The rising sun slowly stirred Matt the next morning. He looked down at his sleeping wife, nestled in his arms, as he gently ran his fingers along her back. She was still as beautiful as the first time he saw her and that image brought him back to first day they met. He was sitting outside of his office when he noticed her depart the stage and head for Delmonico's as he waited for Doc. It disappointed him that she didn't ask for her bags so he was certain Dodge was just a stopover. After awhile, with curiosity getting the better of him, he stood and walked toward the eatery. He sized up the room when he entered and strategically sat with the best view of her table. The waiter brought his usual breakfast when Doc entered chastising Matt for leaving without him. All through the meal he tried to disguise his interest with furtive glances but he was sure she had caught him on occasion. A part of him wanted to engage her in conversation but he knew it was futile since he was sure she would be gone right after her meal. There was no doubt he wanted her, from the first moment he saw her, but having nothing to offer he remained seated. Many of Doc's questions went unanswered that day as his thoughts kept returning to her. His trance was broken when Randy Tatum brought in a wounded man that he found on the trail and came looking for the Marshal. By the time Matt finished up at Doc's the stage was rumbling down Front Street. For some strange reason he felt unsettled as he made his way over to his office and that feeling continued throughout the day. When Doc shuffled in early that evening, offering to buy him a drink, he went along willingly thinking a few stiff ones might make the feeling disappear. Chester was already at the bar and he followed Matt and Doc to the table. "Ah, Mister Dillon haven't seen this place so lively since I don't know when."

Matt looked around, "I guess Bill won't be complaining much tonight."

"No sir, I don't think he will." One of the girls brought the drinks to the table and then Chester's mouth flew wide open. "Well, will ya look a here."

Matt rolled his eyes as he turned to look up the stairs and there she was. He could feel his mood improve considerably as she gave him a slight smile. To Doc, Chester's reaction was normal. Every pretty new girl who came to town he would fall head over heels in love but it was Matt's reaction that had him curious. "I hear that the Wade brothers are making their way to Kansas. Up around Topeka…burned out a whole town…came in the dead of night…a lot of innocent folks got killed." Matt nodded as he watched Kitty make her way to the bar. "Mean bunch I tell ya, why they could wipe out this town in a matter of hours from what I'm hearing." He nudged Matt, "did you just hear what I said Matt?"

Matt waved his hand, "uh, yeah Doc, something about Topeka."

Doc shook his head thinking he now had two fools sitting at the table with him when he noticed a wince come across Matt's face. He looked up at the bar and noticed a drunken cowboy grab Kitty and kiss her on the neck. As she tried to rebuff his further advances she felt his body being yanked away. "Looks to me like the lady doesn't enjoy you slobbering all over her, mister."

The cowboy looked at Kitty with disdain, "lady? She's workin' here ain't she?"

Matt pointed to a group of cowboys in the corner, "why don't you go join your friends."

The cowboy eyed Matt, "oh, I get it. You want her all fer yerself…hey Marshal?"

Matt furrowed his brow, "I said…go over and join your friends."

The cowboy raised his hands, "I'm going Marshal." He turned to move then turned back to Matt. "You let me know how she is…won't ya law!"

Enraged, Matt slammed his fist into the man's jaw and he went sprawling over the table behind him. Matt quickly drew his gun as he pointed to the group of men at the bar, "now get him out of here before he lands in jail."

The men quickly picked their friend up and dragged him down to the next bar. Matt holstered his gun as the noise in the bar began to rise. Kitty walked alongside him, "I suppose I should thank you."

Matt turned and looked into her eyes, "no need, this is just part of my job."

"I had him under control, you know." Kitty smiled, "but I do appreciate the gesture."

He could feel his face begin to flush as he tipped his hat and quickly left the bar. Doc watched Matt leave, wiped his hand over his moustache, then he turned to Chester, "by golly, I have to get to know that woman."

Chester nodded, "yeah." When he saw that Doc passed him he quickly jumped to his feet and followed.

