Disclaimer: Don't own!

Nora rolled over to see the bright red numbers of the standard hotel digital clock. It read 01:27 am. She noticed that the room was too bright for it be that late so she turned her head to see the lamp light was on. Looking at the floor, she saw her clothes crumpled on the floor next to the bed.

"I see you're up." said a silky, male voice causing her to jump but then relax. She turned to the direction of the voice and saw, not her husband, George, but her lover, Pierre. "Here, have some more wine. I ordered a really nice Merlot, and I intend on finishing it." he said as he holding out the full glass of wine.

"I can't. I have to go." she said sitting up holding the soft, white sheet over her. She turned her body in preparation for leaving the bed when she felt his strong arms around her waist holding her tighter than ever. His, soft lips were on her neck right on the spot that drove her crazy.

"Don't go..." he murmured into her neck as he moved his hands to her breasts. She hated when he did that. He caressed each breast in his hand gently paying special attention to her hardening nipples. "I miss you too much when you leave." he whispered in her ear.

"Pierre..." she moaned out without protest.


"Okay, I have about two hours to do this." Nora said to herself out loud as she planned out how she was going to manage her time of doing errands in between picking up Lizzie, Edwin, and Marti at their various events. She had to do the grocery shopping, buy a birthday card for her friend, and try to squeeze in time to pick up a really good book at the bookstore...all before having to pick Marti up from ballet first.

She was making great time, and even had time to go to the bookstore. It was cloudy when she went into the bookstore, and when she was leaving, it was storming. She was the waiting at the empty register waiting for someone to ring her up when the lights went out, and then a loud thud noise followed.

"Shit!" said a loud voice coming from the back of the store.

"Are you alright, sir?" Nora asked as she was standing at the register.. She turned around to see what was the commotion.

"Uh...yeah. I just dropped a box of books on my foot. I'll be okay. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I was just waiting to be checked out. I really have to go."

"Sorry about that...good thing, I have a vintage cash register...you know, with no electricity and all..." said the voice coming closer. He was holding a candle as he walked behind the counter. He held the flame up to the book and rung it up, and she paid. She was about to leave, when he called out, "Miss, I know you may be in a hurry, but I really wouldn't go out in this weather if I were you. Why don't you stay here until it clears a bit."

"Okay, thanks." she said as she stood there at the counter as he went around the book store lighting candles. "Isn't it a little dangerous to have all these candles around such precious and flammable books?"

"Well...technically, yes. But, when you're as careful as I am....Here, have a seat." he said as he motioned towards two chairs used for reading. She walked over to the black leather chairs and sat down. He placed four candles on the coffee table between them illuminating the space just enough for them to see each other.

"Thank you." she said then they sat there in uncomfortable silence. She stared at his features...shoulder length dark hair cut in a youthful shag, nice bone structure of angled jawline, and even in candlelight, piercing blue yes. He shifted in his chair, and she dropped her gaze to the ground as he felt he was uncomfortable. She moved her gaze upwards and her eyes met with his, but his face was closer. "Um..." she said unable to think of anything else to say.

"I'm sorry..." he said as he pulled back. You have amazing eyes in the candlelight, and I wanted to get a closer look. I'm not just a bookstore owner, I'm a photographer and well...I'm not sure how I should say this, but...would you model for me?"


"I would love for you to model for me. You have this presence that must be captured on film. Your eyes are...captivating and they tell a story just as you look into them. And if you don't mind me saying this...God, I hope I don't offend you, but you have a classic beauty. Something that could be seen in the 1930s."

"Thank you. Well, people have said that I should have been a model when I was younger. But, I'm not really sure about now."

"You should...Hey, the storm died down a bit. I guess you should get going, then."

"Yes, I should. Thanks for allowing me to wait in here."

"Oh, it's no problem. Although, I really was serious about being a model for me."

"I don't know..."

"Well, just think about. Here's my card with my number on it or you could just come by the store if you're interested. I'm Pierre Woods."

"Nora McDonald. I should go, and thanks." she said as she left the bookstore.


She and Pierre was walking out of the hotel building together when he stopped and pulled her close to him. He started to kiss her neck as he was holding her.

"Pierre, what are you doing?" she said looking nervously around.

"What does it look like?" he said in his seductive voice.

"We can't..."

"Okay, okay..." he said as he stopped kissing her neck, but he still held her. "I'll save it for next time."

"There might not be a next time. We have to stop this."

"You and I both know that neither of us want to stop this. It feels too good to stop." he said as he kissed her passionately warming her body against the cold night. "So, I'll see you next time?"

"Yes..." she said as she kissed him. Suddenly, he felt eyes on them, but one particular pair of eyes was familiar enough to make her feel ashamed. The eyes belonged to Casey and Derek's friend, Sam.

"Mrs. McDonald?!" Sam asked with a stunned look on his face.

There she was standing face to face, with the boy she let into her house and treated as if he was her step-son like Derek. He had always seen her as a mother figure in a loving marriage to Derek's father. Now, she didn't know how he saw her. He stared at her with such shock, then turned to her lover. Pierre was getting uncomfortable under his stare.

"I think I should be going, Nora." he said as he kissed her cheek and walked back into the hotel. Nora stared at Sam and pondered at his blank expression.


"Um, I should go too..." he said as he rushed past her, but she grabbed his arm.

"Wait! Please, don't tell anyone about this."

"Really, this is so not any of my business, and I really..."

"Sam." she interrupted him, "Please...you can't tell anyone about this. Not even Derek, and especially not Casey This will ruin everything. I'm not expecting you to understand this, and I really don't want you to keep this secret, but...you have to."

"Mrs. McDonald...you're asking a lot of me. I mean, I really like Derek, and Mr. Venturi is a pretty cool guy. And I love Casey..."

"This will break her heart if she finds out. She's already been in the middle of a divorce, and I can't do that to her and Lizzie again."

"Then, why are you doing it?!" Sam said in a surprisingly angry tone. He really wasn't angry at her, because he didn't feel that close to her to care. However, he knew what it would to do Derek and Casey, and that made him angry. "Look...I'm sorry for the tone and all, but I really don't want to be in the middle of this."

"No, you have a right to be upset. Just, please, do this for me." she said as she looked into his eyes with a stern look. Sam's face softened, but he still looked angry.

"Fine. I won't tell. But, you have to tell me why."

"You won't understand. You're an 18 year old male..."

"I'm not a kid." Sam snapped.

"I know you're not. I didn't mean to say that you're a kid. It's just...you have to be older to understand. You have to know what it's like to be in a failing marriage, and...forget it." She said as she stared at a confused Sam.

"No, I want to try to understand. If you tell me, I will promise you that I will not tell Derek or Casey."

"Okay, but...let's go somewhere and talk."

"Sure. How about that coffee shop over there. It's almost 6, and people will be just getting their coffee and leaving. We could sit down there."

"That's fine." she said as she followed Sam into the coffee shop, he stopped at the counter.

"I'm getting some coffee. Do you want anything?"

"Um, no thank you." Nora said as she sat down at the table farthest away from the entrance and counter. She couldn't believe she was about to explain her darkest secret to someone she barely knows...someone very much younger than her, and someone who loved her daughter. Casey...what would she think of her if she found out that she cheated. Everyone thought George and her had the perfect marriage.