I know that your think why is he writing another story? I want his other stories finished! The thing is, I wanted to write this story and I thought it would be fun! So have fun!


Chapter 1: The game


It's basically just a normal life for me. I have a good friend an annoying older sister, who is only a year older, and a lot of fun! My name is Jeff, my friend`s name is Conner, and my sister`s name is Morgan. I might not be the most popular person, but its summer and being out of school for a while is sweet!


"It`s SO boring…" I said sitting with Conner and Morgan in the backyard

"I know!" Conner said "What are we gonna do?"

"I can always give you two a makeover!" Morgan offered

"NO!" Conner and I said at the same time

"Fine" she said "It was just a suggestion…"

"Wanna play with your mightyena?" I asked Conner

"No…" he sighed "He isn`t as much fun since he evolved…" he stopped to think "Wanna play the WII?"

"I don't have any good games anymore, I beat them all…" I said

"Maybe you guys should buy a new game from Gamerun." My sister suggested "How much money do you guys got?" she asked

"I got ten bucks" I said

"I got five" Conner added

"We can buy a used game" I suggested "The store clerks always know what the best games are… Can you drive us there Morgan?"

"Why should I drive you there?" Morgan asked

"Because you suggested it and you're bored to."

"Fine," she said getting up "let me get my car keys."


After the fifteen minute car ride, we finally got there, and the store was pretty much empty besides the games lining the walls and shelves.

"Hey matt," I said to the owner of the store who was playing blackjack with his banette.

"Hey Jeff!" he said without looking up "What are you doing here? There aren't many new games out."

"We know that." I said "I just need a game that will cure my boredom for a while… got any ideas?"

"There's always a shelf filled with new games in the corner" he said to me… "AH HA! 21!" he said to his banette.

"OK I'll look." I said while he was dealing out cards

"Can I play?" asked Morgan

"Sure thing, just pull up a chair." He said dealing cards to Morgan

I walked over to the used game section with Conner behind me. "Let's see…" I said pulling out games from the shelf. "Kingdome farts, Kingdome farts 2 return of the flatulence, Dragonite cube X…" I continued down the list of games and found nothing interesting…

"Do you have ANY interesting games, Matt?" I asked

"Don't interrupt me when I get 21!" he said

"I fold" Morgan said

"Bay." His banette agreed

"Ugh…" he said agitated "I did get one… but it's been returned quite a few times."

"Which is it?" I asked

"It's in the back," he said getting up "maybe you`ll want it."

He rummaged through the back and came out with a game. I took it and looked at the cover…

"Keeper of the castle?" I asked "What's it about?"

"I don't know" he said "never played it"

"How much?" I asked

"Thirty bucks" he said

"Thirty bucks!" I said "I only have fifteen!"

"Don't worry little bro!" Morgan said "I'll pay for the rest! Thanks to Matt and his gambling." She said smirking at him

"Fine." He said "just give me the cash" we all gave him the money and in turn, he gave us the game "have a nice day!" he said as we were walking out of the door.


"Let's see…" I said pulling out the instruction booklet, I began reading out loud:

"Keeper of the castle is a fun and exciting action adventure game, were the players find themselves in a castle which is ruled over by the "keeper", and the players must get to the keeper, to save their friend while avoiding his sick and twisted traps. Most of his traps include turning the player into Pokémon or other abnormal things. To complete the game, the players must successfully get the master to the top, and the master must be human to destroy the keeper, and free the player's friend. The master is allowed to pick six Pokémon to fight out some of the traps. Good luck!"

"Sounds cool" Conner said

"Yeah!" Morgan said coming into the room "And I am going to be the master." She said

"What!?" I asked "why you?"

"Let's see…" she said "I drove you to the store, paid for gas, paid for half of the game, and the most importantly! I'm older."

"Fine…" I said "But only the first time through! The others, Conner and I switch out."

"Fine with me" she said, grabbing a WII remote

Once we started the game, the title screen came on and it said to pick who is who…

"Sorry Conner" I said "looks like a two player game."

"Then I call master next round" he said leaning back into the chair

Morgan chose her player as the "master" and I chose my player as the "helper"…

When the game started we saw a small white line in the middle of the black screen… it grew in size until it said "begin!" and when Morgan clicked on it, nothing seemed to happen…

"What's going on?" I asked

"Maybe its loading" Conner said

A small colorful spiral could be seen on the screen, growing bigger in size until it actually outgrew the screen! A vortex opened up in the TV, and soon all of us were sucked inside…


I think that's a good first chapter for me. And I think you ALL know what's going to happen next! If not… then you're not that bright… I hope you all REVIEW!!! (Words=1156)