
This is my first ever story on fan fiction, this chapter is long, but I hope you'll like it… I'm not too good at shortening things, but I'll try next chapter if…and only if people review this!


almost forgot: I don't own Twilight: or it's charcters, *sob* but i do own Lucie! she is mine, (oo that sounds good!) mine, mine, MINE!- but the rest belongs to, Stephenie Meyer (NOOOO FAIRRR!!)

Eternal Desire


I'm Lucie, my full name's Luciana Rose Raven, my life's been purgatory for the last two years and right now I'm close to breaking point.

I sat down on my navy blue suitcase, placed in the centre of my bed, I was moving, again, but this time, I was moving further than ever. I was moving to America to small town called Forks, there I presumed I would go to the local high school, and the never ending cycle of my misery would begin. Again.

I contemplated myself and life then, whilst sitting on my bed. Wondering why so much suffering had not yet been stifled by my own death, but by the deaths of others.

My life was getting worse, I was sure of it. For one thing I would go to school tomorrow, I would be an odd out cast and almost certainly be labelled the 'new girl' which was what had happened at every school so far, we'd visited, and then abruptly left. In the past few weeks my father and I had moved from my childhood sanctuary- of Nottinghamshire, my father had found a new job for himself in Forks (a town halfway across the planet,) and he was now desperately searching for a place for me to go to school. Which was, incidentally quite difficult, seeing as it was January and not September. All in an attempt to run away from the past. The past I knew that would never fade away. Never cease to leave my memory. But that alone was only one, small, insignificant problem, the others I would have to deal with were a lot worse...

I'm an only child, always have been, always will be. My mother died two years ago and it was my fault. My father's an emotional wreck who cannot even consider dating as he too, like myself, thinks he was the reason for my mother's suicide. He blames himself, I blame myself, we have a lot in common.

My mother died because I confessed to her what I could do, my father says its a gift, but he alone must know that the only reason I posses it is because I was destined to be different. Destined to be a freak.

My looks don't help matters. My mother thought I was angel when I was born, I can remember her boasting about me to others; comparing me to models; thanking God for my beauty. I now know that God, however easy and comforting to believe in, does not exist. If he, almighty God, was real, he wouldn't have let such a freak of nature come into the pure world we call planet earth. (When my mother was alive I was agnostic, now I am an atheist like my father. Science is predictable and well tested, whilst life and ethics are not.) She would say that I got more perfect everyday. When she was alive. That's probably what deluded her into thinking I was normal, though she must have noticed I was an excellent student and abnormally intelligent, (even though I did my best attempts to hide this factor) way too good in fact for just an average girl 15 year old.

I think of myself as average and plain personally, but others don't, They see beauty where I just see me: a freak; an outcast; a person without a cause. I am 5 foot 5 with a skinny slender figure - too skinny to be considered as beautiful through my eyes – Long dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes. Another abnormality, normally when you think of a girl with blonde hair, you imagine a pretty set of blue eyes to go with it. Not me. My eyes were an odd colour, too stubborn to decide, if they were brown or green. They're brown on the outer ring of my irises, but get greener towards my pupils, which are normally dilated for some obscure reason, even without the lackage of light. My mother once thought it was due to 'deadly nightshade' (a drug, in the shape of a purple flower, used to make peoples eyes diluted,) but it wasn't, they were just naturally like that. If I did consider any part of myself as even remotely pretty, it would probably be my eyes, due to their depth and complexity. But apart from that, like I said, I'm just average.

However because of my so called 'good looks' I get unwanted attention and compliments, that's another thing I can't stand by the way: attention. It's the only thing that's earned my so-called-friends, I've had in the past, they stay with me in an attempt to become popular, not realising that's the very thing I don't want to be.

Friends. A hard subject for one like myself.

The gift I have is hard to explain and difficult to perform. Don't think in anyway that I like having it, on the contrary, it's the very reason why I loath myself.

I can see people's whole past: all the feelings they've ever felt; every memory; every emotion; every single thing. I can see all this in a matter of seconds. Like a film being played on extra high forward setting. And the worst thing is; I can't control it.

