Title: Memory Lapse
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Gwen Cooper, Possible Doctor sighting in later chapters, Possible Rhys Williams for later chapters but it's doubtful.
Rating/Warning: I'm sticking somewhere around PG 13/15 Overall. Basically, there are mentions of sex, but nothing explicitly so.
Summary: Chapter 1 – Ianto && Jack are trying to figure out what an alien artefact does.
Author's Notes: I have had this Idea for a year and a half. I didn't write it before hand though because honestly I didn't know how or what people would think of it. Yes that's me self conscious. I hope you guys like it, Reviews are loved xx
Disclaimer: Torchwood and the Torchwood Team are property of BBC and RTD, yada yada yada, basically I don't own it!
It was late and Gwen, Owen and Tosh had gone home. Ianto and Jack were analysing an artefact that had come through the rift. They'd been looking through papers all night and Jack felt guilty keeping the young Welshman up.
"Are you sure you don't want to go home, get some rest?" Jack asked.
"I'm just as interested in finding out what this thing is as you are, sir, besides, you need me here for the coffee." Ianto handed Jack the steaming mug. Jack smiled as the aroma hit his nose.
"How do you do this, Ianto Jones?" Jack smirked.
"Sir?" Ianto looked slightly confused.
"How do you manage to make a perfect brew without fail, every time?"
"I know how you like it." Ianto smirked.
Jack almost dropped the mug as Ianto said those words and Ianto chuckled, sitting down by Jack. Jack stared into the Welshman's eyes, lust washing over him.
"Maybe we should take a little break." Jack's eyes looked slightly desperate for contact with Ianto.
"I think we should check that out first." Ianto pointed to the computer screen. The artefact was pulsing with a sudden build up of power. Jack and Ianto ran out of the office, to the artefact.
"What do we do? Eventually one of us has to move and even if we don't the others will eventually come in."
"Give me a minute, I'm thinking."
After a few minutes of waiting Ianto began to get frustrated and panicky.
"I don't know, we haven't even figured out what this thing is yet!" Jack yelled, frustrated. They stood there watching the object pulse for a few minutes until Ianto couldn't take waiting any longer. He went to grab the object.
"Ianto, no!" Jack yelled but it was too late. A bright light filled the room. Jack tried to find Ianto but it was too bright.
"Jack…" Jack heard his name from Ianto just before blacking out
"Ianto?" Jack sat down with Ianto's unconscious body in his arms. Taking out his phone he dialled the only number he thought would be of use
"Do you realise what time it is!?" Owen's voice shrilled through the phone.
"Remember that alien artefact that came through the rift this morning?"
"Well it went nuts and long story short, Ianto's unconscious. Can you get in here and check on him as soon as possible?"
"Yeah Jack, give me ten minutes. Jack, relax, I'm sure he'll be fine."
Jack didn't answer, too panicked. He flipped the phone closed and cradled Ianto's still body, fearing the worst. I shouldn't have told him to move it. This was my fault. Why didn't I leave it? The thoughts kept running through his mind. I've killed him. It can't end this way. I won't let it end this way.
"You stay alive. That's an order. Who else is going to make me my coffee? Industrial strength remember?" Jack continued talking to Ianto's still frame, clutching to the hope that he'd survive. He sniffed at the air, realising that the object had sent a gas into the air. He panicked but was too preoccupied with Ianto to care. Eventually his head lulled to Ianto's as he was pulled into unconsciousness.
So there is Chapter 1. Apologies for the shortness but it felt like the perfect point to stop. Reviews are loved.