Title: A Person of Interest
Summary: Hiro has noticed a few things of his have gone missing and after a little investigating he has the name of the person of interest; Bryan. What happens when he confronts the unpredictable Russian?
Pairings: Bryan/Hiro (Yes, you've read right), Miguel/Kai, Ray/Johnny
Warnings: One-shot.
Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade. As if they would let me near any of the characters. –scoffs-

X3 Yeah, another Uke Hiro ficlet! I wuvs him like that. It'll probably be two or three chapters. Just a short fic because the plot bunnies won't leave me alone!

Something is wrong, Hiro can just tell. Call it gut instinct, if you will, but he knows that something in his room is missing, but he can't quite put his finger on what it is. His room, and everything in it looks just like the way he left it, but something just feels off.

Has someone been in his room lately without his knowledge?

He always keeps his room clean and organized, just so he can tell if something is disturbed at first glance, but he keeps his most personally important things out of sight. Living with a brother as nosy as Tyson was growing up, he had to learn a thing or two about keeping his personal possessions private. Especially now that there are several nosy teens living under the same roof. Let's not forget to mention numerous other teens who float in and out without a care in the world.

Pressing his lips into a thin line, his expression darkening into a look of annoyance, Hiro sets out to investigate his room with a fine tooth comb. Something is missing and he's going to learn what it is, even if it takes him all day.

At first, nothing seems to be out of place, but then, to Hiro's absolute bewilderment and tiny bit of horror, it appears that more than one thing of his belongings is missing. In fact, he could say about five items are gone!

How could someone enter his room, steal a number of items and then leave the room exactly the way they found it?

Hiro literally bristles at the thought and a small growl erupts from his throat, feeling absolutely livid that someone had the audacity to steal from him. When he gets his hands on the culprit, he's going to strangle them with his bare hands while cussing them out. Stealing is the lowest of lows in his opinion.

Suddenly, the image of a certain smirking silver-haired Russian appears in his mind and he bristles even more dangerously. Speaking of lowly criminals, Bryan is notorious for his less than legal activities. He has a hobby of beating up dangerous street gangs on a nightly bases, but he isn't a thief.

Is he?

It wouldn't surprise Hiro one bit if he is.

Bryan is as unpredictable as he is rebellious. He has no respect for any sort of authority, be it police or a sports ref. He hates being told what to do, and yet enjoys toying with others, giving them riddles and literally making them run around after their own tails. To say that Bryan annoys him is a great understatement; he irritates the shit out of him! To make matters worse for his pride, Bryan just happens to be taller than he is now. He is as tall and strong as he is lethal and cunning.

Another hobby of Bryan's appears to be causing him as much humiliation as possible. He remembers one time in particular where the Russian just appeared out of nowhere and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ended up parading him up and down the street for a few minutes. Cars honked their horns, children laughed and giggled and girls of all ages thought it was adorable and cooed the entire time.

He wanted to badly to maim the stupid prick right there and then.

There is something irritatingly interesting about Bryan. He's an enigma in his own right. He's fascinating, yet everything he does annoys the hell out of him.

Hiro can't quite explain it, but he's drawn to Bryan, which only annoys him further.

There's nothing seemingly compelling about the Russian maniac, he's tall and lanky, has evil green eyes that always seem to be plotting something, a dangerously mischievous grin that always seems to be pointing in his direction and a notoriously sneaky attitude toward just about everything in life.

There's nothing endearing about him either...well, there was this one time when he was caught in the rain and Bryan came along with an umbrella. Hiro expected him to laugh as his misfortune, but instead he was surprised immensely when Bryan gave him his umbrella and walked out into the rain wearing only his jacket as protection. Bryan never asked for the umbrella back and he still has it in his possession.

And then, another time where he, because of Tyson and Daichi's fooling around, twisted his ankle and Bryan carried him home, although, he did tease him the entire way.

Still, nothing engaging about him.

But he can be surprisingly sweet at times...

Shaking his head abruptly, Hiro spins on his heel and stalks out of his room like a tiger hunting for his pray, but pauses as he steps pass the training room where, as usual, his grandfather is training with his ever trusty kendo stick while bellowing out almighty war cries.

"Grandfather," he says tersely, causing his elderly, but young at heart grandfather to pause in an elegant turn to regard him with a look of perplexity. "Were there any shady characters here yesterday?"

"Shady characters?" Gramps mutters as he scratches his chin in thought for a moment. "None that I spied, homeboy. Just the usual suspects; your bro and his posse left early, the same with the K-man. He left real early yesterday morning with Miguel. The Ray-man stayed for a bit, and we had a visit of the Scottish kind, but Johnny-boy left about an hour later and the Ray-man left soon after."

"Thanks," Hiro says as he gives Gramps a sharp nod of his head and steps back into the hallway. He closes the training room door and takes a moment to ponder to himself.

Ok, so far his list of suspects involves Tyson, Daichi, Hilary and Kenny, but it's highly unlikely any of them are involved in the raid of his room. Hilary would be deadest against it, Kenny would be too paranoid that someone would find them, and Tyson and Daichi are far too messy to leave his room in the exactly same tidiness that they found it in.

Clearing those names, he's left with Kai, Miguel, Ray and Johnny. Four very unlikely suspects, he must admit, but maybe they saw something out of the ordinary.

