Kim drew away, panting as she stared up into the eyes of who she had come to realize was Jason Voorhees, the infamous serial murderer of Camp Lake Crystal. The realization of what she had just done crept into her consciousness to push the pleasure aside. What if he turned violent? Oh, she was kidding herself; of course he would turn violent. He would turn aside, reach for something sharp and dangerous…any minute now…
He did not move from his position by her feet. Kim let her breath out in a whoosh when she realized that he wasn't going to kill her, at least not yet. She hesitated, and then made a gesture for Jason to let her up. Then, remembering that he seemed to understand speech, she said, "H-hey. Can I get up? I mean-" She was startled by Jason's swift retreat away from her, and felt a strange, momentary satisfaction as she thought that she could really make this being do anything for her. Of course that's ridiculous, she thought. He got up because he felt like it, not because you told him to. Besides, have you forgotten he's a killer? Do you really think you're going to get out of this alive? Because I don't-
Shutting up her internal voice, Kim took a few hesitant steps towards the door, wanting to find a place where she could clean up. She was startled by a sudden movement and looked up to see Jason blocking the door, a look of desperation shining in his inhuman eyes. Oh, now she understood.
"Jason, I'm not leaving. I just want to wash up. I'm…kind of dirty, you see…"
Her uncertain voice trailed off as Jason continued to stare at her. Then, suddenly, he turned and went out to the door. Kim was startled, to say the least. First he didn't want her to leave, and now he was leaving her himself? She heard an impatient noise from outside, and looked out to see Jason waiting for her a few feet away. She went outside, and he went a few more feet, then stopped and looked at her. She took this to mean that he wanted her to follow him. And so she did.
Kim was still considering the moral aspects of the situation she had just been through. No, had been an active part in. This person, monster or not, had just given her indescribable pleasure, and, to be honest, she wanted more. And maybe to give him a taste of his own medicine. She grinned to herself as she considered the possibilities of being alone in the middle of the woods with what was clearly a sexual being. But still, she sternly reminded herself, you can't trust him. Maybe stay here a few days, get him off his guard, and then you have to get back to the camp. And forget this even happened.
Yeah, right, she thought. Like she could forget that. Any of it. Jason had stopped walking, and made a gesture to a clump of bushes she had not noticed. Kim tried to peek though, but couldn't see anything. At Jason's silent urging, she ducked through the layer of leaves and found herself on a small section of a beach, hidden by the thick foliage from the trees surrounding the area.
"Oh, Jason…" she said, amazed by the view. The rising sun lit up the skies in shades of orange and pink, and reflected on the water, to make bright sparkles that seemed to jump out at her. She sat down on a flat rock near the water's edge, feeling the soft sand between her toes. I can see why Jason likes this place, she thought. I can see myself falling in love with it too.
She heard a quiet rustling behind her as Jason parted the leaves and came to stand silently behind her, but at an angle where she could see him.
"I can see why you like it here," she said, voicing her earlier thoughts. "I like it here too." Jason nodded, pointed at the lake.
He's not going to…stay, if he? Apparently, he was, and Kim felt herself blush. All the sex she had had before had been with the lights out, or dimmed, and this was something completely new. Not that she wasn't confident about her body, she was fairly proud of her looks (thanks mom and dad!), but being naked in front of someone…even if that someone had already touched her intimately…ah, so intimately…
Kim shucked her outer clothing off, and, not knowing what to do with it, left it in a big heap on the rock. She debated going in in her underwear and getting her only clothes wet, or just giving it her all. She decided to keep a little of her modesty, and started to go in in her underwear. Kim had not gone two steps when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Jason close behind her, pulling at her bra strap. She decided not to help him as he struggled to undo the clasp, obviously not familiar with the mechanics of it.
After several failed attempts, Kim took pity on him, and helped him undo it. He reached for her underwear, and Kim backed up. She still didn't trust him near her vulnerable bits, even if he didn't have a weapon at the moment that she could see. That is one disadvantage of wielding a machete, she thought. Big and clunky.
Kim quickly removed her underwear and put it on the rock. She was completely naked and about to emerge herself in water when she got an idea. He was here, why not? She might die by his hand in a little while, so why not have an image of a hot body to go along with that deadly weapon?
"I must seriously be mental," Kim muttered to herself.
Jason appeared puzzled when she began pulling at his shirt, and did not move until she was specific about what she wanted. Then he helped her take off his shirt, undid his pants, and stepped out of them.
Kim stepped back to observe his body; she figured she could be excused for gaping at this point in the game. He was massively tall, and his skin had been violently scarred, and what looked like burned at places. His hair was thick and messy on his head, and his mask hid his expression, as always. But she had the feeling that he was nervous. Nervous that she would judge him? He was so beautiful.
Kim went to wrap her arms around him, to reassure him, but he flinched and started to move away. Kim clutched his arm, not knowing when she had decided that she could touch him familiarly, and not caring. She only wanted him to stay. She tried to convince herself that this was because of the pleasure that he had given her earlier, but she knew that this was not completely true. He felt-right-in some way that she did not understand just yet. She wanted him here with her, in this moment, just the two of them.
"Jason, I don't care about your scars. They're only proof to me how strong you are. Please, please, stay with me."
Stretching herself up on her tiptoes, she took a deep breath, and, not knowing if she was signing her death warrant, kissed him through his mask. She closed her eyes and could hear him take a deep breath as he inhaled the scent of her.
