An Angel of Destiny

By Elisa Miller


It was 10:08 P.M. on January 19, 2004. It was very dark and very icy. I had just left the Hang-out Hall where I help out when I have free time. Tonight was one of those nights. As soon as I got done I got on my brand new purple mountain bike that I had gotten for Christmas and started pedaling home. It was basically a straight shot between my house and the Hang-out Hall so I didn't really have to pay much attention to what I was doing.

First mistake: not paying attention. Then I decided to take the long way home and savor the evening. Second mistake. Third mistake, and probably the worst, I had forgotten my cell-phone at home.

So, here I am, under the light pole that I ran into after I lost control of my bike. I think that I must be unconscious. Not only can I not move or scream for help, but the people who own the house right next to the light pole had just came running out and the lady had screamed, "She's unconscious!"

To my surprise, this didn't really surprise me. I could hear them calling the ambulance and I could feel them trying to find my pulse but I couldn't do anything. That is what I find strange. It's like I am here but I'm not really HERE, here. Physically yes, but not in any other way.

All of a sudden I could hear sirens. There were people all around me, I could tell. Even in unconsciousness I knew that if there were many more people that I didn't know I would start hyperventilating. Well, if that is possible beings I'm not even sure that I am still breathing at the moment. Wow, when they get an emergency call they sure hurry!

Possible Story!(Wow, I just re-read it and that is absolutely horrible!)

Well tell me what you think!(Or don't. My work is used to being ignored)