ok now I realize this took me a while to write :( but this is my first lemon so yeah... I was under pressure! :X
a thank you to the people who reviewed and added this on your faves or story alert ARIGATOU!!! :D
Disclamer: I dont own kyo kara maou or any of its characters *cries* ._.
Warnings: yaoi! as in uncencored boy love! and all that good stuff. :P
~Yuuri's pov~
I held his soft hand while we made our way to my room. My heart was going crazy, I could feel his hands tremble slightly and it made me feel kind of… in charge. I think I was a bit harsh on him though. 'Maybe he feels pressured into doing this!' I thought. I turned suddenly and met his big green eyes. It felt like I melted from my chest to my stomach. I started to breathe faster. "Um… are you sure you want to do this Wolf?" I asked.
"Yes" was his simple answer.
I blushed at the intense look he gave me. "Ok Wolf but… if we do you know we can't go back right?" my lips betrayed my pants.
"Shut up…" he said and pulled my hand so I met his lips with mine.
His lips were so warm and soft so it felt perfect but I wanted more than just a kiss. The door to my room was about a foot away so I pushed him to the wall earning a gasp and luckily an open mouth.
~normal pov~
Yuuri slowly pushed Wolframs body towards the door. Once his back was on the cool wood Yuuri opened the door to reveal the messy room. They stumbled over clothes and shoes until Yuuri finally pushed Wolfram on the bed. "Wolfram… you're breathtaking" said Yuuri while he stared at his new prize. Wolfram offered him a perfect smile effectively showing off his dashing face. He cupped Yuuri's face and leaned 2 centimeters from his lips "as are you".
Yuuri stood off the bed and while in his haste to rid himself of his shirt ripped two buttons. Not caring he went on to his pants. "Yuuri you look pathetic"
"Said the boy who hid under the covers"
"Yuuri you wimp!"
"You're the guy who locked the door to hide from me" he said while struggling with his pajamas.
Wolfram cutely pouted and began to rid himself of his silky green shirt. "No Wolfram…" said Yuuri while walking towards him in underwear. "Leave that to me" he said pushing Wolfram into the bed with his body 'I love gravity' he thought while his boxers got tighter at feeling Wolfram under him. Before the blond could begin to speak Yuuri kissed his ear chastely, the touch was so soft yet send electric sparks though his spine.
Two hands slid up from his thighs to the perfectly toned and pale chest under the silk shirt. Part of Yuuri wanted to go slow due to the fact that this was their first time, yet the other part of him wanted to fuck him senseless on the spot. 'Wolfram could get hurt though' he thought while said blond cuddled into the nape of his neck and brought his hands to Yuuri's back. It seemed that so long Wolfram got to touch him no complains escaped the needy lips. Yuuri finally decided, slow to fast, cliché sure but effective. He began to lick Wolframs sensitive neck and traced the outline of the pale collarbone. The fire wielder tensed slightly but allowed it. Yuuri sat up and brought Wolfram with him. With silk covered legs around his waist he began to lift the shameless cloth from Wolframs equally if not silkier body. The lucky bastard hugging Wolframs aroused lower region go torn off in a matter of seconds. Both boys were currently in boxers and staring at each other.
Yuuri put both hands on either side of the other boys face and leaned in to softly kiss his neck. Wolfram gasped slightly at the ticklish feeling on his nerve. The black haired boy then licked a small spot on the pale neck and sucked harshly leaving a hickey to remind them of this epic night. A small moan coming from the boy under him made Yuuri feel even more turned on and angry with his boxers.
The burning breath on Wolframs soft skin made his body heat and blood flow move towards his new and shameful erection. "Yuuri…" whined the blond. Yuuri kissed his soft collarbone and took in the essence that was Wolfram. "Shh…" whispered the double black and began to give him another hickey. His tan hands made their path towards wolframs soft inner thighs and rocked his hips slightly making both young men gasp a moan and kiss each other intently. "You're so beautiful" said Yuuri while he nuzzled his face in Wolframs neck making the later hold in a laugh. "Likewise Yuuri" he replied.
They could hear small raindrops hit the window and the distant thunder illuminating their figures for a brief second. The soft sounds were calming and they were in no hurry, they instead took everything in. Each others features, the sweet flowery scent, the soft patter of the raindrops and the tiny shadows they made on the royal couple, every breath, and the pounding of their chests in anticipation. Finally Yuuri chose to end the calm silence by leaning down slowly and softly nibbling Wolframs ear. He traced down slowly towards his chest and began to suck above his heart making the blond boy giggle softly. He smiled to himself and began to play with the soft pink nipple in front of him while licking the other mercilessly and hungrily. "Nnnf Yuuri!" yelled the blond when said double black rubbed his manhood though the cloth.
