Well, here's some good news and bad news. The story, Betrayed Love, has been removed. I've lost interest for now and I don't want to leave you hanging forever and it'll be rewritten better. Thanks for those reviews anyway!

Well, here's a story I've decided to post because I can. Hope you like!

"Again!" Leo shouted, springing into the air, his snapping his legs out to perform a perfect split-kick. He landed perfectly, legs spread out just right. He watched as his two brothers before him executed the same more together in harmony. Mask tails, purple and orange, floated together, hovering in midair for a few split seconds before landing back upon shoulders and scarred shells. Anxious blue eyes and calm brown eyes starred at the blue clad turtle, awaiting praise or criticism.

"Don, you're not putting enough energy into the kick." Leo scowled at the turtle. "Mike, you're too distracted; your legs aren't reaching the full split."

Don let out a sigh of frustration. His brown eyes had been narrowed in concentration all practice, his energy level high and his muscles screaming for a good work out. And yet it still wasn't enough.

Ever since Raphael had disappeared five years ago, Leo had been working them mad like the Foot would strike at any second. He and Raph had gotten into a huge fight, as usual; Raph had gone up top and never came back. All that remained of the hotheaded turtle was a pair of sai's and a blood-red mask, both worn and showing evidence of a hard battle before the capture.

They'd searched for many months on end, but all it brought was more pain. After three years, Splinter had pronounced him dead and they held a funeral for him, though there was nothing to bury. Mikey refused to touch Raph's room, to get rid of some things and use the room for storage. He didn't want to let go of the slight chance that he would return; clearing out the room would have been like saying that they'd given up on him ever coming back. Although he never himself entered the room, he guarded it with his life.

"Well done Leonardo." Splinter praised, rising from his kneeling position on the floor. "Leonardo is correct my sons, you do not seem to be putting enough of yourselves into the kata's. Is something troubling you?"

"No sensei." Don mumbled while Mikey shook his head.

Splinter gave a short nod of his head. "Very well then. Please clean up, Mr. and Mrs. Jones are coming over for diner at six and I do not wish for you to smell that of the sewer. Michelangelo, if you will start diner…"

Mikey opened his mouth to protest. "What about take-out?"

"They are about to leave for their honeymoon Michelangelo," Splinter chuckled at his son's disappointed look. "I believe they will enjoy a home-cooked meal before their departure. If you will kindly start, Leonardo and Donatello will set the table."

Leo gave a brief nod before turning to the purple clad brother. "You still have their present right?" he whispered.

Don nodded. "Yes. Still safely hidden from Mikey."

"Where did you hide it?" Leo raised an eyebrow. Mikey usually found whatever they had hidden easily.

"I – um…. well…" he suddenly looked uncomfortable at the question and Leo smiled in understanding.

"It's okay bro." Leo knew. It was the only room Mikey never entered anymore. "There's no point in ruining their present because we're too scared to f-face reality." Truth was, ever since Raph disappeared; Leo had been terrified for his other brother's. It was his fault Raph was gone. He'd failed him and there was no way he'd fail his other brothers again.

He didn't know how, but the Foot realized he had vanished so they thought attacking them in the middle of their search would be a good idea since they would be weak. Leo would die before he let the Foot lay a finger on his brother's. He never thought he would ever kill intentionally, but his fear gave him incredible energy and strength. They never knew what hit them. Since then there had been no hide or hair of the black wearing ninjas.

Don looked relieved that Leo understood. He'd accepted the fact that Raphael was dead long ago. Mikey still held onto the faint hope, the ever-fading light that Raph would return. Don thought that Leo had accepted it as well, but he couldn't help but feel that he was still clinging as well. He was a turtle of science and he knew that the chances of one of them surviving five years in the hands of humans were very slim, if anything. But he wasn't about to deny Mikey's right to hope, to dream. He wouldn't tear that away from him, after everything.

"Thanks bro." Don finally sighed, relieved.

Leo laid a hand on his shoulder, steering him towards their rooms upstairs. "Why don't you go upstairs and get it? I'll keep Mikey downstairs long enough for you to retrieve it without a fuss."

Don shrugged. "Sure." He waited long enough while Leo kept Mike preoccupied long enough in the kitchen for him to silently make his way upstairs. Slowly walking down the narrow path, he stopped before a large wooden door. With a deep breath to relax, he twisted the doorknob and stepped inside.

The first thing he noticed was the heavy layer of dust that coated everything. The helmet that lay abandoned on the dresser, it's normal red glaze dimmed; the empty hammock that hung from the hooks, still as death and the stray blanket that lay at the end; the neglected pads that lay wherever they were tossed; weights still hung neatly in the corner.

Don stepped inside; his heart racing as he took in everything that once belonged to his brother. He made his way slowly to the hammock, and laid a hand on the soft fabric. It shifted, rocking beneath his gentle touch. He drew his hand underneath the pillow and withdrew a small box. He breathed a sigh and he glanced up at what he thought was an empty wall.

There, on the wall, hung neatly upon a small hook, was a mask. The mask was the color of blood, torn and grimed from pervious battles. It rested upon the nail, awaiting the return of the hotheaded ninja so it could once again rest on his face.

