...And once again I started writing this as soon as I finished chapter 2. 0.0 surprising huh? I really think this story will be done soon...so I guess this fic will be posted ever few days or so...I'll be posting until I feel like I've kept ya'll in the dark long enough.

IMPORTANT: I actually meant to post this sooner but half of me is in the hospital while the rest is in the grave. Jesus. I swear not to die before I get this story posted. I'm actually really glad I've got this whole thing finished or else I'd be screwed...so until I get well I'll probably only Update this story...Sorry for all those waiting for As the World Crumbles to update, but when I'm better I'll start writing again, heck if I can find that I can focus long enough I'll try writing.

When Kuwabara stepped out of the room now fully changed into his new set of clothes, he found he was outside. It was obviously sometime in fall; the leaves had changed and most were on the ground, scattered, crumpled, and half of them where on there way to being turned into mulch. The skies were gray and cloudy; it looked as if it might rain, or as if it was growing colder, and it was at this time Kuwabara noticed he couldn't feel the chill that was obviously hanging in the air. "Guess...I really can feel only Ryuusuke-" Kuwabara cut his musings off by clearing his throat and shyly looking at the ground. An angry, huffy sound drew his attention back up, and eventually his eyes spotted Ryuusuke.

Ryuusuke was waiting outside his house, pacing aggressively. He looked hurt, and that was when Kuwabara realized Kato was not at his side.

Kuwabara looked up at the sky seeing the sun was high in the middle of the sky and from what Kuwabara had seen and guessed was that normally Kato arrived early in the morning…Kuwabara was a little surprised. What would keep Kato from meeting with Ryuusuke…unless perhaps he had stopped loving Ryuusuke?? Kuwabara nixed that idea as soon as it popped up in his head, with the way he'd seen Ryuusuke and Kato...no way that was the reason. Kuwabara shot a glance at Ryuusuke wondering if he should ask where Kato was when he heard a rustling to his left. Kuwabara looked to his left side and spotted Kato emerging from the path.

Kato was leaning heavily against the trees his yukata a mess. His hair was sloppy and he looked pale, his eyes seeming to be out of focus. He was panting, obviously tired from what normally was an easy trek, but today Kato looked like hell. The young monk looked up and as soon as he spotted his angry lover he called out weakly, "Ryuu…"

Ryuusuke turned abruptly around to face Kato, but the mere sight of Kato caused the demon's anger to fade. In a moment he was at Kato's side and pulled the weak man to him. Kato sank into Ryuusuke's arms sighing exhausted, and wrapped his arms around Ryuusuke securely. "Ah…Ryuu…I'm here…I'm home…"

Kuwabara was startled at those words but saw Ryuusuke was just as surprised. Ryuusuke shook his head a little to clear it and squatted down on the ground lowering Kato with him. He placed the young human's chin in his hands and tried calling out to Kato who did not respond at first.

"KATO! What has happened to you!?" Ryuusuke snarled again, promising death if someone had caused Kato this pain.

Kato coughed looking tiredly at Ryuusuke, "I'm…just sick…It's alright…I'm sorry I'm late." Kato smiled and gently brushed a thumb over Ryuusuke's lower lip, affection shining in Kato's gaze. Ryuusuke glared at Kato and pulled the man to him, "Idiot!" Ryuusuke hissed, "I would have found out about your state when I came to get you! I've told you before if you're late, I'll come hunt you down! Don't force yourself to see me when you are in such condition, next time you should wait!"

Kato shook his head violently, the thought of waiting seeming to be too much for him to bare, "No! No, I just want…want to be with you Ryuusuke!" Kato clung to the demon Lord coughing loudly, "Ryuusuke…Ryuu…don't make me go!"

"Fool," Ryuusuke whispered raggedly his face softening considerably. "You're my beautiful Kato...I would never make you go...and I'll always come for you..." Ryuusuke picked the human up and carried him inside his home, Kuwabara following after the two quickly. Kuwabara watched quietly as Ryuusuke cared for Kato nursing the man back to health. Kato had not aged, so Kuwabara assumed that it was just the next season, and that no more time had passed. Ryuusuke placed a gentle hand on Kato's brow and whispered fond words, "I will help you recover Kuwa-chan...you will stay here with me..."

