Disclaimer: I don't own bleach.

(The setting of this story is seven or so years after Ulquiorra and Orihime met. It doesn't really follow the bleach storyline either. Otherwise Ulquiorra would be dead. I hope you enjoy. ^_^)

Chapter 1: His Beloveds' Secret

Ulquiorra was sitting around in the human world by the orders of Aizen. He was basically told to just keep lookout for anything that might resemble an enemy. Of course there were none, which made the entire search pointless.

Currently he was thinking about the only woman he ever loved. Orihime Inoue. He sighed. It was such a shame that she got rescued. She had finally managed to love him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, but of course Ichigo had to come and ruin it all.

After realizing their love was a disaster waiting to happen, they decided to have one night of bliss. It was such a beautiful experience. He wished that hadn't ended. It had been seven years since that day. Oh how he longed for her embrace or maybe possibly a warm caress.

Quickly he shook his head. Such thoughts only depressed him. He focused back on his job. Which was very hard considering how boring it was. He stood motionlessly on the top of a tall building. He could see all of Karakura town from where he stood.

Far off in the distance by the bridge he could see a small child wandering the streets. That was odd for a child to be out so late at night. Where was the child's parents?

Curious, Ulquiorra ventured off his lookout post to watch the child. Now he was on the top of the bridge looking down below. The child seemed not to notice, for now it was playing on the top of the railing. If it wasn't too careful he/she would fall and most likely drown.

Most of the time he would show no such concern, but for some reason he felt like being compassionate. He watched and waited for the child to fall.

For a while the child walked along the railing of the bridge, acting happy and carefree. Soon enough though, he/she fell over, screaming.

Lucky for her/him that Ulquiorra had come down and helped.

Up close Ulquiorra realized that the child was a little girl. She was wearing a pink jacket and blue shoes. She wore children's sized jeans. She had cute, shoulder length orange like hair and big, bright-green eyes. In her hair seemed to be a familiar hair pin. She was shaking, frightened in his arms.

He immediately let the child go. She curled up in a corner staring at him terrorized.

He rolled his eyes. He should have realized sooner that a child would be frightened of him. He was pretty scary looking. He decided to ask her a basic question in as nice a tone as he could possibly muster.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She stared at his face, now appearing to be thinking something.

He had not much patients for children. He got up, ready to just leave her there.

Still analyzing him the girl stood up too. She was muttering randomness.

"Black hair………. White clothes………… Bone helmet thingy……… green eyes……" she continued.

"What are you muttering child!?" Ulquiorra growled at her.

Her eyes widened as if she suddenly realized something. She crouched a little then pounced onto him entering an embrace with his midsection. She uttered one word.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed very happily.

Ulquiorra gawked. Did she just call him daddy?

"Wh……WHAT!!!!!?????" He exclaimed very alarmed. This kid had to joking! Right? He sure hoped so. He only ever did it once and that was with Orihime. Could he really have gotton her pregnant fom just that one time? He gulped in a panic. The child still hugging him. This had to be a dream.