"It's a girl," said the doctor, as the baby's crying screams filled the air.

They were in Clark's old bedroom at the Kent farm. Lois plunged back into the soft pillows in a sweaty heap, but with a smile on her face.

The doctor handed the baby to Clark, who brought the newly cleaned and healthy baby over to Lois.

"She's so beautiful," Lois breathed.

The baby had blue eyes like Clark's and soft, light brown hair like Lois' when she was a girl.

"Of course, she is," Clark said as he stroked the baby's hair.

She smiled and they gave each other a quick kiss. Then she turned her eyes to the young doctor in the room, her smile disappearing, "And you. If I have another child, you had better make sure you bring drugs next times or you won't live through the next childbirth."

He threw his hands up in surrender. "You said you wanted a natural childbirth. You said that no matter what you say in the throws of labor, no drugs. I was only following strict orders."

There was a light knock on the door. "Can we come in?" Chloe called.

"Sure," the doctor called back, glad for the interruption. "Perfect timing, honey. Your cousin was about to kill me."

Chloe laughed at her husband. "I told you, Andrew. You should have given her drugs when she asked."

They had to get around plunging needles into the invulnerable baby. Fortunately, Chloe's doctor husband, who Chloe had let in on the secret with permission, provided that solution.

Martha, Lucy, Sam Lane, and Evan all trailed in after Chloe. They all gathered around the bedside to see the baby.

Martha was closest and a tear of happiness threatened to fall.

"You want to hold her?" Lois asked.

"It's a girl," the general said as if that didn't surprise him one bit.

Lois frowned at him before handing the girl to Martha. "Relax, Daddy. You already have a grandson," gesturing toward Evan with her eyes.

Sam gave Evan an awkward and stiff smile. He was still coming to terms with it. Lois couldn't imagine him ever coming to terms with it if he had he really been Clark's son but maybe she underestimated him sometimes. At least adoption and his gender gave Evan a fighting chance at having a grandfather.

Martha was softly cooing at the newborn. Chloe leaned toward Martha and offered a finger to the girl.

"Have you decided on a name?" Martha asked.

Lois and Clark smiled at each other and Clark said, "Ella Martha Kent."

"For her grandmothers," Lois said.

"Ellie," Evan said.

"That's a fine nickname," Clark smiled. "I like it."

"Me too," Lois echoed.

"Why don't we give the new family some alone time," suggested Andrew, "but not too much time. Ellie and her mother need some rest." Everyone left leaving Clark, Lois, Evan, and Ellie alone.

"My daughter," Clark said proudly.

"Let's get one thing straight in this family," Lois declared. "There is no my or your. Just ours."

Evan's wondering eyes finally left the baby. "Not even my sister?"

Lois smiled, "Well, maybe my sister would be okay. I just mean that we're one family," she said as she tousled his hair.

Clark and Evan smiled back at her. There was no argument coming from them or Ellie for that matter.

The End