I don't like interrupting people's minds, seeing their private memories, or knowing too much about them. I can't just pick and choose whose memories I see. Yes, I admit it can be useful, for instance I could become the best Policewoman in the world, solve every crime and stop every murderer, but. And there are several mega buts.

The way I see these things is hard to explain, they come to me unexpectedly in the form of visions; I could have known the person for a second or three years, though it normally happens if I like them, or find them mysterious.

All of this adds up to me knowing how people really feel about me. The jealously, resentment, hatred and occasionally, unwanted interest.

That is why I can't have friends. I find out too much about them, I can never really get attached without getting hurt. And I've been hurt too many times now.

My mother's death, took such a big chunk out of me, that now there's little left. I've been pushed around, too many times to count.

We all know what happens to things that are pushed around too much.

Eventually, they break.

Chapter one.

I grimaced as I looked at myself in the mirror, turning my small face into an unattractive pose. My hair, a pale shade of dirty blonde, fell loosely down past slender shoulders. I'd grabbed the nearest clean clothes I could find, which were: a plain, dark blue, short sleeved blouse and a pair of old jeans.

The top, which hung low, exposing my collar bones, contrasted with my skin oddly. I'd always been pale, but now my skin looked deathly white against the blue, though the affect was softened slightly by the fact that my blonde hair covered up part of the exposed skin.

The jeans on the other hand, were another story entirely. They were too small for me, I hadn't grown much taller since when I'd bought them, but they fitted tightly against my legs now, evidently having shrunk in the wash.

None of this, however, bothered me. I'd never really cared about fashion; today was no exception to that rule.

It was my eyes that were bothering me as I looked into the mirror.

They were the same, in most senses, still an annoying shade of hazel, still large and almond shaped but, they showed too much in their complexity. Too many of my thoughts were accessed through my eyes. Of course, last nights sleep hadn't helped, I thought as I averted my gaze and quickly ran outside, grabbing my school bag as I left.

The morning was misty. A fog hung low in the air, I could taste the dampness of it, mixed with the scents of the forest, next to our new house. Moss. Pine. Dew. So many new smells and sights, yet none could fix my sense of worry. The sense of impending doom.

"Lucie? Honey? You want me to drive you to school?" called my father's voice from inside the house. It was sweet of him, I thought absently, that he cared so much. But I knew he busy, painting another one of his pictures, with the landscape Fork's had provided, fuelling him with a new kind of hope.

"It's okay, I'm fine dad, I'll just take your car, I can drive it." I called hoping for a short goodbye, postponing the thought of school, would not make it any easier to deal with.

"If, you're sure honey...," My dad said, waving from his desk, "hope you have a nice day!"

"Thanks, I will." I said, a false excitement in my voice, as I got into the car, knowing full well that the chances of that happening were almost certainly zero.


I arrived in the school parking lot, and was faced with my first challenge of the day. Where on earth could I park?

I drove carefully round the small space. Once. Twice. Three times. Before I could fully convince myself there were no spaces. Panicking a little, I rolled down the wind screen as I saw a kind looking girl with dark hair, getting out of a green car.

"Um, excuse me," I asked her, "but, do you know if there are any other spaces, here?"

She up looked at me, surprised at not noticing my car, she didn't reply at first, so I mumbled an apology "Sorry, I wouldn't normally ask, I'm new."

Her eyes, kind and thoughtful, lit up and widened, before she hastily responded.

"Oh, what? Sorry, I was away with the fairies!" she exclaimed smiling at the thought of me being new. "there's another lot, just there, round that corner," she indicated a hidden corner that I hadn't noticed.

My panic eased up.

"Thanks." I told her gratefully before driving round, parking and walking up to the front doors.

As soon as I steeped out of the car, I realised I was under dressed. The morning was frosty as well as misty. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw people wrapped up in scarves and gloves.

I'd only just arrived and I was already different. Yet, I didn't mind. I liked the cold. It reminded me of England, of home. I pushed that thought out of my mind, not waiting for the pain that would follow.

It was warmer inside and I looked at the surroundings, students and teachers alike were milling about from place to place, carrying books and folders, it was then that my second problem hit me. I had no idea what class I had, or where an earth it was.

I searched around for a bit, dimly remembering my father's words the night before. He'd said something about a timetable.

The question was: where to get one?

