Author's note: I would love to personally thank my good friend Rain for editing my fanfic. =D

Chapter 1

Allen, Kanda and Lavi all sat cozily in first class, on the train to London. The three of them were once again on a mission. Kanda hogged the whole one side of the seating area to himself, while Lavi and Allen had to share the one straight across from him. While Kanda seemed to just be reading the report about the mission, Allen and Lavi were talking and goofing off with each other.

After awhile Lavi fell asleep to one of Allen's story. Allen gave a sigh at the sleeping Lavi and turned his attention to Kanda. He noticed something odd. Kanda had been reading that same report the whole entire time. The report didn't seem that long so why was Kanda spending so much time on it?


Kanda didn't seem to look up when Allen called out his name.

"Kanda?" Allen decided to keep trying until he got a reply. "KANDA!"

The third time was the charmer since Kanda angrily glanced up from his report.

"What do you want?!"

Allen returned the glare. "Can I see the report you have? I want to read it." Allen took notice that Kanda tensed slightly.

"Why do you need to look at the report?" Kanda snapped.

Allen raised an eyebrow. "Because I want to see what we have to do and what kind of strange things the innocence may be doing. That report should have everything about our mission," he explained, curious as to why Kanda was being so stubborn about giving him the report.

"Che, stupid bean sprout. I thought Komui explained everything to you."

"Well I didn't catch everything. Give me the report!" Allen argued.

Kanda ignored him and just went back to reading the report. That pissed Allen off. He angrily reached out and ripped the report out of Kanda's hand and took a glance at it. Before Kanda was able to retrieve the report back from Allen's grasp, his eyes widen in horror. "BEAN SPROUT!"

Allen, completely horror-stricken dropped the report. What Allen had seen was a random picture of Lavi sleeping shirtless that Kanda had taken from their last mission together. Kanda quickly picked up the report and held it tightly against his body; giving Allen the most murderous glare he has ever given anyone. Allen stared at Kanda's with wide eyes. Just then the two males turned their attention to Lavi who was sitting up and fully awake from his sleep. Lavi yawned and stretched and looked at the both of them. "Hey what's going on here?"

Allen quickly lay back in his seat, looking as casual as possible while Kanda just stuffed his nose back into the report. Lavi looked at the two of them strangely. "What was with all the yelling?"

"Nothing Lavi," Allen said, giving Lavi a small smile. "Kanda was just being stupid about something. Don't worry about it."

Kanda looked up from his report and glared at Allen. Allen noticed the glare from Kanda and just gave him a smile. Kanda of course did not like the smile he was receiving. He narrowed his eyes and went back to reading the report.


Kanda found Allen walking alone down the hallways of the Black Order. This was the perfect chance to confront him. "Bean Sprout!" He yelled, drawing Mugen at him. "We need to talk," He hissed angrily.

Allen jumped out of surprise when Kanda appeared, but stared at him. A small smile creped across the younger boy's face. "Is this about what I saw on the train when I stole the report from you?" He asked innocently.

Kanda's glare hardened more and placed Mugen against Allen's throat. 'If you dare tell Lavi, I will cut your throat," He threatened.

Allen just gave a small yawn, shoving Mugen away with his hand carefully. He shook his head and a low cackle escaped his throat. "Oh… I won't tell Lavi a thing."

"You won't?" He asked suspiciously, not liking how Allen was sounding right now.

Allen nodded, his smile never fading. "But that's only if you become my slave."

Kanda's eyes widen. "What?! There's no way I'll be your fucking slave bean sprout! I rather have the stupid rabbit find out!"

Allen shook his head, closing his eyes. "Fine. I'll tell Lavi then."

"Go ahead! I don't give a shit."

"If you didn't give a crap Kanda, you wouldn't be here threatening me. Besides, what would Lavi think if I were to tell him? Lavi isn't going find you taking naked pictures of him endearing. He'll just laugh at you." Allen smirked.

Kanda's eyes slightly widen. What the stupid bean sprout just pointed out, was true. What if Lavi did laugh at him? He couldn't bear have his love laugh at his feeling right in his face. That would crush his pride into tiny pieces. He narrowed his eyes at the boy, clenching his fingers into tight balls - this, he knew, was going to cost him: big time.

It took every ounce of strength he had in him but he gritted his teeth to bear it. "Fine," He muttered under his breath.

"What was that? I didn't hear you Bakanda," Allen said, cupping his hand over his ear so he could hear better. Oh he was enjoying this far too much.

"I SAID FINE! I'LL BE YOUR SLAVE!" Kanda yelled, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring daggers at the object of his rage.

Allen smirked evilly. "Oh this is going to be fun!"


"Okay bean sprout, what do I have to do?" Kanda asked, gritting his teeth.

Kanda and Allen were in Allen's room. Allen was slouching against the wall, while Kanda sat on the bed his legs crossed; his arms folded over his chest, glaring at Allen with every fiber of his being.

Allen walked back and forth in thought, thinking about what he could make Kanda do. There were so many things, but since his head was overthrowing with ideas, he wanted to start with something small and work his way up. Allen stopped, and a small smirk appeared on his face. He turned to face Kanda, who was still glaring at him. "I know what you can do first," Allen started, sounding malicious. That sent shivers down Kanda's spine but of course he still wore his glare.