And indeed Kato did stay in Ryuusuke's home--for days in fact, but time passed quickly for Kuwabara. He would look outside and see the sun rise, and in a blink there was the moon. Four days passed in total before Kato even showed signs that he was recovering. However the moment Kato was better, which was another four days later, Kuwabara found himself going to hide in the next room to avoid having to watch another show like he had when Ryuusuke and Kato where at the cherry tree.

After the couple had finished with their love making Kuwabara came back out to find the two sleeping snugly on the pallet together. The two were curled around each other, hands and arms intertwined, bodies turned to each other just as well, as if just holding one another's hands was not enough. Kuwabara smiled a little, and jumped when Ryuusuke looked at him Kuwabara had forgotten that Ryuusuke could see him…

Ryuusuke blinked and turned his attention back to Kato who was panting softly trying to get some rest from their recent activity. Ryuusuke didn't seem to want that and began trailing kisses down Kato's face and whispering sweet words to his lover.

"Ah…Ryuu…let me sleep…" Kato whispered running his fingers through Ryuusuke's long hair.

Ryuusuke chuckled darkly and licked Kato's chin, "No Kuwa-chan…I can't let you sleep until you agree to live here with me."

"What?" Kato asked suddenly more alert.

Kuwabara who had been standing sat down on the floor boards startled by this impromptu proposal he'd just witnessed.

"I want you to live with me…live with me in this house…it will become your house...our house," Ryuusuke explained continuing to trail feather light kisses on Kato's exposed skin. "You will live here with me…for the rest of your days…and I will always care for you and love you…"

Kato looked upset and pulled away from his lover sitting up, "I'm just a human…a mortal…you've seen me age yourself…"

Ryuusuke got up calmly kissing the man on his shoulder, "Ah…I have seen you age my lovely human…from a child to a young man…and now you are of 18 winters…19 this next winter…and this mortality that binds you…I can not have this." Ryuusuke kissed Kato's ear and whispered, "I will carry you to a river that will grant you a life such as mine…live with me as a demon. Live with me...Kato Kuwabara..."

Kuwabara was shocked into silence by Ryuusuke's proposal. He had known of one human who had been turned into a demon, and that was Toguro…but Kuwabara was surprised to hear Ryuusuke knew how to change a human into a demon. Kato did not look surprised about Ryuusuke's know-how, but looked shocked that Ryuusuke wanted to change him.

"But…a d-demon can only grant that to one being! You can't just want me! I am...I am...surely there is someone better that you'll-well...you can't just want me!?" Kato's shocked cries withered away into a yelp as Ryuusuke grabbed Kato and shook him looking enraged, "Just you? Just you!? I could not live without, "just you," fool! I love you more than my pride, and as a demon Lord my being with you should be considered a sacrifice, but I feel no shame, regret, nor "sacrifice," in being with you…I feel as if it would be a sacrifice to be without you! Damn the world and every living creature on it-I only need you."

Kato's arms were red from the shaking, and he looked like he was in pain, but he smiled nonetheless and timidly took Ryuusuke's shoulders, "…Ryuu…please…I'm…" Ryuusuke shushed Kato and released him murmuring apologies for grabbing Kato so roughly. Kato hugged Ryuusuke and nodded, "I…I want to be with you too…But…the village…I can't…" Kato shook his head. Ryuusuke growled again holding Kato closer, "Dammit Kato why think of your village at a time like this? I want you to live with me…be my mate, forever if it's possible. And even if you die I will follow you. You've captured me-ME-a demon Lord, a black hearted monster...and yet I've fallen for you..." Ryuusuke trailed claws down Kato's face his golden eye locked with Kato's dark eyes. "You caught me the day I found you weeping for that bird, and now that you have me I refuse to let you go!"