Before I could go into a state of panic again, a blonde boy arrived in front of me, his eyes raked my figure, before he spoke. Everything felt odd, almost dream like. It was bad that I hadn't got a lot of sleep. I must have been imagining things, I could of sworn this boy's eyes lit up when he saw me along with wandering over my figure-which wasn't anything special.

"Hey," the blonde boy said, his eyes curious "you new?"

"Yeah," I replied "I'm sorry, I don't know where to get…my...um-" I trailed off forgetting what I needed.

"Timetable?" He said, raising his eye brows.

I nodded. Afraid to speak, I still felt like I wasn't awake. He laughed, scrutinising my look of anxiety and continued. "Don't look so scared I won't bite! And, I'm Mike by the way, Mike Newton."

I smiled slightly.

"Lucie." I replied.

"Cool, your timetable will be at reception," he indicated a room to his left, "I'll catch you later Lucie." and with that he left, walking over to a group of boys who were all eyeing me furtively, I felt self conscious. Did my hair look that bad? Or did I have something stuck on my clothes? And why did they keep looking at me like, well like I needed to be snatched up, and fast. When Mike got to them, they averted there eyes from me. I realised I was still staring at were Mike had left, so quickly composing my self, I walked off briskly towards reception, hoping they hadn't noticed my slow reactions and concentrating hard on not tripping up.

Having got my timetable, I walked off to Physics, my first class. I was well aware that I was late, the receptionist had asked me several questions, so at least I had an excuse. I just hoped Forks wasn't too strict, the last thing I wanted was a lot of attention on my first day here.

The Physics class was relatively small. I noticed as I walked in, dubiously. Sure enough, everyone was listening intently to Mr Banner, I knew he was called this from my timetable.

Several people stared at me as I walked in, but Mr Banner clearly hadn't noticed my arrival.

Chagrin flushed my face, as some people started to giggle at me. Standing dead still stupidly, in the doorway. I let out a small delicate cough, trying to get Mr Banner's attention, but not wanting to disturb his lecture.

He still didn't notice.

Everyone-aside from Mr Banner- was looking at me now, staring at me like I was some sort of specimen in a Science lab, which ironically I sort of was.

I could feel my self getting steadily redder, as the embarrassment threatened to overload me. This, is exactly what always happened to me. I willed Mr Banner to stop talking and look at me, the faces of everyone seemed harsh and hostile, even when they were laughing.

A boy sneezed loudly, easing the tension, I was grateful to him, he drew some of the eyes away from my embarrassed face.

"Mr Banner, I think we've got a new student." said a melodic voice, shattering the lecture, it alone had silenced the room in less than a heartbeat. The voice as fluid as water was accented with flawless articulation and it just simply, beautiful.

I turned to see where it had come from, seeking the face to match the music.

It was a boy, slouching back in his chair, at the back of the class. I was shocked, awed by his presence. He was just so,so,so...beautiful,stunning and gorgeous all at the same time. Words could not describe him, his hair was bronze and tousled. His features looked perfectly chiselled, emphasising the angular face, with high cheekbones. The boy looked like a Greek God. He was breathtaking. I found myself unable to look away.

"Ah, yes!" Mr Banner turned, noticing me at last, and I quickly looked back towards him, the middle ageing, slightly portly man who was evidently teaching me both Physics and Biology this term. "Are you Luciana Raven?" he said.

"Yes." I stated. Annoyed that he just announced the name I despised to the whole class.

"Good, sit next to... erm," Mr Banner said looking round the class. My heart leaped, the God-like-boy had a free seat next to him. I imagined sitting next to him, would I be able to concentrate? Could one really just concentrate on Physics when they were sitting next to the most perfect looking person on the planet? I think knew the answer to that… Mr Banner, however cut my thoughts off short by pointing towards a seat on the opposite side of the class, next to a boy with dark skin and glasses. "Sit there next to Mr Cheney."

I stopped my fantasies, ashamed of myself, wondering what an earth had just happened, who had taken over my thoughts? However despite this, for some reason...I don't think I like this 'Mr Banner'.

