Author's Note: This was written for Enkidu07/Onyx Moonbeam's Weekly Drabble Challenge.
Episode: Not written for any Specific Episode.
Players: Mad Server, Onyx Moonbeam, IheartSam7, Orange Autumn, NC Girl, Nana56, MuffyMorrigan, mahtalie, Sherry Darling, supernaturalsammy67, Twinchy, twinchaosblade, PADavis, InSecret, deangirl1, Supernoodle, Vanessa Sgroi, moonlight80, Chailyn, Dream Painter, Thru Terry's Eyes, writergirl94, sweetysmart0505, silver ruffian, letting the rain in, xFaithyx, Dreadedfemale, DeansBabyBird, PlatinumRoseLady, SciFiRN, Helen Bache, TheDarklighter, jasper03, 1983Sarah, Batman'sBeauty18, Sensue, mysticsilver86, KatyMM, sammygirl1963, Vampyvii, ExpandingDarkness, Ayumidah, Fuu43, JandJFan92, HappyChaos913, parisindy,Enkidu07
Challenge Word: Nauseated
Hell Hath No Fury...
Bobby felt nauseated when he looked at the two boys in the back of his pick up. Winchesters were notorious for attracting the attention of demons and other supernatural things, but this was just too much. The furies had attacked with such ferocity that Dean and Sam had no time to protect themselves. The winged goddesses of vengeance had been somehow sent to the Winchesters.
Dean had lacerations all over his face and torso, deep gouges that would require many stitches, bone was actually exposed in some instances.
Sam's abdomen had taken a hit, causing one of his ribs to puncture a lung and he had several minor cuts and bruises too.
Bobby pressed the accelerator. He had to get to the hospital soon, or both boys would not make it through the night.