He's going to speak with Kai first. True, it's not in Kai's character to steal anything, even from him, just to spite someone. He is, however, very quiet and intelligent, with a great eye for detail. He has often been referred to as a ninja of sorts, so if anyone could get passed him, it's Kai.

Finding the enigma in his bedroom at the dojo, Hiro confronts him with his problem, not implying that he's a suspect, but his voice still holds a suspicious edge to it. You can't be too careful these days.

Looking up from his work, Kai simply grants him a look of sheer annoyance. He looks tired, as if he's been out all night. Now that Hiro thinks about it, he didn't hear Kai come home last night at all. This is the first time he's seen the wielder of the Phoenix blader today. Not that it surprises him too much, but Kai has never looked this exhausted before. However, he does have a certain glow about him...

What did he get up to last night?

"You're barking up the wrong tree, Granger," Kai says as he looks up at him, turning his computer chair around so he can face him. "Why would I steal anything?"

"I never implied that you did," Hiro replies quickly with a diplomatic tone in his voice.

"Oh really? Your tone of voice said otherwise," Kai murmurs as he quirks an eyebrow towards his stormy gray tresses.

Hiro bites his tongue, feeling a sense of irritation as he thought he hid his accusation well, but Kai is ever the suspicious one. "That was unintentional," he once again responds quickly.

Kai continues to stare at him with his unrelenting ruby eyes before he suddenly blows a strand of wayward hair from his eyes and curls it behind his ear. "Anyway, I wasn't anywhere near the dojo yesterday afternoon," he says as he turns back to his desk to glance at his laptop. "I was with Miguel all day and night. You can ask him if you want. He'll give you a solid alibi."

A sense of intrigue feels Hiro's being at the admission and he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly in interest that has a sense of mild confusion. Did Kai just admit that he was with Miguel, the blonde-haired Spaniard all night long?

Ever since Miguel and his teammates moved to Japan to get away from the Spanish media, Kai and Miguel have become close, but he did not realise how close they've become. This is indeed an interesting piece of news.

"Why would you spend the day and night with Miguel?" Hiro finds himself asking, momentarily forgetting about his plight of an unknown thief to regard Kai with a sense of amusement. "Am I missing something?"

Almost immediately, Kai realizes his slip up and he blushes a shade that is eerily similar to that of his eyes and he snaps around to give him his full attention. "That is none of your concern!" he says loudly with an uncharacteristically squeaky and quick voice as he climbs to his feet.

Kai's reaction amuses Hiro, so much so that he has to bite the inside of his mouth to stop himself from laughing. Before, he wasn't certain what was going on between him and Miguel, but after Kai's reaction, it's obvious that they are dating.

He wonders how long and if anyone else knows. It's blatantly obvious that Tyson doesn't know, and Daichi either. The two can never keep quiet about anything for very long. They just get far too excited to keep a secret.

With a soft curse under his breath, Kai slips back into his seat and coughs lightly, trying to compose himself. "I'm allowed to hang out with other bladers, aren't I?" he asks with a level voice.

"Yes, of course," Hiro response with his diplomatic voice once again, but this time it holds a sense of teasing to it. "But why would you hang out with Miguel all day and night? Is the Ice King here starting to thaw out under the bright smile of a Spanish god? Hmm?"

Kai quickly becomes flustered again, his cheeks heating up in an ever so adorable fashion. "Like I said, that's none of your concern!"

This time, Hiro does laugh out right. It's obvious who the 'girl' is in this relationship. He never really thought that Kai would find someone who he would want to start a relationship with, he doesn't seem the type to fall in love. However, he is full of surprises, always has been.

Honestly, though, he's glad that Kai is dating a fellow blader, even if he is a guy. A guy is a much better option that some rapid fangirl that stalk them in the streets. Not that Kai finds them remotely interesting. He doesn't even find them entertaining; they annoy him, no more, no less.

And Hiro, himself, completely understands. What's so compelling about a fanbrat with an attitude problem making up pathetic lies about the past they supposedly shared together?

Miguel will be good for Kai; heaven knows Kai needs someone who can take care of him as he does a poor job of looking after his health on his own.

"Oh, alright," Hiro says as he stops himself from chuckling further. "I'll just ask Miguel."

An expression that holds a sense of defeat appears on his face and Kai simply nods. Hiro decides not to tease him further as it's blatantly obvious that Kai is too tired to engage in any friendly banter with him. Where's the fun of getting in a fight with someone if they don't fight back?

Just as he turns to leave, intent of finding the said Spaniard, he pauses and turns around to face Kai once again. "You don't have any idea who it might have been, do you?" he asks. If something has gone down, Kai is usually the one with all the inside knowledge. Very little gets passed him.

"The only thief I know goes by the name of Bryan," Kai admits after a moment of silence, but waves his hand dismissively in the air as if shooing away the accusation. "He's harmless, though."

Hiro gapes at Kai for a moment. "Bryan and harmless do not belong in the same sentence!" he practically cries out in disapproval.

This time, Kai casts him a look of amusement. "By harmless, I mean he won't sell anything he steals for cash. He just takes things until he gets bored with them and puts them back." The corners of Kai's lips twitch into a smirk. "It's just a quirk he has."

Hiro snorts loudly and spins on his heel, heading out the door. "A quirk, huh?" he mutters under his breath.

Somehow, he finds that very hard to belief.

Yes, that's right. Bryan's just quirky. You know him X3

Hiro: Quirky isn't the word I would use...

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