So this is just another silly fluffy fanfic that I wrote while I was bored in English and Geography class today. Hernst, of course.
It was a cold winter night. A cool breeze seeped through the open window of the second story bedroom, blowing the hair of the two boys laying in the single bed. The smaller one awoke, shivering from the cold. He turned onto his side, staring at the sleeping boy next to him.
"Hanschen?" Ernst whispered, seeing if the blonde boy was awake. Hanschen stirred.
Ernst sat up, pulling the blanket up to his chin. He tried to make sense of what had happened the previous night.
Last night was was just a big blur for Ernst. His parents had gone to visit his aunt and uncle for a few days, leaving Ernst alone. Or so he thought. For only an hour after his parents had departed, Hanschen has shown up at his front door. He had tears in his eyes, which surprised Ernst, who had never seen Hanschen upset, or showing any sort of emotion, for that matter. He didn't give any details, but he told Ernst that he could not go back home that night.
Ernst didn't quite know how to react to this. For one thing, Hanschen was being very vague, and he was crying, which was the last thing Ernst ever expected to see him do. He could tell that Hanschen was quite embarrassed and upset by this whole situation, so he didn't ask questions.
Ernst of course, wanted to help Hanschen somehow, so he let him stay at his house. He truly loved Hanschen, and deep down he knew that Hanschen loved him back, although he would never admit it.
Of course, after only a little while, they both ended up in Ernst's bed, at first holding eachother and sharing small kisses, but that grew until both of the boys' clothes were sheeded and lay crumpled on the floor. Their lips finally broke apart, and they lay silent under the soft sheets, holding eachother's bodies until they both fell into a peaceful slumber.
As Ernst sat in bed in the early hours of the morning, he began to ponder his feelings for Hanschen. After what had happened just a few hours earlier, Ernst felt as though he had figured out just how Hanschen felt towards him. Ernst felt as though he knew for certain that Hanschen loved and trusted him, even just for letting Ernst see him cry.
Another breeze blew through the window closest to Ernst's bed, softly rustling Ernst's raven black hair. Quivering, the small boy leaned over to the nearby window, and shut it. It slammed shut.
Hanschen awoke, his golden hair mussed from sleep. He opened his eyes, seeing little Ernst just a few feet away, the blanket only covering the lower half of his body.
Ernst turned and looked into Hanschen's eyes. They were soft but tired. The blonde boy stared back, and Ernst could somehow feel his icy blue eyes going through his entire body.
Hanschen smiled. "Up early, aren't we Ernst?"
Ernst started shaking again, only this time not just from the cold. "No, it's just, well, the wind woke me up, I suppose." He drew the blanket up to his chin again, goosebumps forming on his pale skin.
Hanschen sat up and yawned. "it's quite cold, isn't it?" he asked, noticing the other boy's shivers. "Why don't we warm up a little?" Ernst smiled. Hanschen was back to his regular old seductive self.
Hanschen slowly leaned toward the quivering boy's face, planting a kiss on his nearly blue lips. Ernst kissed back passionately, wrapping his thin arms around Hanschen's bare body. He could feel Hanschen's slender fingers running through his hair, as Ernst did the same to Hanschen's soft blonde hair. He felt himself being carefully layed back onto the bed.
The were warm for the rest of the night.
So what did you guys think? Keep in mind it was just a silly little drabble I wrote in class today. :P
R & R, por favor!