Kato flushed and laughed hands tangling in Ryuusuke's hair. "Ryuusuke your words...you are too sweet...and don't talk about following me! Ryuusuke you can't die! You're too strong don't speak of such things…and…and if you really want to change me-I'll change…and I'll never die either! I can't die knowing you'd come after me…that would be too sad…"

Ryuusuke snorted, "Sad? We would be together again-it would be joyful…not sad."

Kuwabara squirmed as Ryuusuke's eyes shifted to look from Kato to him. Kuwabara knew that what Ryuusuke just said was wrong. Somehow they had died, naturally, tragedy, somehow Kato and Ryuusuke had died…and Ryuusuke was sad. Ryuusuke was so terribly sad that he had managed to find Kato's reincarnation…'Me…' Kuwabara's mind mentally added…and then dragged said reincarnation to the past to witness…

'Them going at it like rabbits?' Kuwabara thought trying to conclude is thoughts. He…had a rough feeling what it was Ryuusuke wanted Kuwabara to do, but he was still scared of it all…scared what would happen when Ryuusuke was done showing him what Ryuusuke wanted to see. Scared of what everything meant. Scared of finding out all of Ryuusuke's past…he was certain this couldn't end happily.

Ghosts didn't stuck around if things ended happily…

"Mmm…Ryuusuke…don't take this in any ill way…but we must all pay for our sins when we die," Kato said seriously. Ryuusuke loosened his hug enough for Kato to look him in the eye, "Ryuusuke…I love you and nothing you could do would change that…but before me, how many humans like myself have you killed?"

Ryuusuke seemed to consider this, and reached out for Kato's face. He trailed gentle claws down Kato's skin, over every sensitive part of Kato's body. Ryuusuke pressed a single clawed finger against Kato's throat drawing blood. Kato did not flinch, but looked quietly back at the demon Lord he trusted.

"Then…I will pay for my crimes…but I will find you and we'll be together again," Ryuusuke whispered.

Kato smiled and took Ryuusuke's hands, "Ah…for such a mighty demon you're such a romantic."

"You made me this way," Ryuusuke complained and looked into Kato's eyes, "Forget the village…"

"I can never do that…" Kato said shaking his head.

Ryuusuke's face fell but Kato pressed on, "By spring…my monk training will be complete…and then I would be able to protect you and myself…can you wait for me until Spring?"

Ryuusuke ignored that last part of Kato's words and muttered, "No demon would dare lay a hand on you! I would not allow it!" Ryuusuke then snarled possessively before kissing Kato's face. "And as for me I need no protection…" Ryuusuke insisted with a familiar stubbornness Kuwabara recognized.

Kato laughed again whispering, "Please."

Ryuusuke sighed clearly pouting, "Ah…I can't refuse you my love…I swore to give you what you want…so I shall…" Ryuusuke pinned Kato down gently smiling, "Spring hmm? Appropriate…I found you in the spring and I'll make you mine forever in spring. It is appropriate…but…please don't make me wait in staking my claim on you. Allow me to mark you as my mate."

Ryuusuke got off of Kato sitting up, and then Kato rose. Kuwabara watched the two as they stared in silence. He wasn't sure what was so special about this mark, but it obviously needed careful consideration. Kuwabara moved closer, so close that he was sitting next to Kato and staring at his face.

Kato's expression was dark and serious, so different then the normal friendly expression he had on his face.

"If he allows me to mark him Kuwabara, there is the chance people will see the mark. If anyone in his village sees his mark, they will know exactly what type of relationship we have," Ryuusuke said causing Kuwabara to jump.

"Kato is going to think you're a freak for talking to yourself you know," Kuwabara pointed out trying to brush off the fact he'd been startled.

"No…he can't hear me when I speak to you…because that would be changing the past…this is just a memory I must reenact…" Ryuusuke said eyes fixed on Kato. Ryuusuke smiled, "This day was the happiest day of my life…" Kuwabara blinked and before he could ask why Kato was smiling and looked at Ryuusuke.

"What do I need to do?"