That Physics lesson passed easily, time went almost too fast for my liking. Ben Cheney, was a talkative boy who ambled on happily with me throughout Physics, he was clearly surprised I'd got into the top Physics class, saying that people have to stay for at least a half a term, before they're normally aloud to move up. I couldn't explain to him how much Physics I knew, because that would have probably placed me in the year above class. After all I just wanted to fit in. for once. He also, offered me a tour of the school. I was surprised, so far I hadn't been excluded or left out completely, every one seemed well, just really quite nice, so far. I just smiled and nodded at regular intervals, whilst Ben was talking to me though, my mind was elsewhere, drifting occasionally to the boy across the classroom…

Before I knew it, I'd already survived through, Physics and English, to be honest I was quite proud of myself, I'd survived so far, and I wasn't even weary yet. I walked across the cafeteria with Angela Weber, she was the girl I'd met in the parking lot in the morning, she was lovely, really a considerate and genuine person. I was glad, for the first time in my life it felt like I had a friend. She showed me to her table and I sat down, Angela got up to get something to eat, but I wasn't particularly hungry so I stayed put.

That was when I saw them.

The boy, who was perfect in every sense, was sitting across the cafeteria directly opposite our own table.

He wasn't alone.

A stunning girl, small and pixie like, was sitting across the table from him, her hair black and delicately spiky. She was holding hands with an equally stunning blonde male, who was staring at her, like she was the most important thing on earth and also looked, in pain…Next to them were another couple, the girl caught my eye. She was better than any female model, her blonde hair made my own look practically hideous in comparison, she was with a boy who was tall and muscular. They all had the same look about them, they were all beautiful, and were all incredibly pale.

But next to him the only one, I'd actually heard speak, was someone else.

Next to him, a beautiful girl with long auburn hair, was holdings his hand, whilst his was wrapped protectively around her waist. She looked out of place slightly, less confident than the others. She was frail and fragile looking, almost as pale as they were. I should have known someone like him, would already be attached. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I'd never felt about anyone, the way I felt about a boy I'd heard speak yet but once, a boy to whose name I was none the wiser.

Dimly I thought I should feel a strong feeling of jealously or resentment to the beautiful girl with auburn hair, she had something so perfect, did she even realise how lucky she was? But instead, I felt worse then that. No jealously, no resentment clouded my thoughts, I felt empty now. My previous feeling of gratitude and pride had left as abruptly as it had come. I just felt like a shell again, empty and easily broken.

I felt such a strong urge, a desire, to use my gift my 'power'. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I was shocked with myself. I'd never, never, attempted or even wanted to use my freaky gift. It was just part of who I was, but now, now I actually wanted to find out about them, the mysterious beautiful group across the hall, seemed so distant from the rest of the school.

"Lucie, have you even been listening?" I heard Angela's voice ask me. I looked up, I'd been staring at the serrated edge of a knife for I didn't know how long, quietly thinking, I hadn't even noticed Angela's return.

"Sorry, I was just, away with the fairies!" I quoted her. She smiled at me and began talking in a quick, low voice.

"Jessica's going to come over in a minute, she's…well she's very…" Angela struggled for a minute for the right word, "talkative, so just, don't say anything you'd rather be kept quiet." she finished pointing at a girl progressing towards us, flicking back her hair impatiently.

"thanks," I whispered back "I'll keep that sort of talk between you and me." she looked grateful at that, then sat down on the seat opposite from mine, as the girl called Jessica reached our table.

"Soooo, are you the new girl?" she addressed me, "Luciana?" raising her eyebrows expectantly.

"Lucie," I corrected her, "and yes, I suppose, I'm the 'new girl.'" I knew this was going to come up sooner or later…

"Oh my god, are you seriously, like from, England? Wow, I totally love your, like accent!" She said this enthusiastically, taking the seat next to Angela, who rolled her eyes reproachfully at me, indicating that 'Jessica-involved-conversations' go on, and on and on…

She wasn't mistaken. Jessica drivelled on through practically the whole of lunch, while I only listened to snatches of what she was saying. Partly because; I really couldn't care less and partly because I'd forgotten the American obsession of like to which Jessica was very well acquainted with.

"So, you seen the Cullens yet?" Jessica asked, yet another question to me

"The, who?" I said, I hadn't been following

"The Cullens, you know, gloriously beautiful; rich; goddamn smart." she inclined her head towards the table with the him on it.