Don quickly moved his gaze back to the box in his hands and hurried out of the room. With a sigh, he closed the door behind him with a soft click. The warm and bright lair greeted him cheerily, a great distraction from the misery in the room he had been in. Making his way back down the steps, he stuffed the box into a small pouch in his belt. He heard the sounds of laughter and forced a grin on his face.

"Hey April, Casey!" Don greeted the group merrily. April was sitting at their table, her green eyes shinning with excitement as she chatted with Leo. Casey stood behind her, his muscular arms wrapped around her shoulders. They both bore rings, April's sparkling with diamonds and Casey with a single jewel in the center, both a solid gold color.

"Don." April stood, stretching out her arms for a hug, which Don readily accepted. He then held her at an arms length, his own breath taken away at her beauty. She wore a floor-length gown, a deep purple with a diamond necklace and matching earrings. She had somehow managed to get Casey into a tux with a bow to match.

"You look beautiful." He murmured.

April blushed, using one hand to straighten her gown. "Do you really like it? Casey promised me a romantic time out later after dinner here and I wanted to look good."

"April, you look great." Don said encouragingly as he led her back to her seat. "Although Casey might have to watch the other men." He joked.

Casey gave him a smirk. "Yeah and she forbid me from brining a bat along as well."

April smacked his chest. "And you know why as well Arnold Casey Jones."

"Come on babe, don't call me what." Casey protested with a grin.

"I'm your wife." She told him smugly. "I can call you that if I want."

Casey opened his mouth, but no words came out. He narrowed his eyes, trying to think of a comeback that wouldn't get him pulverized.

Splinter chuckled, entering the room. "I believe she is right Mr. Jones." He sat down, giving Mikey a look. "Is the food almost prepared my son?"

"Yes sensei." Mikey vanished into the kitchen.

April gave a small squeal, her stomach growling loudly. "I wonder what he made?" she looked at Leo. "Please give me a hint?"

Leo smiled, taking his seat across from the couple. "Sorry, but I swore on my honor."

"Ta-da!" Mikey announced loudly, carrying a large tray carefully in both hands. An aroma drifted from the plates and too the table. April gave him a smile.

"It smells delicious." She told him as Casey took his seat next to her.

Mikey set down a covered plate before the redhead. With a shaky hand, he removed the lid.

"Oh my…" April starred, awestruck at the meal before her. "Michelangelo, I never knew you could cook like this."

Mikey breathed a sigh of relief.

He had spent two days, making an expensive gourmet dish. On it was fettuccine noodles, covered in a creamy cheese sauce with strips of chicken and shrimp, both glazed in a honey sauce, and covered in herbs. On the side was a loaf of garlic bread and a small salad.

"Looks good Mikey." Casey leaned over his wife, taking a deep breath from the steam that drifted from it. "What do I get?"

Mikey revealed another tray. On it was a large steak, with a side of spaghetti and garlic bread of his own. Casey greedily licked his lips, sniffing.

"Wow Mike. This ain't a gift, this is art."

"Thanks guys." Mikey blushed, disappearing back into the kitchen to grab their own grub. Splinter got sushi, he got Pizza, Leo got a homemade Japanese dish of noodles and chicken and Don got a broccoli and cheddar cheese soup in a bread-bowl. They all stared hungrily at the dishes that were laid before them.

"Good job Mikey." Don said as he took a bite from his. His eyes closed in delight.

"Yeah bro." Leo took his chopsticks, expertly twirling a portion before sticking it in his mouth.

Mikey sat down in his spot, greedily reaching for his homemade pizza with different types of meat from hamburger to salami, peppers, and three different types of cheeses. He took a slice from the pan, and brought it towards his mouth. But it never got there.

A sudden stabbing pain shot through his head. Mikey cried out, clutching his head with both hands and leaning over the table. The pain continued and he barely heard his family member's yell his name, or the sound of forks hitting the table and chairs scrapping the floor as the members rushed to his side. Mikey didn't feel the comforting hands on him or hear the soothing voices.

He saw blackness at first before a sharp stab of pain shot through his stomach. He recognized it instantly; it was a hunger pain from one who hadn't eaten in many days. His wrists, ankles, neck and ever face hurt suddenly and Mikey felt like something was clamping down on them, refusing to ease up any pain.

The blackness pressed in on him and he struggled for a breath. There was a sound that Mikey couldn't place before instant pain followed on some part of his body, like a sudden and unsuspecting punch. He screamed out, trying to reach for those parts but his limbs wouldn't follow his commands.

It hurt…shell it hurt.

As quickly as it started it stopped and Mikey suddenly found himself in another place, looking out through the eyes of who he knew wasn't his own. He saw the background, red and white stripes in the dimly lit tent behind the bars of steel. He glanced down, feeling straw poke at his skin and the chains around his wrists and ankles. He swallowed hard, suddenly aware of the rough leather against his throat.

He tried to open his mouth, but sudden pain followed. He closed his eyes again, willing himself away from the pain. As he melted back into the darkness, the last sound he heard was that of a lion, a roar crisp and clean against the silence.

Reviews plesae?