From that day the four of them were inseparable as Matt wrestled with his feelings. He knew she didn't entertain men upstairs any longer but, unsure of how many men were in her past, he feared she may be disappointed if they entered into an intimate relationship. His former girlfriends weren't as independent or worldly as Kitty and this worried him. He had nothing to offer her, no marriage, no children, no future but he wanted her, like no woman he had ever wanted before. He resisted the urge to be with her for a couple of years but she was constantly in his thoughts and shortly after Cole Yankton's burial he decided to act. He had an upcoming trip to Elkader but when he returned he was going to surprise her with a picnic and a day of fishing. If all went well, he would arrive right before closing time and whisk her up to her room. When he returned from the trip he ran into Doc at the stable. After planning to go for breakfast early the next morning, Matt returned to his office and lay awake all night planning their day. He sat at breakfast happier then he had ever been before when Chester arrived to inform him that Kitty wasn't in her room. They found her out on the prairie after she accepted a moonlit ride from some Eastern dude on his way to Colorado. He couldn't understand how she could readily accept to go for a ride with a perfect stranger and wondered if his procrastination eliminated him as a possible suitor. He had a lot of time to think on the way back to Dodge and he began to have second thoughts. He didn't go to the Long Branch for a few days pondering whether it was wise to change their status from friends to lovers. He eventually decided it was up to Kitty but he had to give it a shot. Matt smiled when he remembered that night stroking her smooth skin, listening for her soft moans, and the feeling of oneness that he never felt before. Life did change for him that night and he was scared to death…but only for her. Kitty opened her eyes to see Matt staring at the ceiling and interrupted his thoughts by kissing his neck and running her hand down his body. "Good morning Matt, what has you so preoccupied this morning?"

He smiled as he kissed her, "you."

She smiled, "oh?"

"I was just thinking back to our first night together and how long it took us to get there."

She raised her head, "I kept wondering how you managed to have any woman in your life taking as long as you did."

He ran his hand down her face, "you were so special to me back then Kitty," he smiled, "and you still are."

Kitty smiled as she snuggled under Matt's chin, "it was well worth the wait."

He hugged her tight, "I know this is going to sound crazy but the fact that you weren't some country girl, well, I guess I was afraid that I wouldn't measure up."

Kitty chuckled, "oh, you more than measured up!"

Matt made a face, "you know what I mean."

Kitty sat up, "no man ever made love to me before you Matt. I never knew how it felt until that night."

"Not even Cole?"

Kitty smiled, "he was my first and when you're young…well…let's just say I didn't know a whole lot then."

He pulled her into a kiss then held her close, "speaking of men what were you and Frank discussing out on the dance floor?"

"I never realized that you watch me like a hawk."

He stroked her hair and smiled, "I always have!" He paused, "so…are you going to tell me?"

Kitty grinned. "He wanted me to know that if you didn't come home he was going to come back to New Orleans and take care of the children…and me."

Matt chuckled, "well, you certainly had your share of suitors lined up."

Kitty hit him in the gut, "Matt!"

"Oww," Matt smiled, "you have to admit you didn't lack of male attention while I was gone." He paused, "hmm…I wonder who you would have chosen." He thought a moment, "my money is on Frank." Kitty hit him again, "oww…take it easy gal I'm not as young as I used to be."

"And you won't be getting any older if you keep it up!"

Matt laughed, "I think we better change the subject." He raised his brow, "and fast!"

Kitty sighed as she lay back down on his shoulder, "it was a nice celebration today...don't you think?"

Matt continued to stroke her back, "that it was."

Kitty kissed his neck, "sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure all of this is real." Matt pinched her, "oww..."

She looked up, as if Matt was crazy, then he smiled, "you can stop worrying now, it's real."

She snuggled closer as she grinned. "The boys were so handsome and Katie was absolutely stunning."

He kissed the top of her head, "like her mother."

Kitty smiled, "wasn't it nice of Matthew to go live with Maggie? She really needs someone in the house with her now that Claire and Garth are married." She raised her head, "he is so thoughtful."

Matt kissed her, "he's a fine young man but I'm very proud of all our children. As much as Katie drives me crazy at times she is an accomplished pianist with a degree in business. Joseph is in training to be on the force and Russell will be going to medical school." He chuckled as he looked at Kitty, "you sure they're mine?"

Kitty smiled, "I'll admit, it does seem odd, but they are yours."

Matt took a deep breath, "I don't know how I got so lucky."

Kitty stroked his chest for a moment, "I, ah, noticed that you and Festus were in deep discussion. What was that about?"

Matt chuckled, "it seems Festus is in love."

Kitty sat up, "what?"

Matt nodded, "yep."

Kitty looked puzzled, "I didn't know Festus was seeing anyone."

"Technically he's not he just got to thinking about Belle during our ceremony and thought he'd see if she was still in Fort Collins."

Kitty smiled, "Belle, the woman who tried desperately to get you to stay the night?"

Matt nodded, "that's the one." He paused, "I remember laying on the cold ground that night thinking what a fool I was refusing a nice soft mattress and a woman to attend to my needs." Matt quickly covered his gut but no blow came, "is there something wrong Kitty?"

She shook her head, "why didn't you Matt?"

He smiled, "I didn't want another woman Kitty. I felt I had lost you for good and there was nothing that Belle could have done that would ease that pain. So I headed out to the woods and drank some whiskey."