"Yes, I've seen them." I said, I'd been trying not to think of the boy, but now that she'd just mentioned it…

"And?!" exclaimed Jessica, following my gaze "Which one do you like?" I remembered what Angela had just said: 'she's very talkative, so just, don't say anything you'd rather be kept quiet'

"Who's the one with his arms round the brunette?" I asked.

"That's Edward." Replied both Angela and Jessica, I could see my longing mirrored in their eyes. "They're all like, couples," Jessica continued fervently, eager to spread the gossip, "the blonde male's called Jasper, he's the one who looks constipated and is staring at Alice, who's the cute one with black hair. Rosalie-that's the blonde female, she's with Emmet, the big muscled one. Oh, and the one, with brown hair, is Bella…" scoffed Jessica, by her tone, she didn't approve of Bella. My mind was still laughing at her description of Jasper, but come to think of it, he did look slightly constipated… Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I could've seen Edward, incline his head fractionally towards our direction.

"What's wrong with Bella?" I asked, curiosity taking the better of me, to my surprise it was Angela who spoke, quickly and agitatedly.

"Oh, only the fact that she used to be my best friend; we did everything together; watched the same movies; read the same books. She cried with me when she was sad and laughed when she was happy and then, when Edward left, last year, she just… deflated, forgot about me and everyone else, I supported her, helped her get back on her feet. Made her visit her old friends, I did everything I could to make her happy." her voice cracked slightly when she said 'could', I felt immense sorry for Angela, Bella albeit pretty, evidently wasn't very thoughtful of her feelings. "But, then, Edward came back, and Bella's just ignored me ever since, moved in English, to sit with him, moved in here to sit with him… I mean, I know she loves him; who doesn't but… did she really need to just forget about me?" Angela stopped and I saw the sadness in her eyes.

"Of course not, Angela, I'm sorry." I said, trying to comfort her. She seemed to wake up at this, like being pulled out of a trance, I could tell, she'd said more than she wanted too, especially in the presence of Jessica, but all the same, she looked like she had a weight off her chest.

"I'm ok, but thanks anyway," Angela said, returning once more to usual cheery self.

The bell rang, soon people were moving about everywhere and I was the only one left sitting, staring blankly at Angela.

"Lucie? You ok?" said Angela looking worried. It took me several seconds to respond, my breathing came out in ragged breaths, as I tried to reply.

"I'm fine." I said, lying. Angela got up to leave with Jessica, they had Trig in the same class. My head hurt. And I felt dizzy, I got to my feet, holding the chair to support myself. Something was wrong. Very wrong. And then, it hit me.

A million colours flashed before my eyes, accompanied by sounds, sending me into a whirl of colour and vague images. They sharpened, became more defined, and I could see and hear every detail in them.

I saw a small girl with brown hair, reading a book; playing with friends; lamenting. Thousands of emotions ran over me, stampeding down into my head.

Next was the same girl-older now, sitting on a white bed, crying as she heard her parents fight from downstairs. The feelings intensified, longing; despair; happiness;

Loneliness, they all fell, haphazardly around me, as the memories flew at me, fluidly and quickly each leaving an emotional mark.

She was older now, and approaching the school gates, with a mixed feeling of belonging and worry.

Staring at an essay, proud of her work. Playing with nieces, glad for their happiness. Seeing a boy with dark bronze hair and marble skin, seeing his beauty. Intrigued by him and his mysteriousness.

Seeing a girl, frail and afraid, anxiously approach her. Caring for her, becoming friends, the memories continued to flash behind my closed lids. Like highly intricately painted butterflies, dancing and swirling before my mind. Looking at the girl, paler now, thinner, lost and detached, the bronze haired boy was no longer around. Being kind to girl, helping her; concerned about her, sympathetic towards her loss. Friendship mending. Now a boy, smaller than herself, with glasses, doing Maths with her, feeling of compassion and exhilaration, smiling at the boy shyly, thinking about him.

Talking with chatty girl, annoyed at her shallowness, getting irritated by her, hurt at the comments she was making.

Bronze boy and beautiful family returning, pale girl re-joining them, feelings of loss, of anger. Pale girl leaving her, feeling sad and alone, pale girl not looking at her now, she was moving classes, doing everything to follow bronze haired boy, she'd forgotten about her.

