Last Time on A Half Demon Miko and a Mercenary:

" We will help you with that Kagome." A female voice said. Kagome knew the voice and turned around. Walking towards them was Inuyasha's first love Kikyo and the creator of the Shikon Jewel Midoriko. Kagura looked at the two women, " It's about time you two showed up." She said.

The two priestesses paid no mind to that comment and looked at Kagome. " Your life was cut way to short. Kikyo and I will help revive you just as Katsu was able to restore life to the mercenaries who killed you." Midoriko said then closed her eyes, " but there is a price."

Chapter 18: The Price

" What do you mean there's a price? What price?!" Inuyasha demanded. He was worried that this price was going to cost him the love of his life once again. He just got her back and he couldn't bear to lose her again.

Kagome looked at her beloved with loving eyes. She didn't want to part with her beloved once again, especially all that she had sacrificed after she wished the Shikon Jewel to vanish forever and now that they had a child together, she didn't want to leave them again. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath " This is what Midoriko told me…"

Kagome stared at Midoriko and Kikyo with wide eyes. " What price?" she asked. The two women were silent for a while as they stared at the young priestess " This spell we are doing is the same as the one Katsu used on the Band of Seven, however, since we are performing this spell from the afterlife, your price will be different from the one the Band of Seven will have to pay." Kikyo said. " The Band of Seven believe that their third chance at life if permanent but that is not to be. Once Katsu dies, their life will end along with him." She continued.

" But your price is much more greater. Although you will not have to pay with your life, your return will also be the birth of a second Shikon Jewel." Midoriko told Kagome. Kagome's eyes widened at that.

' What?! No! Not after what we all been through to finally destroy the jewel!" Kagome thought shocked at this news. Her group suffered too much because of Naraku and the damn jewel and now they had to deal with it all over again?!

Kagome looked at them " What do you mean a second jewel will be born?" she asked.

" Not only has Katsu been working on reviving his father, but he has been forging a jewel similar to the Shikon Jewel, but one that is all darkness and evil. The jewel is made with hatred towards your group and the blood of many demons, but it is still not complete." Kagura said

" Not complete? What will make it complete?" Kagome asked.

" Your spirituals powers," Kikyo said

" And your daughter's demonic powers." Midoriko said after.

Kagome's eyes widened at this. She would not let them use Yumi! Once she was back, she would help Inuyasha and the others protect her daughter. But there was something she did not understand.

" So what exactly is the price I have to pay?" she looked at them.

The women were silent for a moment. " Unfortunately we cannot tell you. This is something that you have to figure out on your own." Kikyo said.

" Do you still want to go back?" Midoriko asked.

Kagome was silent and looked at Kagura, Midoriko, and Kikyo as she thought. ' They need me. I have to go back to help them defeat Naraku once and for all. I-I also want to be with my family again.' She thought. Kagome looked at the women and nodded. " Yes. I have to go back. Not only do I want to be with my family, but I need to help them defeat Naraku." She said.

" I will prepare the spell." Midoriko said and with that, she left leaving Kagome, Kagura, and Kikyo.

" Kagome, there is one more thing you must know." Kikyo said.

" What is it?" she asked.

" Katsu is only half the reason why Naraku was able to come back." Kikyo said. This got Kagura's attention and she looked at the priestess. " What do you mean by that?" Kagura asked.

Kikyo continued, " Before you wished the Shikon Jewel to vanish forever, the jewel granted Naraku's wish for my heart." She told them.

Kagome was continued. " How could the jewel grant his wish if you are dead?" she asked confused. Kikyo closed her eyes. " It is not me physically, but my heart was reborn so in a way you can say that I am alive again….in your daughter." Kikyo finally said opening her eyes.

Kagome's eyes widened. ' Yumi has Kikyo's heart? If that is true, then that means-!'

" Naraku wants Yumi all to himself and get her to love him. That is all that he ever wanted, was for me to love him, but I loved Inuyasha."

" But Yumi loves Bankotsu! Unless-!" Kagome stopped midway gasping in shock with the realization.

" Bankotsu's life is bound to Katsu so Naraku will be willing to sacrifice his own son to get what he wanted," Kagura said, " That or history will repeat itself. The sooner you get back, the sooner you can prevent Yumi's death." Kagura said again.

Kikyo looked at Kagome, " Let us go. Midoriko is almost done preparing for the spell." She said then walked away. As Kagome started to follow her, Kagura grabbed her wrist, " Kagome…before you go…can you give my son a message for me?" she asked with sorrow in her eyes. Kagome looked at her and smiled " Of course." She said.

Kagura smiled a little at him, " Tell Katsu….that I am sorry for the way he had to be raised and tell him that…his mother loves him and that I will be waiting for him." She said.

Kagome smiled and nodded. Kagura let go of her wrist " Now go and destroy Naraku." She said. Kagome nodded then turned and left with Kikyo.

~Back to Present Time~

Once Kagome finished her story, everyone was silent, digesting the information that Kagome told them. The Shichinintai sat in silence, shocked by the news that their life was bound to Katsu's. Bankotsu balled his fists tightly ' Damn that Katsu! I should have known that our new life wasn't free.' He thought. He closed his eyes tightly ' Yumi…I love you and I wanted to spend the rest of my life by your side…but now it looks like I'll never get that chance…' he thought.

Kagome looked over at Bankotsu and could tell that he was sad about the news that he will die when Katsu dies. She could tell that he loved her daughter and felt bad for him. He and the rest of the band changed because of Yumi and actually realized there was more to life and saw the good life had to offer.

Inuyasa held his wife. " We have to go. The sooner we find Naraku, the sooner we will get back Yumi before anything happens to her." He said. They all nodded and stood up " Where should we look?" Sango asked. " They could be anywhere.." she said again.

" I may have an idea where they could be…" Kagome said then preceded to tell them where she thinks they might be, and it was a lot closer to home.

I will end the chapter here. Well to be honest, I am not all that happy with this chapter. While I was writing it, I got a bit of writers block, but I'm happier with this then what I had originally written for this chapter. I have an vision of where I want this to go and how to end it so I am excited to be getting closer to it. Well leave a review and get ready for the next chapter! Next chapter will be about Naraku and Yumi and what he wants with her :)