Kim's heart skipped a beat when she got her answer, the long length of his cock tightly pressed against her, and she felt that she really needed to get them into the water before they got even dirtier, rolling around in the sand. She broke away from the embrace and took Jason by the hand, leading him to the water. As she floated and lay back, no longer caring that her body was visible, she wondered what she was doing here. Did she want to stay? Would Jason even let her leave? Yeah. She thought, looking at him, whose hand she still held in the water. Yeah, he would. Probably go on a rampage and kill everyone who she had left him for, though, she chuckled, and Jason looked at her.
"Nothing. Just thinking about stuff." She explained quietly.
Jason nodded and went back to contemplating her body. They had drifted into the shallower part of the inlet, and he could see it easily in the sunlight. It should have made her feel strange, being stared at like that, but she only detected positive emotions in his gaze. He seemed fascinated by her breasts. Well, maybe I can give him a little intro, Kim thought.
She took the hand that she was holding and placed it lightly on her chest. Jason suddenly reacted by pulling his hand away, and looked at Kim in desperate confusion. Kim was also confused. He had seemed to know enough about how to treat her body before. Why was he afraid now?
Kim vaguely remembered something about Jason, about his mother. She had been, according to the rumors, a sort of tyrant in Jason's mind, manipulating his every move. Perhaps that was why he was afraid, perhaps his mother had told him not to touch girls there? Kim decided to test her theory by asking, "Do you think it's wrong to touch women there? It's alright if they say you can. You can touch me, Jason."
Jason did not move, but his hungry gaze said it all. Kim gently took up his hand and placed it on her breast again. This time he did not move his hand away, and she felt a shiver go through her when she felt him begin to slowly move his thumb across her nipple. She had never been particularly sensitive in her breast, but Jesus…
Growing bolder, Jason reached up and took her other breast in his hand, staring at them as if wanting to memorize their shape and texture. Well, of course, he survives by observation, that's how he never gets caught and-Kim's thoughts were rudely interrupted by a sharp spike in her own lust as Jason nudged up his mask a bit, and took one of her rosebud nipples into his mouth. My God, this man is way too sexually capable, Kim thought; he's gonna turn me religious…I'll be screaming Hail Marys next…
Jason swirled his tongue around her stiffening peak, sucked it into the warm cavern of his mouth. Kim felt as though she were melting into him, the pressure from his lips coinciding with the warm presence of his arm around her back, pulling her close. He switched sides, giving her other breast the same treatment as the other one, kneading her left breast as he sucked on the right.
The stiffness that she felt was evidence that Jason was as impatient as she was to go further, but she wasn't sure he was ready. Perhaps she could help him…
She tapped Jason on the shoulder to get his attention, and then smiled at him to reassure him, as he readjusted his mask.
"That was amazing, Jason. Thank you." She said, took a deep breath, and reached down towards his warm flesh.
His whole body shuddered when she reached down and touched his stiffened cock, feeling the hard ridges around the tip. Feeling bold (she did not have much experience with this) she bent her head down and licked the very tip of the head. He shuddered again, this time more violently. Encouraged, she took him in her mouth. Once she had adjusted to the feeling of it, she found that it wasn't as bad as it had been with her previous boyfriends, who had thrust into her mouth and made her gag. Jason kept his lower body still for her, but his hands were constantly moving, gripping her hand, stoking her face, burying themselves in her hair.
A shock as Kim was suddenly flipped over, and suddenly found herself under a very aroused Jason Voorhees. Well, living with him, I might as well get used to this, she thought. Talk about serious passion. She reached up and tried to undo Jason's mask, but his hand stopped her, and she hesitated.
"What's wrong? It's okay, Jason, really…"
He nodded, yes, it was more than okay, but would not let her take off his mask. Kim compromised by skimming her hands through his hair, and could not contain a gasp when Jason pressed the entire length of his body against hers. It felt amazing, and Kim was not surprised to see that her hands were shaking.
He found her entrance without help, and slowly, oh so slowly, began to push himself in.
Kim could feel herself going mad. Why wasn't he going faster? She already knew it was going to hurt, knew that by the sheer size of him, but she wanted him in. Her. Now.
She pushed up at him, silently urging him to go faster, go deeper, but he was apparently delighting in her misery, and refused to go at a faster pace.
Kim felt herself slowly being stretched by his cock, felt the pain that she knew had to go with it. She reminded herself to relax, just as she had her first time, and then he went in easier. When he was at last sheathed in all the way, Jason looked down at her, and Kim could read the question in his eyes.
"More than okay." Kim smiled in response to his unasked question. "And now, Jason Voorhees, fuck me."
Jason took her words to heart as he began a hard, almost violent rhythm that made Kim have to constantly remind herself to breathe, she needed to breathe, needed to-
Jason's thrusts became harder, demanding more of her body as Kim struggled to keep up. She felt as though she were floating, and could not feel anything except where she had contact with Jason's hard body.
She could feel herself growing warmer, and knew she was getting close again…ooh, she could seriously become addicted to this…
Kim came with a loud cry, as her back arched violently. She felt Jason's cock moving deep within her as her inner walls tightened, and heard him grunt as he climaxed within her, filling her with his essence.
Kim's eyes were closed in bliss as she felt Jason remove himself from her body, and collapse down next to her. She looked over at him and smiled. He looked as exhausted as she felt. She reached over and stroked his neck. He immediately reached up and took her hand in his. Kim watched as Jason lifted up his mask, yet again frustrating her with not being able to see his face, and lightly ran his lips over her palm. It wasn't even a kiss; it was a caress of the lips, and Kim smiled to herself as she sat back and felt, though this was irrational, that she was finally where she was supposed to be.