Feeling miserable and depressed, carrying on with work. Working harder, getting better grades. Seeing another new girl, apprehensive and uneasy, kindly showing her where to park, liking the girl, sense of hope, of a new start.

"Luciana?" said a high pitched, anxious voice, that sounded like wind chimes, I felt a cool hand on my shoulder, steadying me.

My eyes flew open.

I was still by the chair, I was trembling, shocked by what had just happened.

Remembering, I looked towards the hand on my shoulder, it was connected to the tiny pixie like girl, who was assessing me, with worried tawny eyes. The name, vaguely fitted the face in my mind.

"Alice?" I asked my voice was only a whisper, I knew I was probably as pale as she was, unless I turned a shade of green. I was still swaying, I would fall if she let go of me, I wondered, how she was keeping me upright, she was tiny. The cafeteria was swimming in my vision, but not enough for me to notice that It was deserted.

"Luciana…, I think, you should-"

" Lucie." I said, correcting her instinctively "How…how did you, know my name?" I mumbled quickly. But instead of answering she just shook her head almost ruefully and began walking me towards the two doors leading towards the sick room.

"no, no," I protested when I realised she was half carrying me to the door, I felt sick, everything kept drifting in and out of focus.

"Lucie?" Alice asked.

"Can, I just, rest for a minute." I pleaded, in between breaths, innocently looking into her deep eyes. She sighed impatiently, and I took that as a yes. I slid to the floor gratefully and placed my head in between my knees. After several minutes I felt normal, my breathing had eased up, and I no longer felt the need to wretch.

"You, okay now? I can always take you to the medical room, I'm sure your teachers won't mind, I can always arrange things differently if they-" I cut her off with my outstretched hand. She was speaking swiftly and frantically in the same high pitched tone I'd heard before, it was like wind chimes, restless in the wind.

"Alice?" I asked

She looked up, her eyes still anxious.

"Yes? Lucie?"

"Why are you being so kind to me, you didn't need to help me up, I just felt sick, you've probably missed your next class and you'll-" but it was her turn to cut me off now.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine honest, I don't like next class anyway," she explained "We're blood typing in Biology, and I'm kind of squeamish." the corners of her mouth turned up at this, like it was some sort of private joke. "And, besides, I had to help you, what are friends for?" she said beaming beatifically.

"Well, thanks." I said smiling tentatively, surprised that someone like Alice would be seen alive and healthy walking around with the likes of me. She'd just called me her friend.

"Anyway, you sure your better?" she said lifting me up in one, quick, lithe motion. I thought about the fact that I'd just seen Angela's whole life, every feeling, sensation and memory she'd ever had, played on high speed mode in my mind. There'd been more than I'd ever taken before, resulting In me nearly fainting. Was I really ok? I'd just experienced a whole 17 years worth's of emotions and thoughts, my head ached.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks."

"Well then, you need to go to Trigonometry now, you've got Mr Varner teaching you." She said, assessing me yet again, before giving me a quick nod of approval, deciding that I was fit enough for class.

It took me a couple of seconds to reply to this, my voice was highly suspicious when I addressed her again.

"Wait, how did you know I had, trig? And how did you know what teacher I have?" I asked sceptically, but Alice just smiled again, whispered something low in French 'Qui vivra verra'and pushed me forwards in the direction of my next class. Before gracefully dancing back across the cafeteria towards the exit. I tried to translate what she'd just said, but I couldn't my head was still feeling fuzzy.

I arrived in front of the class room. This was the second time I'd been late now, everyone probably thought I was forgetful, I'd already acquired a reputation for lateness. Great. Surprisingly this didn't fill me with a sense of dread like it normally would. I decided not to care about other's opinions of me, from now on, at least I had two friends now. Two more than I'd ever had before. That had to be an improvement.

I walked into the class room and was faced, for the second time that day, of an issue of where to sit. The room was eerily silent, with only the scratches of pens on paper making a noise, not many people looked up to my relief, evidently too engrossed in the magic of 'trigonometry'. I giggled internally, the reason why some people devoted their lives to studying triangles continued to baffle me.

