edward and everyone was so depressed in the house because you weren't there. When Tanya came into the picture, she kind of changed that, and replaced you, I didn't know I was going to see you ever again Bella until I had a dream about two nights before Carlisle explained we were moving back. Edward broke up with Tanya a couple of months before we moved back, she cheated on him with a guy named Laurent. Edward was so heartbroken, and the rest of the family as well because she was so close to us."

I took a seat across from her and stared at my tea. Alice really must have been close to the hoe but it still doesn't give her the right to defend her. I mean hello she cheated on your brother she betrayed her trust. I cleared my throat, a signal for her to continue.

"You see, even though she did wrong, and betrayed us especially Edward, I can't find it in my heart to hate her, sure I dislike her, but she's still one of my best friends and I can't ever forget that, just the same as I could never forget you, you both are a part of my life, and seeing you fight, just made me really sad, and I know your mad because you think I took her side, but I really didn't, you Bella out of everyone who knows me should know that ever since we were kids I would always stop the fights, I don't like violence, unless it's the last pair of Jimmy Choo's in a size five and a half" we both laughed at that.

I really did miss Alice, she made me so happy, with her huge ball of energy in her tiny framed body, she really was one of my best friends, and I couldn't find it in me to be mad at her any longer.

I looked at her and smiled, she gave me a big white smile. I loved everything about her, from her overly exaggeration towards a sale at the mall, to her wild black spiky hair, she was a beautiful person, and a really good friend.

"Friends?" she asked skeptically.

"Friends" I told her, she jumped off the seat and ran around the counter to engulf me in a small, yet big and heartwarming hug.


Later that night I decided it would be best to just leave my window a little open for Edward to come in. I got dressed in my silk pj's and headed to bed listening to Ignorance by Paramore.

Around midnight my window squeaked open, but instead of my Adonis of a God boyfriend, it was his Gypsy of a goddess sister Alice with her dolly, the doll was so old, she got it for her fifth Christmas, and when she was seven she cut the hair off to make it look like her.

I made room for her in my bed, and she snuggled in, like we used to do when we were kids.

"Friends?" she asked looking at me with those big eyes of hers, "Best friends" I told her she hugged me than yawned, and we were both out within minutes.

A/N: yes short but next chapter will be juicy. promise. Review. Very happy unbirthdaysto all my lovlies. R/R. =] _B