Title: Usagi, Makenai!
Authors: Usa (Usako0@aol.com) and Emiri (bunny_s_@hotmail.com)
Rating: PG
Authors Notes: Guess what! We've completed "Who Am I". I'm going to post it after I post this so look out for it! Thanks for the reviews!

Usagi, Makenai!
Part 1
By Usa and Emiri


Two weeks ago I could have told you I wanted to end it all... It started with the class project. Haruna-sensei told us our class was going to have a Talent Show for the Cherry Blossom Festival. Naturally, everyone in the class turned to me. One boy even shouted, "'I wonder what Tsukino-san is going to do! Eat or sleep, probably!"

I tried not to show them my tears, but it's hard not to when the whole class is laughing at you. I used to be able to keep inside, ignore comments like, "She's a ditz."

As if that's an explanation! I may be a ditz, but I have feelings too! Nothing is going right for me. I feel like the whole world is forcing me to do something and I can't breath.

My friends are the worst! Ami-chan tells me I should study more. She doesn't realize that I do study, but it never seems to do me any good. Mako-chan and Rei-chan tell me to be a better Senshi and Minako-chan tells me to be more like a Princess. Why can't they accept me for who I am!

Mama and Papa seemed to have given up on me... They don't yell at me to wake up or do my homework. And Shingo... well, lets just say he hardly speaks to me anymore.

There's one person through this all who I thought was leaving me for good. My Mamo-chan. Until that day we were together again, I was going to do it... End it all.



"As you all know, the Cherry Blossom festival is coming up in a month's time," Haruna told the class one morning. "This year, we will be having a school-wide talent show. I expect you all to participate in it."

I inwardly sighed. This was NOT going to be good. I'm not good anything at all!

"I wonder what Tsukino-san's going to do! Eat, maybe sleep?" one boy shouted.

Everyone laughed at his joke. Haha, hilarious, I thought. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Why do they always pick on me!

I hurriedly asked Haruna-sensei if I could use the restroom. I had to get out of there!

"You have 3 minutes," Haruna replied.

I ran out without replying to her. As soon as I got to the bathroom, I began crying harder. Why? Why can't I be good at anything? Why am I so baka!?

My head snapped up at the sound of the door. I cringed. It was the meanest girl in the entire school! Fughi Miaka...

Miaka always wore army clothes and smoked literally a box of cigarettes a day. She didn't like anyone in her way... and guess who was at this particular moment.

"What's your problem?" she snarled

I tried to wipe away my tears, to no avail... "N-nothing," I stammered.

"Oh, did the poor baby fall down the stairs again?"

"I-I gotta get back to class," I reply, moving past her.

"Not so fast." She grabbed me.

"N-nani??" She was squeezing my arms hard.

"Where you off to in such a hurry?"

She was really scaring me now. "I told you, I have to get back to class."

"Oh? Are you afraid of me?" She sneered.

I only stared at her, but I had to look away. I am going to be in so much trouble.

"Don't get in my way again," Miaka said finally. "This is *my* bathroom."

"H-hai... can I go now?" I didn't want to have to deal with Miaka anymore than I needed to.

"Fine." Miaka's eyes narrowed and she pushed me away.

Sighing with relief, I turned and ran back to class.


Finally, the school day is over with! I told Ami-chan and Mako-chan that I would meet them at the Shrine as I had to pick up Chibiusa and take her home. This is exactly what I need... All she'll do is talk about how her Mamo-chan, excuse me, Mamoru-san, took her to get ice cream and this other stuff.

I really don't want to hear about that. I miss him so much and I still don't know why he broke up with me. I don't feel like I'm wanted or needed in this life.

"Hey baka! You're late! I coulda been home and back already!"

"Shut up, brat! I didn't even have to come get you!" Kami, I really didn't want to snap at her, but I'm not in the best of moods.

"Usagi! You really shouldn't raise your voice to her!" That was Mamo-chan... "She's just a child."

"But she..."

"Nevermind. You can go on to the Shrine. I'll take Chibi-usa home."

I watched them walk away. Damn these tears! Why do I keep crying over him? *Because you love him!* "I do..."


I reached Hikawa Shrine five minutes later and slowly made my way up the stairs. Hopefully one of the girls told Rei-chan what I had to do or she'd be yelling at me today.

Imagine my surprise when I saw 4 girls chatting aimlessly about their talents. "I'm a great singer! Everyone tells me so!" Rei exclaimed.

"I'm a great cook!" Makoto said.

I just watched them from the doorway. They hadn't noticed me yet.

"I'm so kawaii!" Minako exclaimed. "Not much I can do with that...but maybe I'll be an idol one day."

"And you're so smart, Ami-chan," Minako said when Ami didn't speak up.

I guess Rei-chan didn't notice me standing behind her... "And well, we all know Usagi-chan isn't really good at anything."

I gasped. Her too! She turned when she heard me. "Uh... Usagi... Well, you can't blame me for stating the truth!"

I sighed in defeat. "When you're right, you're right. I'm going home now. I guess since I'm talentless you guys won't need me... Sayonara!"

"Usagi-chan, matte!" Minako called out.

I face Minako, tears streaming down my face. "Nani?"

"What's the matter? You must have some talent, Rei was only joking..."

"I don't think so, Minako-chan," I say, with a sad smile. "All I can do is eat, sleep, and klutz out, ne?" I leave, this time ignoring their calls.