Mr Varner looked up from his marking and brusquely gestured towards the back of the class with a rough grunt, before returning back to his notes.

I walked towards the back and sat down, in the only free seat, next to someone taking something out of his bag.

I glanced up at the questions on the board, they were easy; I was taken aback, I'd expected harder questions, this was after all, the top set. Quickly understanding the work, I began answering the long list, I was finished in a matter of minutes, flexing my hands slightly from the pressure of the pen.

"Have you finished?" whispered the voice to my right. Harmonious, beautiful.

Then, I fully noticed who was sitting next to me.

It was him, the boy, Edward Cullen.

"Yeah, you?" I said, showing him my work, ignoring my quickening pulse.

He raised one eyebrow as he scanned the page, filled with my answers.

"You like Maths?" he asked, not answering my question.

"Not really, I'm just good at it." I admitted, feeling hot despite the fact I was only wearing two layers, on cold day in January.

"Apparently so,"

He turned to me then, and I was rendered totally and utterly speechless, his eyes; a bottomless abyss of liquid gold, bored into mine. "I'm Edward, by the way, Edward Cullen." he said, his voice like his eyes were as supple as water, it flowed melodically.

"I know who you are." I stated stupidly unable to avert my now transfixed gaze.

"As, I you," he said with a smirk, "yet, it's seen polite to introduce one self when people first meet, does it not?" he questioned raising one perfectly arched eyebrow, still staring at me. The way he spoke, yet eloquent and beautiful, was odd, it sounded almost before this time, old fashioned and very polite.

"Y-yes" I stuttered. God, he was making it hard for me to even talk. "um, how did you know me, though? I'm not from around here." I said confused by his earlier statement.

"Oh, people in Forks get excited by the most trivial things, you included." His tone implied that there was more than one part to the question, but before I could think more of it, he spoke again.

"Aren't you cold?"

"What-oh, no, not really, I like the cold, it suits me better than the heat."

"Huh," he said, still staring at me, into my hazel eyes, I couldn't even blink now.

"Illumination." he said in a whisper.

"what?" I asked, guessing I'd misheard.

"Your name," he said softly, "Luciana, it means illumination in Italian."

I've always hated my name: Luciana, so why, why did it sound perfect when he spoke it, the way his words seemed to weave around it like a caress.

It took me several long moments to reply.

"How did you know that?" I asked just as quietly, unable to keep the awe out of my voice.

"I'm fluent in most languages." he just stated, shrugging, this didn't answer my question, I was sure most people, even fluent people, did not normally know the word illumination. It wasn't exactly text book material. He saw my gaze and smiled slightly, making his face truly magnificent "Tout n'est pas rose dans la vie, Luicana, Jamais l'habite ne fait pas le moine." he spoke the French words perfectly, fluently with ease, I'd studied a bit of French enough to translate this though.

"Seriously," I muttered half amused "what is it with your family and French?"

He looked confused and raised an eyebrow again.

"Not everything's perfect, Never judge a book by it's cover?" I said, translating what he'd just said to me. At this he smiled again.

"Damn," he said, smiling crookedly "I didn't think, you'd understand that."

"Don't worry, I have no idea what you actually mean by it."

"I'm counting on that." he chuckled, and then, his eyebrows pushed together as he frowned questionably, "What do you mean? What is it with your family and French?"

"Oh, nothing, just something Alice said." I explained casually. "Oh, and do you know what Que vivra verra means? I think it's French, but I'm not sure." I looked back at him and felt my face fall fractionally, his expression had hardened, making him look almost, menacing. He didn't look at me, just stared at his hands, which were now balled into fists. He didn't reply either and for the first time since I'd sat next to him, I felt uncomfortable.

The bell rang.

Edward sprang to his feet and without so much of a goodbye and left the class room, faster than my eyes could follow.

What had I said?


Ok… I know that was long, but I couldn't really work out the whole chapter business thing..

Please review any criticism is welcomed along with compliments, should I carry on?

I'll write more chapters if people review this!

The story is a bit complicated so well done if you understood it so far, have any questions just ask!

This is my first story on here, so I hoped you liked it, please review? Life time of servitude and I'll write more stories?

PLEASE REVIEW- come on, I'm begging here!

Lily. A person... desperatly in need of reviews...
