7. A little too soon

Note: This sequence of events takes place over several episodes, not just one, so relationships among the characters change. This includes a slightly different version of Prom as well.

Mike paused for a moment, staring at the door Logan and Quinn just left through. As he thought about it, there was no way those two were initially going to plan him a surprise party. Quinn would, yeah, with Zoey or Lola, but Logan, as much as he loved the guy, would never take the initiative on a party that wasn't for him. He would definitely help out, like he did with Chase's party, but there was no way he and Quinn were working on Mike's surprise party in the bushes. Alone. Sitting that close together. Making kissy noises. Sure the whole idea of them together was completely absurd, but weirder things have happened at PCA. Plus, now that he thought about it, Quinn was in a better mood than she had been since before Mark broke up with her, maybe she was even happier with Logan than she ever was with Mark. And Logan, well, he was still Logan, but he seemed a lot more tolerable to hang around with. Plus there was significant drop in crying girls around campus. So, yeah, Michael really did know Logan and Quinn were dating or whatever, but he did have a birthday coming up, and he wanted a surprise party. He caught on fast that his friends wanted to keep their, thing, on the down low, and they were going to make him promise to shut his trap. Why make a promise he couldn't keep? It was so much easier to play dumb, and bonus, gets a birthday party out of it. Drippin'! He did figure they didn't want other people to know about them for a reason, so he'd keep quiet for them any way. …But, there was no way he could possibly keep this from Chase. He was in a different country, how much could this hurt?

Chase was still awake. He stayed pretty quite so his roommate didn't freak out all over again. He spoke to Michael earlier and was kind of shocked by the news. Logan and Quinn? Secretly dating? That's …unexpected. He wondered how much things must have changed while he was away. Zoey had a …boyfriend. Vince was back, and Logan and Quinn somehow found each other. He couldn't wait until the end of the semester. He couldn't believe the gang could change this much without him. Logan, mister must-date-as-many-girls-in-the-school, and Quinn "I-am-not-a-spaz" Pensky. Unbelievable. Michael, Mike of all people, said not to let it get around because the odd couple didn't know that he knew. Who was he going to tell in freaking London? His computer rang and he shot out of bed to silence it so his roommate didn't wake up. Oh no! Zoey. He can't lie to Zoey about anything! Uh, just stay calm, and don't bring up anything about Logan or Quinn. If she asks, tell her the truth, just don't blurt it out. Mike said keep it on the down low. Okay.

Zoey tried not to think about it. Chase said Mike didn't think Logan and Quinn wanted anyone to find out about their…thing. This whole situation was really weird. Quinn and Logan? Really? That's like saying…. well, there was really nothing to compare it to. She had just called Chase to see what he was getting Michael for his birthday. And to talk to him. It had been a while since they had just talked. She had known right away something was on his mind. Especially when she brought up how happy Quinn was considering her recent breakup with Mark. When she mentioned she hadn't seen them around as often as usual. Chase couldn't hold it in anymore. She didn't mean to make him break a promise or anything, but Logan and Quinn? Lola would freak! …. If she found out of course. If she did find out, it wouldn't be from Zoey. Because Chase said Mike said to keep it quiet, that Logan and Quinn did not want everyone to know, she shouldn't tell everyone. But Lola isn't everyone and Zoey shouldn't be keeping secrets from her. And Quinn shouldn't be keeping this from her best friend. Logan and Quinn seem so happy now, most of the time. Zoey decided to let them have their fun. Enough patience and they'll tell their friend about their relationship when the time is right.

Lola could not believe what Zoey just told her. Her best friend is going behind her back and dating Logan of all people? Quinn deserved better than him. He was a slime ball. Were they dating during the whole coffee debacle? He totally sold her out! Geez. She had to hold an intervention for Quinn, right now. …But, Zoey said not to let them know anyone knew about them. And normally, Lola would just go ahead anyway, but then she'd be ratting out everyone. Plus, Michael's party was really fun. Logan and Quinn arranged the whole thing! They did work well together. And Quinn was really happy lately. And Logan was not breaking any hearts lately. In fact, this is the longest time he had gone without breaking up with a girl. How did she not see this sooner? Logan got really defensive after someone mentioned Mark; Quinn would defiantly steal glances of him at the lunch table, and not to mention the whole Vaccaro's incident. There was no way Quinn could afford all those lobsters, or dress up that nice to eat them by herself. Lola then became excited. Quinn had a boyfriend! OMG she had to tell Vince!

Logan and Quinn stood just outside the lounge, nervous. "Are you sure we should do this now?" Logan looked her in the eyes.

"Yes, unless you aren't. It's just, there's no other way we'd get to enjoy prom together. Besides, it's been, like, three months. How long could we keep this a secret?"

Logan softened a bit, "Alright. If you're sure, I'm sure. Lets get this over with."

The pair took a deep breath and entered the lounge.

Logan and Quinn stood in front of their friends, closer to one another than usual. The uneasiness did not sprout from their proximity to each other, but from the tension their presence created.

"Guys," Logan took a deep breath and glanced at Quinn for reassurance, "we have something we want to tell you. It's might sound crazy, but-"

"We know" Everyone spoke at once. Logan and Quinn were almost too startled to speak.

"You guys knew?"

Michael laughed, "The whole time." The couple just gaped. Lola stood up and walked over to Quinn.

"Yeah, you guys aren't that hard to figure out. "

"Come on", Zoey took Lola and the still baffled Quinn by the arms, "We need to figure out you're going to wear to prom."

The boys were left behind, Michael started laughing and Vince couldn't hold back a grin. They both stood and made their way over to Logan. Michael took a bite out of his apple and patted Logan on the shoulder on his way out.

"Drippin' party, though man. Thanks!"

Logan turned in disbelief and was about to shout after Mike when Vince interrupted him. " That was easier than you thought, huh?" He playfully ruffled Logan's hair and laughed, "Man, you need a haircut," and he followed Mike out of the lounge.

Logan just stood there thinking that this was not the way he had expected things to go. His phone beeped with a text message:

Well, that was easier than we thought. How about we meet up at our spot in a few hours? Love, Quinn

Logan smiled to himself. Maybe it's not a big deal if they found out a little too soon?