Bella sat in her home office writing, staring at her computer screen. She hadn't been able to concentrate on anything today. She was waiting for the front door to open, announcing that Edward was home from work. They hadn't been getting along well at all recently, and tonight they were both going to sit down and decide if divorce was an option or were they going to work on making their marriage a positive union. Continuing to stare at the screen, Bella sighed and felt a tear slide down her cheek, she wasn't looking forward to their chat. She clicked off the computer and stood up, at the same time hearing the front door open and close.

"Bella, I'm home." Edward yelled.

"I'll be right down." She called and ran into the bathroom to rid the evidence of her tears.

Walking down the stairs she headed towards the kitchen to start dinner. She saw Edward standing at the sink filling up a vase with water.

"How was your day?" she asked, walking over to where he stood.

"Damn, you startled me and I wanted to surprise you. You said I never surprise you with flowers, so tah da!" Looking very pleased with him self, Edward showed her a vase full of her favorite flower, Stargazer Lilies.

"Oh, thanks, they're beautiful, but the key word is surprise. I just told you that last night, you could have at least waited a couple of days." She chuckled.

Suddenly the vase went flying into the wall. "I don't do anything right do I, I'm always going to be a big screw up to you?!" Edward yelled.

"That was my grandmother's vase, thanks for that," she stated calmly as she went for the broom and dust pan. She had just started to sweep up the broken glass when she felt Edward behind her, his arms reaching around to hug her to him.

"I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me. I've had the worst day, and then you started in on me and I.."

"I started in on you, are you serious? I just made a small joke and you went ballistic and threw my vase into the wall. How, may I ask, did I go off on you," she asked while continuing to sweep up the glass.

Edward sighed and stepped back to let her finish. His frustration level with their situation had reached its limit. They needed to come to some sort of agreement, either divorce or counseling, whatever made Bella happy, but something had to give. Living like this, they would end up hating each other, and there was no way he could let that happen.

They had been married for a year and it wasn't until recently that they started fighting almost non-stop. First it started out with small little tiffs, and then it built up to neither of them speaking to the other for hours and sometimes days.

"Bella, if you want me to, I'll leave tonight and we can file for a divorce tomorrow."

Bella stopped what she was doing. She stood there for a minute and turned to face him, tears running down her cheeks. "Is that what you want?"