Kitty kissed him, "I love you Matt."

Matt smiled, "I love you." He kissed her, "I…ah…told Festus to bring Belle back here, if everything works out the way he's hoping it will."

Kitty smiled, "I hope he does."

Matt eyed Kitty, "and it's not going to bother you that this woman propositioned me?"

Kitty shook her head, "why should it?"

Matt furrowed his brow, "well…I mean…what if she still has designs on me."

Kitty began to laugh, "I'll help you fight her off."

Matt looked annoyed, "I'm serious now. It could cause a lot of trouble between us and also with Festus."

Kitty kissed his chest and smiled, "maybe you should have thought about that before you made such a magnanimous gesture."

He ran his fingers through his hair, "I guess I didn't think that one through."

Kitty chuckled, "no, I guess not."

They continued to lay in silence as they stroked each other's bodies. "You know our daughter said something to me yesterday that got me to thinking."

She rolled her eyes, "I can hardly wait to hear this!"

"Now Kitty, you'd be surprised how wise our daughter really is."

Kitty sat up, "oh, I'm more than interested now."

"Well, it got me to thinking about our life and that there weren't many times that we were able to live out your dreams."

She stroked his face, "oh Matt, I did live out my dream. We're married and we have four beautiful children. I couldn't ask for more in life."

He shook his head, "that's not what I mean Kitty. You had dreams in Dodge, places you wanted to go. I saw it in your face when Doc was telling you about Baltimore and I can't help but think your fascination with Rachmil was because he was from New York."

Kitty looked annoyed, "oh, Matt, you're talking silly now!"

He ran his hand down her body, "well, I'm through talking I'm taking you to New York for a honeymoon."

Kitty was puzzled, "oh, Matt, how can we? We have the children and the restaurant and…"

He placed his fingers over her lips as he sat up and rested his back on the headboard, "Kitty our children are all grown and they are more than capable of taking care of themselves. As far as the restaurant is concerned, Katie can take over while you're gone," he held her face in his hand, "or have you forgotten you've taught her everything she needs to know about running a business."

"I know Matt but what if they need us?"

"Look, they have all our friends here and their friends. They certainly won't be alone."

Kitty made a face, "I know, but what if they need us."

Matt pursed his lips, "I can't see that happening but if they do they'll know how to get in touch with us."

Kitty thought a moment then smiled, "I guess there really isn't a reason we couldn't go."

He pulled her close for a kiss, "Kitty, you've given so much of yourself to make everyone you love happy and I swear we're going to New York if I have to carry you there!"

Kitty laughed as tears streamed down her face, "do you really want to go?"

Matt smiled, "as long as we're together, I'll go anywhere."

Kitty hugged him tight, "oh, Matt, I love you."

He laid her back on the bed, "and I love you Kitty." He passionately kissed her as his hand glided gently up and down her body. "Happy?"

She stroked his face, "very."

"You know, we don't only have to go to New York."

Kitty furrowed her brow, "isn't that enough?"

Matt pursed his lips, "well, considering that our daughter will be in Paris for a recital I thought we could some spend time there too."

Kitty waved her hand, "oh, Matt, that isn't until two months from now."


"What if Katie thinks we're checking up on her?"

Matt shook his head, "I think it would make her very happy to know that her old man decided to extend our honeymoon."

Kitty eyed him suspiciously, "and it's not because you want to make sure no man takes advantage of her?"

Matt smiled, "no, because I know you've taught her everything she needs to know in handling a man." Matt looked at Kitty sheepishly, "but it wouldn't hurt to be there just in case."

Kitty laughed, "I knew it."

He stroked her face as he stared into her eyes, "Kitty, this is my last round up and I want to spend the rest of the time I have left doing the things you've always wanted to do and going to the places you've always wanted to go."

Kitty's eyes welled with tears, "oh, Matt."

"You put your life on hold for so many years so I could do my job and now it's my turn to make you happy." He wiped the tears away that were running down her face, "let's do this Kitty, just me and you."

Kitty smiled, "oh Matt, I'll go anywhere as long as it's with you."

Matt looked up at the clock, "say, I think we have a few moments to celebrate our new life together." Kitty laughed as Matt's lips gently caressed her body.

Three Weeks Later…

The Dillon family and friends gathered early that morning at the depot to wish Matt and Kitty well on their trip to New York. They could hear the train in the distance and Kitty hugged Matt as she looked up at him, "I can't believe we're going."

He bent down and whispered, "I could pinch you again, if you like."