Ryuusuke's face, which always seemed so expressionless, no matter what he said or did lit up. Ryuusuke ran a clawed finger down Kato's face and drew his lover in. "It will hurt…try not to move…"

Kato nodded allowing Ryuusuke to pin his arms between their chests so it would be harder for him to struggle. Ryuusuke kissed Kato's face over and over whispering apologies, and whispering how much he loved Kato. And then Ryuusuke bore his fangs and dug them deep into Kato's neck.

Kato's whole body went rigid and he screamed with pain.

Kuwabara backed away horrified for a moment, but Kato screamed only a moment longer, and then Ryuusuke was licking the wound he had caused and comforting Kato who was now pale and trembling. "I'm sorry Kuwa-chan…are you alright now?" Ryuusuke asked gently licking Kato's neck and massaging his shoulders gently. Kato shivered, and blinked his eyes rappidly trying to speak, but failing to for several long minutes.

"Ah…I-I' m fine now. Strange…it was not like a normal bite…" Kato admitted laughing like he was embarrassed.

Ryuusuke nodded cupping Kato's face, "No it's not…through my fangs I seep a little miasma into your body so that my scent will be implanted in your blood stream…so that other demons can smell my scent…and that means they'll stay away from you if they know what's good for them," Ryuusuke said smiling evilly as he tilted Kato's chin.

Kato blinked, "Ah…I thought it was just a symbolic scar demons did to one another…" Kato trailed off thinking about this new bit of information. Ryuusuke smiled and leaned forward kissing Kato gently, "No you may not inform the other monks what these scars really do-but yes you can mark me."

Kato had looked ready to complain at Ryusuke's first words but then stared wide eyed at Ryuusuke, mouth gaping like a fish. "But…I don't have something I can…you know…no scent-"

"Babbling is very unbecoming young monk," Ryuusuke said eyes focused on the flesh that he had marred on Kato's body. "You will be my mate…but I respect you as my equal Kato…I want you to mark me as well…it will be harder for you to tear my skin…but…" Ryuusuke moved his hair aside, "I want to share this mark with you as well."

Kuwabara was touched by Ryuusuke's words and from Kato's expression, he guessed the other man was too.

Quietly Kuwabara shared this intimate moment with both Kato and Ryuusuke, mind not on returning home, but what he would see next, and if it would be the tragedy he was dreading…

"This is…well…I don't know what this is!" Koenma sighed after hearing the strange occurrence of Kuwabara's clothes being changed.

"You've never heard of something like this happening?" Kurama asked again running a stressed hand through red tangles.

"No…no I haven't...well I might have a guess…" At Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke's angry faces Koenma hurried on, "What my guess is that whoever took Kuwabara…if he's able to affect Kuwabara's body as well as his spirit… well…" Koenma rubbed his temples, "The truth is…ahg…if the ghost can affect Kuwabara's clothes or outward appearance along with his soul then most likely this means this event was supposed to happen…Kuwabara was supposed to get possessed."

"What?!" Yusuke slamming an angry fist on Koenma's desk.

Koenma held up his hands in self defense, "Yusuke! Yusuke! Calm down! Look…it's…it's not simple but fact is that if someone died in the middle of redeeming themselves they are allowed to continue to redeem themselves in the afterlife…they do this by repeating the event that was redeeming them over and over in a form of isolated limbo. It is most likely a very painful and emotional experience, but when they have atoned they are permitted to…"

"To what?!" Yusuke snapped, Hiei and Kurama grabbing Yusuke before he went too out of control and started shaking Koenma.

Koenma seeming to realize his state of health was in danger quickly spouted, "They're allowed to apologize to the descendants or incarnations of either the person they harmed or even meet their future selves so they can warn them not to make the same mistake that they did."

Yusuke went silent, and Hiei and Kurama released the dark haired man watching and waiting for his reaction. Yusuke curled up his fists, "So…this ghost…could be some guy who fucked around with Kuwabara's ancestor or some shit?"

