Falling Stars

By, Faithfully Team Edward1

Author's Notes: Unfortunately, i don't own the Phenomina that is Twilight, but i do love making stories to go with it. So let's give a nice round of applause for the Genious Author: Stephenie Meyer. Hope you enjoy this story. Please Read and Review!

Chapter One: First Sight (Selene's POV)

Lunchtime. I hated lunchtime. Watching all the humans chowing down on the foods that I used to love. Salads and chicken and fruit. Truthfully? I was a tad jealous. I love what I am, a little bit. But I missed being able to eat normal foods.

Can you walk any more like a human Selene? Since you are a vampire, could you walk like one? There aren't any witnesses around to catch us.

Rosalie Hale, my blonde and annoying 'sister' was gripping at my choice of speed again. We weren't far from the cafeteria, but she was always impatient about everything. Her soul mate and my 'brother' wrapped an arm around her waist and whispered in her ear.

"Don't give her such a hard time Rose. She has every right to sulk if she wants right now."

I huffed a breath and whispered over my shoulder only loud enough for my family to hear.

"Em. You mean I can sulk until you want something. Then my times over right?"

He smirked and shook his head. We were just getting ready to enter the building when I saw the new girl; I think her name was Isabella Swan; talking to one of the biggest gossips of the school. Jessica Stanley.

"Who are they? The students coming in over there?" Isabella was asking.

Jessica's thoughts were the loudest at their overly crowded table.

Oh. Bella wants to know about the Cullens. Well I can tell her, but it's not like she has a chance with any of them.

I let out a hiss of disgust. The girl was so full of herself.

"Well. They're the Cullens. The auburn haired, athletic looking one; that's Selene. The two behind her are Rosalie and Emmett."

The girl next to Jessica, Angela, picked up where her friend left off.

"The dark haired small girl is Alice and the guy next to her is Jasper."

"Who's the one with the bronze hair?" In the two girls minds, I saw that the new girl preferred Bella instead of Isabella.

It was natural to take an interest in my family. We tended to draw attention to ourselves when we're out in public just by the way we look. But Bella's curiosity struck something in me. I wasn't sure what, but it did.

Edward's mind was reeling with irritation. It seemed that we could read little miss Bella's mind. Well, that would be a little inconvenient. Oh well.

"That's Edward. He's gorgeous; of course," Jessica was going again. "But apparently no girls are good looking enough for him here."

I smirked. Case of sour grapes. The girl had been trying to get with my brother since we got here last year.

"Which one's are the Cullens?" Bella was asking. "They don't look related."

"Oh they're not related. Dr. Cullen and the Mrs. are too young to have teenagers. They're all adopted. The two blondes, Jasper and Rosalie Hale, are twins though. The others, Emmett, Edward, Alice and Selene are all adopted Cullens." Angela explained.

"They're all together too. Rosalie and Emmett. Jasper and Alice. Well Edward and Selene aren't together. I think they might actually be brother and sister. But other wise, they all live together, and they're together, together. Isn't that, like, illegal?"

Well at least they had gotten the public story right. And the story was partially true, but without the gory details of what we are. Edward's mind was also trained on the conversation and he snickered at Jessica's sour thoughts of rejection. Rosalie was preoccupied playing with Emmett's short hair. I snarled internally a little at that. I don't know why, but I was jealous. Jasper was somewhat shielding Alice, inconspicuously as possible, because she was having one of her visions. I was bored, so I took a look at what she was seeing.

Alice, black spiky hair and pixie features, was stand with her arm around the shoulders of a girl taller than her, but not by much. The girl had longish brown hair and was sporting the familiar blood red eyes of a newborn vampire. Her skin was paler than was common. She looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out who the girl was. The two were laughing and smiling, obviously good friends. Then the image started fading and I was shot back into reality.

It was then that I made the realization. The girl was Bella Swan.