Don't own Twilight, don't own Twilight, don't own Twilight.

sniff, sniff

Anyways, here we go...

Jacob's POV

FINALLY! It took us like TWO FRICKING HOURS to get to the fricking grocery store!

"Jacob, it took ten minutes." Edward stared at me in a creep, trying-to-get-me-to-calm-down sort of way.

Hey, it's not my fault Jasper drives like my grandma.

Edward rolled his eyes.

"Anyways..." remarked Renesmee, grabbing a cart, "Let's get this over with."

I looked at her beautiful face -

Edward kicked me in the shin.

"Hey, I didn't even think it yet!"

"Yeah, but you were about to."

Stupid, protective old man. Vampire. Whatever.

"OKAY," Jasper practically yelled. "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't even care. I could eat a horse right now." Not. Even. Kidding.

"You know, you're not helping with this," he didn't look at me as he said this.

"Look! Spaghetti!" Renesmee threw some in the cart. We were already in the pasta aisle, apparently.

There is a lot of pasta here. So many boxes...

"Oh, yes, Jacob, bask in the splendor of the many pasta boxes." Edward picked one up as he said this, examining the lable.

I knocked it from his hand and into the cart. I was hungry enough to eat an unidentified box of pasta. Without cooking it.

"That's disgusting," the mind-reader replied.

"You should talk."

"Alright-y, then, let's go get something you can eat SOON. Before we all have mental breakdowns."

"Junk food aisle, here we come."

Woooo! I'm hyper!!!!!


Junk food aisle!!!! Mountain Dew!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaay!!!!!

Sorry. I can't help it. Not even kidding right now.