Because you were all such wonderful reviewers, I feel the need to thank you all. So, this review list took some time…an hour and forty-eight minutes to be exact…but it was worth it. Thank you guys. Thank you so much.

RandomIsMe – Thank you. You were the first reviewer, and for that, I shall remember you. That is, until I start a new story and someone else reviews first. But still, thanks ;)

twiliteroxuresox – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, A MILLION THANK YOUS! Dude, you have reviewed since the beginning along with alerting. Hearts and cookies!

Ifound love=me – Thank you for your encouraging compliments. Hearts and cookies!

Massie-at-heart-xOxOxO – You've reviewed since the beginning as well, so thank you so much! I am so giving you some virtual chocolate chip cookies!

sarah – Thanks for the review and compliment!

readsalot – Thank you times ten for your compliments. They helped me when I had writer's block.

But-The-War-Won – Thanks! Your predictions were pretty much right on track. So congrats!

Bailey – Thanks so much! Cookies!

3words8letters – Even though you're a Massington lover, I'm ok with that. Thanks!

-PASSIIONATE- - Thanks! Cookies!

hollisterhotti23 – Thanks for reviewing so much! You also gave me some great suggestions in which I used! Cookies!

carolinee – Thanks! Your energy actually pushed me to write! Cookies!

Welcome to Maddieland – Thanks. I don't like Massington either, but it's always fun to write! Cookies!

nanabby – Haha, your review made me LOL. Cookies!

LOVEDit – Aw, thank you. Your review made me smile :)

krissy0405 – Thanks! Cookies!

3 – Thanks. Your home state is made of awesome. Is it hot there? Because I think I mentioned it being very hot in the story.

JaceWaylandLuvr – Thanks. I hadn't even noticed I made that mistake! So thank you for pointing it out. Cookies! BTW, I'm in love with Jace too.

Maria-Claire4ever – Thank you! You have reviewed like every story of mine! Many, many thanks! Plus, you said you were my number one fan!! Cookies!

Alpha Skye H. – I hate you! Joking. But how dare you say that about my beloved Dylan and Derrick? You Massington lovers are so closed minded ;) still, thanks for the review!

cliquelover – Haha, sadly you did not get your wish in this story! Sequel, I promise. Cookies!

Smilez014 – Ah, I love you! Dude, your review made me stoked to write. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Hearts and cookies!

Sophiiax3 – Thanks! Cookies!

teenybits - Thank you! Cookies!

londonchica – Ooh la la? Honestly, that is so cool to say. Thanks! Cookies!

I Heartz U – Thanks! Cookies!

peaceandsmile – Thanks times five! Cookies! :)

iheartcolts13 – Ehmagawd, thank you! You're totally made of awesome. Cookies!

J.H.Q.S.316 – I can't even explain how awesome your review was! Thank you!!!

kait xo – Thanks! Cookies!

Bean2326 – Thank you! You reviewed a lot, and it meant a lot to me! Cookies for you, buddy!

McSnoodle – Sorry I didn't dedicate anything to you, but thanks for your one review.

twilightluv4everxx – Thank you for your reviews AND you faved it! Hearts and cookies!

Higurashi-Uchiha Kagome – Thanks so much! You read my idea of Cam and Derrick perfectly!

honey18xo – Aw thanks! Cookies!

Twilight luh-ver – Haha, thank you for the reviews! Cookies!

lovederrington – Thanks for the review!

wy7 – I don't agree, but thanks for the review!!

jandm – Thanks for the review!

CharlotteJ – Thanks and cookies!

Alarda43 – Thanks for your review, and your suggestions! Cookies!

iloveshoes – Thanks! And I love your penname!

iheartderrington – Aw, thanks! :)

exclamationpoint811 – Thank you! Cookies!

BeautifuliKnow – Rachel I don't know why you review since you tell me how much you like it in e-mails…but still thank you! Hearts and cookies!!

Reader101 – Thanks! Cookies :)

Edwardluvr38 – Thank you! Compliments always help while writing a story! Cookies!!

n2cute4u – Thanks, I love Breakfast at Tiffany's too. Cookies!

casefacex3 – Ugh, you're one of those Massington lovers. Oh well, you reviewed so I like you :) Thanks!

g8rgirl – Thanks! :)

Rawr. Me ish a vampire. – Thanks, haha! Cookies!

gotta luv it – Oh my gosh, thank you! Gotta luv you ;)

1234 – Thank you!! Cookies!

The Whale – Haha, thanks! :)

writingdefinesus – Aw, thank you! Your review made me smile :)

Too-much-of-a-book-lover – Haha, thanks. In my stories, Alicia is always a pretty nice person. I just see her that way, even though she has her bitchy ways.

Brooke6404 – Aw thank you! You reviewed since the beginning! Plus, you were my hundredth reviewer.

Romanceismyguiltypleasure – Thank you! Cookies!

carliekat18 – Sorry I didn't make this on a Massington…but there's always the sequel!

xoJEWEL26 – Thank you! Cookies!!

One Of The Fallen – Thank you! And thanks for the alert! Cookies!

omgitskristen – Thank you Krissy! Even though you barely reviewed this story, you review all of my other ones. And you Facebook me reviews if you don't. So thanks, babe! Hearts and cookies! Xoxo!

Thisismypenname101 – Thank you!! Cookies!

maplexsyrup – Thanks so much! And thanks for pointing out my biggest mistake!! Cookies!

supertwilightfreak – Thank you!!! Cookies :)

Well that's four pages of just thank yous. That shows how awesome you all were for reviewing. The sequel should be up by July 15 at the latest. I'm hoping before then. And this is now nominated for the Clique Awards (Thanks Sophie! :) so vote please. And thanks again for reviewing.
