A/N hey guys…here is the prologue to my version of Sailor Moon with a twist of Gossip Girl…I thought it would be entertaining to see this drama filled world receive a dose of responsibility….I mean what is better for that than some truth, love, and justice…


Also I do not own Gossip Girl or Sailor Moon…seriously if I did…my writing would be a lot better! Haha


15 years ago…

A young girl takes her last glance of her home of almost 2 years….reaching out earnestly to the nun that had taken care of her…her mommy. She found herself clinging to am ice cold, hard woman who made her sneeze..

She didn't want to leave with this lady… but she had no choice... her eyes glazed over with tears and she issued a soft whine as her home fell out of view. Her life would never be the same from that moment on it took a sharp new turn. A life that did not star Serena any more, but Serena Waldorf, and her first glimpse of this new world began with the leather interior of a stretch black limo. (A/N: ironic!!! I thought)

15 years later…

"DOROTA!!! Where are you!!!," screamed the young Serena Waldorf, as she tapped her shoe, impatiently waiting for her maid to arrive with her jacket. Dorota, rushed to her mistress as fast as she could, knowing how volatile her Serena could be if kept waiting.

"I…am right here…miz," panted Dorota in her polish accent. "It took you long enough…its as if you ran through the whole house twice, when you should know exactly where my jacket should be" Serena snapped as she snatched her jacket. Little did she know her loving maid had run around the house more than twice, because someone decided to go out late last night and not put her jacket away. Dorota simply apologized and waved the girl away to school. "Remember Dorota, I am having my friends over today after school, so make this place daz..," the sentence ended with a screech as Serena tripped mid-sentence will entering the elevator and landed flat on her bum. Glaring at the ground maliciously before shooting a glare at Dorota and punching the button for the lobby. Dorota smiled to herself, "She may be a monzter…but somthingz never change" she laughed and went to begin her daily routine.


Hello faithful listeners...

Gossip Girl here...a new year is starting and the drama is already rolling in with the new year.

Seems like the couple of the decade has finally called it quits! I know I am crying too the two S's were apparently too good to be true. Yep you heard it here Seiya Archibald and Serena Waldorf have parted ways. Thanks to louislover87 who divulged this information! For your sake lover I hope that you are as smart as your choices in fashion!

In other drama..a highly controversial teen has reared his head into the life of Convent of the Sacred Heart Girl's School and The Browning School for Boys. Darien Bass...yes ladies he still exists....and he is single! lets so how long this lasts shall we...

Well thats all for now my dearies...hope you year is full of drama, love, and most of all my home page!

Gossip Girl