She smiled, "no, that's all right!" She strained her neck to see if the train was approaching then she turned to Matt, "we better begin the good-byes." Matt followed behind.

She turned to Maggie, "Miss Kitty, I'm so happy for you. I only wish that Galen was here so he could see how happy you are."

Kitty's eyes welled with tears, "I wish he was here too Maggie." The two women held each other for a moment.

She then turned and hugged Frank, "thanks Frank for everything." She broke their embrace, "now, Katie might need help with the restaurant and…"

Frank gave her a kiss, "you two go and have a great time and don't worry about a thing."

Kitty chuckled, "who's worrying?"

Frank shook Matt's hand, "try to take her mind off of us…will ya Matt?"

Matt chuckled, "that's not going to be easy but I'm up for the challenge."

Frank smiled, "have a great time!"

Matt hugged Frank, "thanks old friend."

Kitty hugged Sam, "I'm going to bring you something special back from New York."

Sam smiled, "the only thing I need is for you and Matt to have a good time."

Kitty smiled, "we intend to."

As Matt stood to shake Sam's hand, Kitty stopped a moment and stared at John then she wrapped her arms around him, "thank you for coming down and seeing us off John."

John smiled, "what kind of man would I be if I didn't wish an old friend a most enjoyable trip."

She touched his face, "you are a dear."

John nodded as Matt extended his hand, "I know it meant a lot to Kitty that you were here today. Thanks John for all that you have done for my family."

John shook his head, "no need to thank me. I had the time of my life."

Matt smiled and nodded as he walked over to Claire and Garth. Kitty was speaking with them when he approached. "Let us know how New York is Kitty," Garth placed his arm around Claire's waist, "I might want to take my wife there."

Claire smiled as Matt leaned over to kiss her on the cheek, "I think that is a great idea Garth." He hugged Garth, "I think your wife would like that."

The train was entering the station when Kitty reached her oldest son. "You watch over your brothers and sister while we're gone." She held his face in her hands as tears welled in her eyes, "and you be careful Matthew, remember you're part of a police force. Don't do anything foolish."

Matthew rolled his eyes, "ah, Ma, don't cry. We're all going to be all right." He pulled her into a hug. "You and Dad go and enjoy yourselves and don't worry about us…OK?"

She looked up at him and smiled, "OK."

Matt pulled his son into a hug, "we'll see you soon, son."

"Dad, this is the first time you and Ma have had a chance to be alone." Matthew smiled, "enjoy it!"

Matt chuckled, "if I ever get her on the train we will!"

Matthew nodded as he rolled his eyes, "I'll get the bags on board."

Kitty was hugging Joseph and Russell when Matt walked behind her. Joseph spoke, "Ma, Matthew's right. You and Dad go and have a great time and please don't worry about us."

Kitty smiled, "well, all right, but don't you get married or anything while we're away."

They replied in unison as their faces took on a rosy glow, "ah, Ma."

Matt hugged his two sons, "watch over your sister."

They nodded as Russell spoke, "we will Dad, have a good time."

Kitty hugged Katie, "now don't forget the liquor shipment will be in this Friday and the Wilson party is on Saturday and…"

Katie rolled her eyes, "Mom, I am more than capable of handling the restaurant. Now, go off with Daddy and enjoy New York."

Kitty smiled, "I'm not use to all this free time."

Katie smiled, "will you just go and have fun with Daddy."

Kitty chuckled, "I just hope we don't come to hate each other."

Matt walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Not a chance."

He kissed Kitty's neck then let her go to approach his daughter. He smiled as he pulled her into a hug, "thank you honey for making me realize what is important."

Katie looked at Matt, "oh, Daddy, you didn't need me to tell you. I think you've known it all along."

He kissed her cheek, "you always had such faith in your old Dad."

Katie smiled, "see you in Paris!" Matt looked confused as he looked over at Kitty. "That's all right Daddy, I think it's neat that you'll be there when I am."

He took Kitty by the waist, "shall we board?"

She smiled then abruptly turned to Katie, "oh, and you know where we're going to be and if we changed our plans we'll let you know and…"

Katie took a deep breath, "I think you need to board Mom!"

Matt placed his arm around her waist, "your daughter is right Kitty."

They walked toward the train with the group directly behind them then they boarded and settled in to their seats. Before long the whistle blew, the wheels slowly turned, and the platform filled with steam. They waved their good-byes as the train slowly left the station. Matt put his arm around Kitty and took a deep breath, "we're finally alone."

Kitty rested her head on his shoulder, "and with no interruptions."

He lifted her face with his fingers, "not ever again." He gently kissed her lips.

Kitty smiled, "New York…here we come!"

And for the first time in her life she was certain they would make it!