I'd like to thank everyone who commented and faved this story. It helped me write the next chapter after a long loss of interest.


Chapter 7: The rest of the 4th floor


It was the second room of the fourth floor and I was still just a Poochyena plushy. I have feeling in my legs, but it felt like it was made like a plushy. My sister, Morgan, held me because it was difficult to walk like this. As we entered the 2nd room of the fourth floor I immediately saw that this room was filled with little girl's toys. Now I was afraid to get transformed again for the sake of my dignity. All the toys were pink and all had those cute faces on them. I don't know what kind of challenge was waiting but I didn't like it one bit. Morgan had gotten the Question mark and it read:

Hints and Tips:

Hint: this floor only for your amusement. Make your friend touch the toy and it will become it

Tips: To randomly select put your friend on the circle with the exclamation mark on it.

"No" I said quickly "You're not going to, just skip this floor now" but apparently my sister couldn't pass up the opportunity to humiliate me "I think I can have just a little fun here can't I?" Morgan stated. I didn't put up a lot of struggle for she put me on the exclamation mark and I felt stuffing shift and grow as I felt myself getting bigger and bigger as everything expanded and turned pink. I was much taller and was actually taller that Morgan! It was then where Morgan laughed "You're a giant Ursaring!" She got out her pocket mirror again and I saw my face. It wasn't too bad, but it was stuck in a smiling position and it made me look cute rather that fierce like a real Ursaring would be. It was there I noticed the lack of toys. All of the toys that filled the room earlier were completely gone and all that was left was the pink walls.

I could actually walk but I lost my balance a lot and fell over very often. I then noticed the big white heart on my stomach continuing to my chest. I felt really embarrassed but you couldn't tell by my face. I soon got used to the weird wobble walk and went through to the third room of the fourth floor. It was here that I saw a gigantic swimming pool sort of thing. With two platforms on each side of it that extended from this side of the room to the door on the opposite. Morgan grabbed the question mark again.

Hints and Tips:

Hint- one on each bridge, don't fall in.

Tip- 10 yards to the end.

"Let's do this" Morgan said plainly "It seems simple, but don't expect that." I wobbled over to the platform on the left and Morgan to the right. As soon as we both got to it a gate sealed us off from the floor and we where only above the pool standing on the bridge. We both started at the same time when water squirted out of the walls and waterfalls came from the ceiling at random. Water was splashing everywhere and really distracted me. I looked over to see Morgan already finished which was a shock for me considering I was still at the beginning. I started to move forward as I noticed that when water squirted me my fur got wet and weighed it down a lot! I tried running to the end but a sudden waterfall from the ceiling got me completely wet and I couldn't get back up! I could twitch and fidget, but that was the only thing that I could do! The water was starting to slide me off the platform and before I could react I fell in.

I sank to the very bottom before I felt my body go hollow and get slippery! It was almost instantaneous as a pink life sized Ursaring turned into a life sized Lapras pool toy! I quickly floated to the top with the air that I had and quickly swam to Morgan. The fins were big and easily moved the water, but it was slippery and took me and Morgan at least five minutes to drag me out of the pool which would usually be done in five seconds. Once I was on dry land I had a tough time dragging myself to the door.

I was relieved to see nurse joy and to find the safe zone, but to the right there was another big swimming pool which nurse joy said "that's for relaxation and for having fun" I dragged myself to the swimming pool which Morgan went to the restroom for a few minutes to come back with a swim suit on! Morgan said that she got it from the backpack she has been carrying around all the time. Morgan jumped on my back without warning. She then said "your back is a chair! And ooh!" she slid her feet into my back fins and began pedaling. "What in the! Hey" I said "that's no fair!" She took me to the end of the pool and back and all the while I couldn't do anything about it, I just kept telling her to get off! "What's this button do?" she pressed it and a mini HT came out saying what the buttons did, but I couldn't look back and see it. "Oh this'll be good!" she pressed another button and said "Tell what you think of me and don't use anything bad" she smiled as I started speaking against my will "You look very pretty, and I'm glad to have you as my sister." I didn't want to say that! She then pressed another button and I couldn't speak! She kept reading and said "Oh this is very interesting!" she said with and evil grin. She pedaled me to the edge of the pool and she got out. "Turn into a real Lapras without powers" she said to me.

My body started getting heavier as my rubbery skin turned into blubber. I was then a real Lapras! But before I could react she said "Turn into an anthro Lapras" I then felt my body change shape as it got thinner and more humanlike! I looked like a humanoid, but my skin was blue except my underbelly was white, I had a mitten like hand that resembled a flipper, my feet were flippers as well but I could stand on them, I had a Lapras like head, no shell, a tail, and swim trunks to keep my dignity intact. "Wow! I look so much different and like a person again!" walking came naturally and I quickly got used to the body, but my sister soon burst out laughing at the paper. She turned to me and said "Turn into a female anthro Lapras" she said snickering. "W-what!" I said before the changes took place. I felt my stomach get thinner and my hips and butt bigger. I also felt breast growing in as a girls swim suit appeared over me. "What did you do!" I said with a much more feminine voice!

"Hey sister!" Morgan said insulting me "you can no longer change back from female anthro Lapras" she said as I felt all my muscles tighten and knew that Morgan made this a change that only she could turn me back from!


Thanks again to everyone that wanted me to continue this, and for reading this far. I tried a different writing style, so I hope you like it.