A Half Demon Miko and a Mercenary

This is my first you all like it! Please leave a review or if you have any ideas I'd appreciate it. No flaming! If you don't like it then leave.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha. The only character I own is Yumi and Katsu and maybe some other people I might add.


It's been a couple years since Inuyasha and the gang had defeated Naraku. After the battle, the gang settled down to raise a family. Sango and Miroku finally got married and had three kids, twin girls and a newborn son. Inuyasha and Kagome along with their adopted son Shippo settled down. Kagome and Inuyasha wanted to have a child so they got to it and they were thrilled to know that Kagome was pregnant.

After the battle, Koga has finally gotten over Kagome and mated with Ayame. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha finally came to good terms. Sesshomaru was very happy to know that he was going to have a niece or nephew. He would come over whenever he could to make sure that Kagome's pregnancy would go well. He even brought her new kimonos whenever he came over. He even brought some for her unborn child.

When Sango and Miroku found out about Kagome being pregnant, they would come see them and bring healthy food that she should eat while being pregnant. Sango would also give Kagome some advice about being pregnant while Miroku gave Inuyasha advice about what to expect when Kagome's hormones would show. Like what to say and what NOT to say.

When it was time for Kagome to have her baby Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, Koga, Ayame, Ginta, and Hokaku all came to be with her. When Kagome had the child, everyone was happy to know that she had a healthy baby girl. Inuyasha and Kagome named her Yumi. Yumi was a beautiful baby. She had black hair like her mother's except her dog ears were sliver like her father's and she had her father's and uncle's golden eyes. Everyone was shocked when they sensed miko energy flowing through her veins.

Chapter 1: Happiness and a New Evil

It's been 5 years since Yumi's birth and she was a very happy child. She loved nature and the village people adored her. Despite being a half demon, she was loved by villagers and children wherever they went, Inuyasha figured it was because of her loving nature and her miko powers. Kagome is teaching Yumi about being a miko and how to use and control her powers and since she was a half demon, her father has been teaching her how to use her demonic powers. Sesshomaru even made her a sword with his own fang.

Kagome and Inuyasha felt they were blessed to have their child and Shippo was happy to finally have a little sibling that he could play with. Everyone lived their lives in peaceā€¦or so they thought. Unknown to everyone, a new evil stronger then Naraku was rising.

-~somewhere in the Northern mountains~-

A man was walking through the remains of the old sacred mountain, Mt. Hakurei. He had long black hair that came to the middle of his back and had blood red eyes. His eyes were so blood red that even Naraku would even fear him. In his hands, was a bag filled with human remains. When he got to the center of the mountain, he looked around for something. He continued walking until he stopped and sniffed the air. He smiled an evil smile as he looked down to see more remains. He knelt down to pick up the remnants and put them in his bag. Once he was done he turned around and started walking back to his hideout.

Once at his hideout, he walked to a room and set the bag down. He opened the bag and dumped the ashes on a odd symbol on the floor. Once all the remains were out, he cast some kind of spell and put his hands on the symbol and it started to glow a bright red. He closed his eyes as more of the red light appeared. When the light stopped he opened his eyes to find 5 people lying on the floor. They were alive but unconscious. He smiled and walked over to the youngest who was the leader.

"Wake up, Bankotsu of the Band of Seven." He said.

Bankotsu started to open his eyes. Once his eyes were open, he sat up and looked up at the man who had woken him.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?"

"My name is Katsu, and I'm the one who brought you and your brother's back from the dead a second time."

Bankotsu stared at him and looked around the room to find more people lying on the floor. Bankotsu gasped as he saw his brothers and knew that he was alive once again.

"I couldn't revive your other two brothers Makotsu and Kyotsu because after they died, the villagers thought it would be best to disperse here ashes so they wouldn't come back."

"I see" Bankotsu looked up at Katsu, "so why did you revive us?"

Katsu smiled maliciously and looked down at Bankotsu, "Do you remember Inuyasha and his group?"

Bankotsu growled at the name, "Yeah I remember him. That bastard killed me and my comrades."

"I want you to kill him and his friends, starting with his mate Kagome."

Bankotsu looked at him bewildered, "Kagome? Why not just kill Inuyasha? Kill the strongest so we can get rid of the weaker ones after."

"Kagome is the most powerful miko alive after Kikyo's death and the reason I want you to kill Kagome first is because if we kill her, Inuyasha will be vulnerable so then we'd have the perfect opportunity to destroy him."

Bankotsu smiled as began to understand what Katsu was explaining to him. "You are right. Kill the girl first and kill Inuyasha while he is defenseless."


A/N: Finally the first chapter is finished. This is my first fanfic so please be nice and I'd appreciate it if you would review.