Part 3
When I wake up I have a crick in my neck, but before I get round to stretching I see that Miles person sitting on his haunches watching me.
"I'm not allowed to touch you," he apologises.
Miles is strange. He makes me uncomfortable. What with that thing in the jungle with the bodies… it makes me sick just to think of it. I cover it by stretching and saying "that's silly," because it is silly, really silly. Boys and their machismo. Sawyer's got too much of it. But so does Jack and Locke, too. I wish they'd all just grow up. Even Dad…
"Sorry I disappeared on you like that," I say. "I had to go somewhere."
I hope he doesn't ask too many questions. I'd rather not have to explain.
"Why did you leave the baby with us?" Miles says. That's not the question I expected. The first questions I expected were "where?" and "why?", "to do what?"
"He said Aaron would be safer where he was," I reply awkwardly. I look away as I say it, now he's mentioned Aaron. Leaving him there like that under any circumstances makes me feel horrible.
"Who, your dad?" he asks.
"Yeah, I… how…?"
"I saw you call him 'Dad'."
He saw us talking? At least I know I'm not seeing things now – he was really there.
"You didn't say anything?" I ask.
"Not allowed, remember?"
I still haven't been able to look at him, and am staring off into the distance. I can't look him in the eye. He's asking me about Dad, about Christian, but all I can think about is Aaron. I wonder if he notices anything. Of all people I don't want to be having this conversation with him, a stranger. And his questions are so insistent, there's something so penetrating about the way he asks them. But now he hasn't said anything for more than a minute and I wish he would just say anything. But when he does say something it's weird again, like with Rousseau.
"Did you, uh… the flashes?"
I look at him, blinking with my mouth open.
But again Aaron rushes back into my mind though I'm afraid of thinking about him.
I definately think Miles is Chang's son. I desperately want him to be Chang's son. And it's SUCH a disappointment that Claire's gone AWOL. No more Miles/Claire interactions...
I think I should say now that there'll be more of a focus of on the history of the island than what's happening now in the show. It's more fun and it gives me more freedom. Saying that, I'm going to follow what's happening in the show as much as I can/want. Miles' sarkiness in reaction to Daniel/Charlotte (eurgh, her sappy expressions make me sick) is too good to resist.