"What?!" He snapped, growing irritated.

"I want you to stop calling me bean sprout and start calling me Master Allen, since you are my slave now," Allen chuckled.

"What?!" Kanda stared at Allen in disbelief.

Allen rolled his eyes. "Why are you so surprised?"

"There's no fucking way I'll call you that bean sprout!" Kanda spat, standing up. "I have more dignity then that!"

"No you don't. If you did, you wouldn't be here in the first place." Allen grinned, knowing where to hit the right spots of Kanda's nerves. Kanda went silent and quietly sat back down, folding his arms over his chest again.


"Okay, now we got that accomplished. Let's see what else I can make you do." Allen went back to walking back and forth. Kanda gave a small sigh, closing his eyes. Nothing could be worst then being the bean sprout's slave.

Oh wait – yes there was, he forgot. He could have Lavi laughing at him instead. He didn't want that at all. He just decided to suck it up and just be Allen's stupid slave.

Allen stopped thinking and turned to face Kanda once again. "Okay, I want you to smile for me," Allen smiled

Kanda gave him a content stare. "You want me to…. smile?"

Allen nodded. "Yes, you're always frowning so I always wonder what you would look like if you smiled for once."

Kanda sighed; at least it wasn't as bad as he thought. He looked at Allen and tried to force a small smile, but the smile he was forcing was a half a smile and a half of a frown. It was more of a smug smile. Allen couldn't help but laughed at Kanda's failed attempt. "Kanda, you have no idea how to smile do you?"

"Shut up Bean Sprout!" He barked.

"I would rephrase that sentence if I were you."

"Oh I'm sorry. How's this? If you don't shut the fuck up I'll stab you in the chest with Mugen, bean sprout!"

Allen gave him a blank stare. "You really want Lavi knowing, don't you?"

Kanda's eye twitched with annoyance, and actually forced a smile correctly. "I'm sorry…" Twitch. "Master Allen." Twitch. Twitch. "I won't disobey you again…" Twitch. Twitch. The sound of a vein could be heard popping. . .

Allen grinned, patting Kanda gently on the head. "There, that wasn't so hard now was it?' He quickly drew his arm back as Kanda's hand reached the hilt of Mugen. "Now, now; Kanda. I want you to control that temper of yours, you understand?" Kanda nodded, still forcing a smile. His hand over Mugen was twitching.

"And also, remove your hand from your Mugen."

Vein exploded.


Allen knocked on Kanda's door.


He winced slightly when he heard the snap reply from Kanda. He sighed slightly.

"That isn't anyway to greet your master." Allen could hear some banging and some curse words from inside the room that belonged to Kanda. He shook his head slightly. He saw the door open and saw Kanda standing right in front of him with a smile on his face. Allen made it a rule whenever Kanda was with Allen that he had to smile and be polite. He noticed a small throbbing vein on his forehead and couldn't help but grin slightly. He cleared his throat at Kanda as if to remind him to do something. Kanda's eyes narrowed.

"Good Even Master Allen, what can I do for you?" He said through gritting teeth.

Allen smiled. "Oh, I was just wondering if you would like to have dinner with me?"

"No," Kanda stepped back into his room and slammed the door in Allen's face. Allen's eye twitched with annoyance as he knocked on Kanda's door - again.

"Kanda! Unless you want Lavi to see the pictures-"

The door swung opened, revealing an angry looking Kanda. "What pictures?!" He demanded.

Allen chuckled evilly and held up three pictures of Lavi taking a shower, eating, and reading porn. Kanda's eye twitched. "Where did you get those!?"

Allen smirked. "Let's just say I'm pretty sly. . ."

Kanda's hand tried to reach for his Mugen when Allen suddenly stopped it. Allen shook his head, swaying his index finger in a scolding manner. "What did I say about reaching for your Mugen?"

Kanda furiously shoved Allen's hand away from his. "Don't you dare touch me, bean sprout."

Allen narrowed his eyes at him. Kanda's eyes widen slightly. He realized if he kept screwing up like this, Lavi was sure to know about those pictures. He hurriedly swallowed his pride for now and forced a small smile. "I'll be glad," twitch, "to have dinner with you." Twitch. Twitch. Vein popped.

Allen returned the small smile.


Allen and Kanda both were strolling down to the cafeteria when Kanda stopped. " Be-… Master Allen?" Twitch.

Allen stopped and turned his face. "What is it?"

"Why the hell do you want me to have dinner with you?"

Allen shrugged. "It's nice to have someone to talk to when you're eating."

"Che, I don't socialize. What makes you think I'll talk with you?"

Allen chuckled. "Kanda are you seriously that dumb?"

Kanda sighed. How could he forget that the damn Bean Sprout can make him talk to him? He just continued to head to the cafeteria with Allen following his trail. "Oh and another reason why I asked you to join me for dinner."

Kanda glanced back at him. "What?" he grunted.

"I need someone to carry my food." Allen smiled sweetly.

Kanda clutched his fist angrily, reaching to punch Allen hard in the face. Oh how he wanted to punch him hard in the face! And the stomach… and the groin…

However, he closed his eyes and did a small meditation in his mind to calm himself down. He returned Allen's smile with a small one.


End of Chapter One