Chapter 5 - Moment

I woke up with a yawn the next morning, and took a look at my clock. It was almost nine in the morning.

There was no familiar weight on my bed next to me. I glanced around my room, wondering where Edward was. I got up, grabbed my toiletries bag, and trudged to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Edward must've gone home to grab his car and change or something. Or maybe his hunting trip was running a little late. I yawned, trying to remember what time I had came home from work last night. I couldn't.

I took a quick shower, and went downstairs to pour myself a bowl of cereal. Knowing that Edward couldn't be late any moment longer, the eagerness began to plan itself in my heart. He should be here any second.

But I couldn't help myself from checking the messages on the answering machine in the kitchen downstairs, and I was slightly worried when I saw there was nothing new. This wasn't like Edward to be late from a hunting trip, and completely avoid me. He was supposed to be back during the night and he had promised me that he would be there in the morning for me. My stomach tightened, and I tried not to think of the worst.

Charlie was already in the kitchen, chewing on a granola bar. He smiled at me. "Morning, Bells."

"Hey, Dad," I smiled at him and sat down with my breakfast. "Aren't you going fishing today?"

He frowned at me. "No, I'm not leaving you home alone in this state."

I glanced up from my breakfast. "What state?"

He didn't answer. There was a long pause. "Did I tell you that I go fishing often?"




He stared at me blankly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, are you okay?"

"Wha - " He stopped, and then his eyes widened. "Bella...what was your… homework for the weekend?"

"Just an essay for English," I answered slowly, confused by the question. "But I already finished it."

He leapt up from the table, and the chair flew back against the wall. "Your memory's back!"

I was thoroughly startled now. "My memory's back?! Dad, what the hell are you talking about?"

He pulled me off the chair and caught me in a tight hug. I couldn't hug him back. The confusion was beginning to get seriously annoying now. "Dad, what's going on?"

He pulled back and put his hands on my shoulders. "Bella, honey, you were in a car crash a few days ago and you lost your memory."


I pulled up in front of the long, winding Cullen driveway. I guessed Alice had seen me coming, yet there was no one waiting at the front door. That made me nervous, and I began to feel extremely uneasy. What if everyone had – but no, I couldn't even bare to think that thought.

I got out of my truck, and slammed the door behind me. My legs felt like quivering jelly as I walked up the front steps. I raised my hand to knock on the door, and I could hear people talking on the inside, which was a bit unusual. I recognized Emmett's booming voice. Then, the door thrust open, and I was flung backwards. Someone else caught me from behind in a stony grasp.

"Alice, careful!" I recognized Edward's sharp voice. The cool arms were everywhere.

"Bella!" Alice squealed. "Oh, Bella, I can't believe your memory's back!"

"Alice, she just gained her memory back, don't harass her," came Carlisle's voice from behind Alice.

Alice let go of me, and beamed. The rest of the Cullen family was standing behind her in the wide doorway, smiling at me.

"Bella," came Edward's voice from behind me, full of relief.

I twisted around and fell into his stony embrace, his arms fastening tightly around my waist. I couldn't help it; I started crying.

Edward murmured something to the others, and I could feel the empty presence, knowing they had left. Edward swung me up easily in his arms, and I was vaguely aware of him climbing the stairs, and entering his room.

"Shh, Bella, it's all right…you're fine now," Edward murmured in my ear, and he settled down on the couch with me tightly in his lap.

I wiped my eyes on his shirt. It was stupid of me to be crying but for one second, I was worried that Edward had left me again. As soon as I had that thought again, the tears poured over again.

Edward pulled my hand away from my face and dried my tears himself, with his cool, long fingers. "Bella, why are you crying?" His voice was anxious.

I looked up at him, fresh tears in my eyes. "Edward…I missed you."

He smiled at me, but his eyes were sad. "How could you have missed me? You were suffering from memory loss."

"I know…but when I got my memory back…I started thinking about…the worst." The second the words were out of my mouth, I began to regret it.

His face twisted.

"No, Edward, I'm sorry," I apologized right away, and moved my hand to place it on his cheek.

He put his hand over mine, and straightened out his face with some effort. He smiled, but it didn't touch his eyes.

"Bella," he murmured. "I promised you. I'm never leaving you again. You know I only wasn't around you because Carlisle told me not to be. I wasn't supposed to strain your memory."

"I know," I repeated in a whisper.

He hugged me tighter to his chest. "You couldn't imagine what it felt like. I had to keep out of your room for the longest time; Carlisle warned me you may be suffering from memory loss, but I refused to believe it. How could you forget me? But when I first entered your room, and you looked up at me and asked me, 'Who are you?' the pain I felt inside was unbearable." He shuddered.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

He shook his head. "Bella, why are you apologizing? I should've been there when it happened. I should've at least left Alice in charge of you – "

"Edward," I interrupted, "I thought we agreed. The werewolves aren't involved anymore, and you promised me you wouldn't hold me hostage anymore." I didn't meet his eyes. We never really talked about the pack and Jacob anymore, and I didn't want to see his expression at the moment.

"Yes, but look what happened a few days ago – a simple car crash when you were on your way from work. And I was off hunting. Of course, Alice called me right away, and you couldn't begin to imagine my was me…" His voice trailed off, his eyes distant, and I knew he was beating himself up over my own faults again.

I grabbed his face tightly and forced him to look back at me. "Damn it, Edward! Quit blaming yourself for my faults…you can't be there 24/7. The car crash was completely my fault anyway…I turned too fast, and didn't see the other car. You're the farthest person from the point of blame."

He didn't look convinced, but he took a deep breath and changed the subject. "How are you feeling now? Are you still in pain anywhere? Did you take your medication?"

"I'm fine."

He looked down at me, and pulled my chin up so that our eyes met. His burning eyes were almost the most solemn and serious I had ever seen them. "I can't afford to come close to losing you ever again, Bella," he murmured. "I'm sorry."

I was about to protest against his apology, but his lips met mine and I forgot everything.

We kissed for several minutes, one of his ice cold hands tight on my back and the other knotted tightly into my hair. It was one of our most passionate kisses ever, and I took advantage of him in his current state, and pressed myself tighter to him.

His lips were cold against my warm ones, but the feeling of his lips moving against my warm ones sent an electrical surge throughout my body, starting from my toes. The comforting sensation washed through me, and I wanted to cry again, though I didn't know why. He didn't push me away, as he might have any other time, but eventually he broke my grip on him and pushed my face gently back a few inches so that he could gaze into my eyes.

"I love you, Isabella."

I tried to get my breathing back under control. "I love you too, Edward."

He smiled at me and bent his head down to kiss me again.


A/N: Well, this story is done with now :) Lol, I know it was a short story, but I'm glad I posted it up here. Thanks to all who reviewed, your reviews make my day! I'm glad you guys liked it.

Also, I just started a new story called "Bella's Nights" and it's about Bella and Edward's nights spent together. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think of it. Thanks again :)