"Wolfram…" moaned Yuuri at the sound of his name being yelled. Yuuri moved his inexperienced hands inside Wolframs underwear and pulled them bellow his thighs. Wolfram gasped at the sudden breeze hitting him where only he had ventured before. He let a small yelp leave his lips when his cold member was suddenly in Yuuri's burning hands. The double black then leaned down toward his lovers crotch and gave and experimental lick to the tip earning a moan and a hand grabbing at his silky black hair.
"Yuuri…" whined the prince while holding in his screams of ecstasy. Smiling to himself Yuuri decided he had tortured the boy underneath him long enough and took him in fully. He noticed that instead of the disgusting taste he imagined he almost tasted sweet but with a tinge of bitter 'just like his personality' thought Yuuri while he began to stroke the hardened erection in his mouth. Every moan and gasp the blond emitted made him want to enter him more. Finally, he pulled his face from engulfing his prize's manhood and leaned in for a kiss. "Yu…Yuuri..." gasped a panting Wolfram.
Yuri wasted no time and traced the bruised pink lips with his fingers. "Can I?" asked Yuuri licking his collarbone. "Yes…" said Wolfram softly into the air. Yuuri softly let his fingers slide inside wolframs hot mouth and left yet another hickey on the silk skin under him. Once the three digits were coated enough he kissed Wolfram harshly and pushed the first finger inside the virgin hole.
When wolfram rocked his hips he let a second finer be pushed inside. "Ahh Yuuri!" yelled wolfram while a third digit made its way into him. He felt a few tears drip down his cheeks and hit the soft pillows under him. Yuuri kissed him again and licked the small tears from his delicate cheeks.
After some thrusts and some scissoring he let his fingers slide out of wolframs hole and rested his toned and smooth legs around his hips. "Wolf… are you ready?" asked Yuuri while leaning in for another kiss. "Yes… just do it" he replied while he tried to regain his breath. With Wolframs ok he positioned his now needy cock at the base of the violated hole.
He kissed wolfram while he slid inside him, the rough kiss slightly muffling his moans of both extreme pain and unyielding pleasure. "It… hurts" he panted once he was completely filled. "Its ok Wolf just hold on to me" replied the delirious double black at feeling how warm and unbelievably good it felt inside his once best friend, current lover, and future husband.
Wolfram did as he was told and dug his nails inside the firm and sweating tan skin hovering above him. Yuuri didn't register the pain because his senses were all focused on the slow exiting of his fiancé. Wolfram never felt so much emptiness and whimpered slightly after getting comfortable with Yuuri inside of him. Said young king chuckled and before completely leaving his beloved cove of euphoria and thrust inside him steadily. "Ahh Yuuri…! Su… so... good" he moaned with a husky voice and a lost gaze.
Yuuri smiled widely and began to rhythmically thrust into the slightly shorter boy under him. Panting and moaning Yuuri thrust inside of him harder and faster by the second. Wolfram, in exchange, offered him long and arousing sounds that made Yuuri nearly lose himself in how incredible Wolfram felt, looked and sounded underneath him.
Yuuri was going out of his mind with the sound of the bed banging on the wall opposite to them along with the now rhythmic pants and moans of his hot sweating fiancé. Wolfram felt himself nearly explode from complete bliss when Yuuri hit something inside him that made his breathing stop for a second and arch his back pressing their bodies even tighter if possible.
"Oh god Yuuri yeees!"
After hearing Wolfram plead so sexily like that, Yuuri sped up his already inhuman thrusts and made sure he hit that one perfect ecstasy endorsing nerve every time. A few thrust later neither boy could take much more and they reached their climax simultaneously, both yelling each others name at the top of their lungs.
Yuuri, having lost so much energy, simply rested on his tired boyfriend. He kissed the flushed peach of Wolfram's neck slipping out of him slowly and laying next to him on the now dirty covers. Covers now coated in fluids, love, and sex.
"I love you so much Wolf…" said Yuuri sleepily, rain drops threatening to lull him to sleep.
"I love you too" he replied equally tired.
With those simple but only recently used words the two cuddled into a gentle hug and let sleep overcome them.
A/N: well I know it wasnt too good but hey at least I tried right? :)
and this is not the end folks! :D one more chapter to go and then you will be rid of this story taking up space at the top of the recent fics XD
review if desired my readers I hope I didn't disapoint you!