Koenma nodded and gently added, "Or be his past self. Reincarnation is much more complicated than a simple, you die, memories erased, and then—BOOM!—rebirth! What a ghost really is, is the memories of that lifetime the ghost had, and the real soul of the spirit goes on so that it can go ahead and be reborn. Kuwabara could be talking with his past self, being warned of a mista-"

"Kuwabara is not some fuckin' asshole who made a mistake in his past and is being punished for it!" Yusuke roared startling the members of the room.

"This is not a punishment…this is a soul trying to redeem himself…and possibly even help Kuwabara…" Koenma said after a long moment of silence. Koenma reached out and took Yusuke by the shoulder, wrapping his arms around Yusuke as the young demon's shoulders sagged. "Yusuke…"

"…I can't just be sitting here while this shit is happening to him. Kuwabara…I can't lose Kuwabara to something I can't see…" Yusuke half whispered half choked out fighting back stressed tears. Yusuke's fists curled into balls and he kept his body rigid though Koenma was still holding him up. "Kuwabara…if he was ever in trouble…I could help him fight it off…but I can't fight this ghost…I can't help him when I can't see the damn thing…"

"Yusuke…I promise you I will talk to my father and I will find out what spirit has done this to Kuwabara and why…but I can promise you…this would not be allowed if this was meant to harm him…" Koenma assured.

"Then what about his fevers? Or when his body gets so cold his lips turn blue?" Hiei interrupted eyes also demanding answers.

"That's right, he has gone from raging fevers to terrible chills a good five times in a mater of 48 hours…" Kurama agreed shaking his head, "That is not helping him…"

"The body reacts to extreme stress in different ways," Koenma sighed, "I will not dissuade you into believing that Kuwabara's ordeal is stress free…Kuwabara is undergoing a hard predicament…and his body is reacting to everything he's seeing…It's likely that this is just something his body is going through…the best all of you can do is keep his symptoms contained. And as for me, I'll speak with my father and help figure out this mess…I promise you, Yusuke." Koenma insisted giving Yusuke's arm a squeeze.

Yusuke nodded his brown eyes bleary and tired, his whole body seeming to sag with depression. "…Okay…I'm going back to Kuwabara…" Yusuke walked off disappearing out of the room at a slow steady pace.

"Goddammit…of all the fucking ghosts out there who need to fuckin' redeem their souls they had to go and pick Kuwabara to apologize too, and put through this idiotic ordeal? I am knocking the buffoon's skull loose as soon as he wakes up!" Hiei seethed as soon as Yusuke was out of sight.

Growling, Hiei kicked a chair that sat in front of Koenma's desk aggressively, sending the furniture into the wall and smashing it into pieces. "Goddammit…" Hiei muttered again also feeling the frustration of being told to wait.

"Is this really all we can do?" Kurama asked eying Koenma suspiciously, "Stand here and hope that Kuwabara's body won't kill itself while a ghost has a little chat with Kuwabara, saying what we hope is good advice?"

Koenma nodded his head firmly, "Yes…that is all you can do…but I can go talk to my father," Koenma said with a nod thinking of the man he'd been slightly estranged from since their disagreement over how things were run back when it was first discovered Yusuke was a demon. "I can talk to him…and…and I'll get answers."

"Can you really?" Hiei asked voice echoing his feelings of his low opinion of Koenma's abilities.

"Yes. I can find out what's going on, can you do that Hiei?!" Koenma snapped back, meeting Hiei's glare.

Hiei snorted, "See that you do before Yusuke goes to do your job for you. Unlike you, Yusuke has the balls to face Enma." Hiei curled his fists and then said no more before walking out the door. Kurama gave Koenma a look that neither condoned Hiei's actions nor apologized for them-but the look on Kurama's face stung more than Hiei's words.

Koenma sighed watching as Kurama and Hiei walked away to go follow Yusuke back to the ailing Kuwabara. Koenma sighed and left his office headed down the halls which would eventually lead him to his father. Koenma refused to allow Hiei to be right...this was how he would be able to help Kuwabara. He wouldn't let fear of his father stop him...not now when a life of a friend was hanging in the balance.

End of this chapter

Whoo!! Things are hoppin'!