DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the original story or characters of the manga series (and soon to be anime~~~ zomg~!) 07-Ghost. The ever so omnipotent mangaka, Amemiya Yuki (Story) and Ichihara Yukino (Art), were the original creators so preach them as I do, too, please.

RATING: Will remain at NC-17; for Mature Audiences only.

(The Following is not conventional Formatting for Fanfiction set-up, be warned. :P )

Author Rambling (which will take up several of your minutes of reading, unfortunately… sorry ;/ ): Wow, what a lack of Fanfiction for this utterly enticing series… So, let me add into the fun (and Fandom) by making a contribution of my own… I like to extend my random stories into multiple chapters… so, here's like a "prologue" or perhaps more like a preview of what to expect…

WARNING #1: SPOILER ALERT RIGHT NOW. MOVE AWAY FROM THE SCREEN (EXIT THIS PAGE)! IF YOU'RE NOT PAST VOLUME FOUR, CHAPTER 25. Lol~ I might extend this spoiler warning till later chapters as my story moves forward or I might divert more away from the original.

Well, maybe, I am not really revealing much yet… but still, I don't want to worry you poor fans. ;/

Anyway, I'm writing an AU but in the same universe, just switching up the story a bit and adding my flavor of lemon. ;/ And I want to Flashback to the first few chapters' situations, though, and kind of move along similar lines as the original but make my own twists… That's basically where I am going to begin and reflect from first…and I will not be providing many descriptions of what/why things are such way if they have already been explained in the story… so, that could be a slight spoiler?

And so, time for…

WARNING #2: I will be adding in yaoi, well, perhaps soon… or later… but yeah, so, if you don't like gay/homosexual love graphics of the male gender, scoot away… lol. :P

Ah, let me add, I will be inserting some Nonconsensual aka N/C aka rape scenes, too… so if you're frightened, I alert you ahead of time to take heed of these warnings, which I will most certainly provide you, that I make in the future. For this "prologue," there won't be anything yet…

WARNING#3: If you're still sticking with me, I wanted to just remind that I'm a writer who writes as freely as a common and crude person may nowadays, so I will be using profanity. Furthermore, I won't be hesitant to use details and graphic descriptions of violent scenes.

Therefore, if you're still reading, you're most courteous and courageous. Thank you for enduring that long ramble, the story will henceforth proceed… and only a couple important messages will be placed in beginning of the following chapters. :P

Luck is in All Hands


Made into a slave, always a slave. That's what he always thought ever since he was captured. Nothing could change that fact.

Encaged like a bird, he would have to live out his sole Fate.

Although it was never fortunate at all, Teito Klein had been "luckily" taken in by a strong military force. With the brutal training of which he was forced to do, he became a diligent soldier. He even got into the renowned military academy. To Teito, that was a place of expanded space and freedom. And also there, he met his first and only friend: Mikage, his one and only faithful partner, roommate, companion, and comrade.

Teito couldn't be a happier person after enjoying the company of his friend. Why couldn't he be calmer after having that flashback of that bastard Ayanami killing Father? Rather than pushing away his emotions, as he had done so many times before, Teito had felt intense wrath against Ayanami as he remembered his faint memory of what family he had previously. Who could help him not to feel that way, though? Now, he was literally caged up in a prison cell.

He grimaced in the darkness. Teito had wanted his freedom to expand even more. Fat chance, now. Lying on the cold cement ground of his jail cell, Teito hoped to be freed. Maybe there would be a trial or something to relieve him of prison stay. He'd do anything to not become an actual slave.

Regardless of his hopes, he really couldn't do anything at this point. Hyuuga had beat him up to a pulp as he had dared to attack his so-called "Aya-tan." Consequently, Teito, as exhausted and sore as he was, fell into slumber…


It was tiresome to do routine after routine. Luckily for him, Ayanami was able to find some sort of release and relief with his loyal subordinate.

Almost synchronizing with his so-called "lover's" exhalation of breath, Ayanami sighed. Life had been so boring and tiresome. After so long, he even found sex dull. Fortunately for him, though, his "lover" also seemed less interested as well. So, at least, he wasn't wasting too much energy.

And yet, after today's incident with the slave, Teito Klein, Ayanami felt assured that something better would happen. These ominous happenings only brought about new excitement for him to enjoy, after all.

He pulled a grin while departing his subordinate's bedroom.


Yawning widely, he stretched all his limbs. These tedious church missions were bothersome. He wanted to have some fun or partake on some sort of adventure that wasn't draining his energy on his secret powers.

After a few moments upon closing his eyes, something had dropped on his face.

"THAT HURTS!" he yelled.

"Frau, stop idling and read up on our next mission, now," said one of his traveling comrades.

"Why do I have to do it?"

"We promised to take turns on reading the tedious amounts of assignments per mission, remember?"

"Che, Labrador hasn't done that for a while…" he sulked.

"Quit whining and just get to it! Labrador has been helping us with his premonitions, remember? Let him rest a bit."

"Gah, Castor, why can't I also just take a small break?" Frau insisted.

Castor then sighed. "You're always relaxing at the end of all of these missions, anyway. Also, I believe that this is our last mission for a while, so just bear with it and finish it quickly. After we can rest as much as we want."

"Ooh, we're designated to go to that town. Ehehe…" Frau snickered aloud as he was referring to the abundance of hot women and "special" magazines he so loved.

At that moment, Frau sensed Castor's burning gaze of rather nasty vibes and impatience.

"All right, all right…"

The mystic of the bunch had begun to rouse at that point from a brief nap. He noticed something astir in the sky just a little beyond where they were headed.

"Hope everything is going to be okay…" he said under his breath.


Night had fallen. As if tons of stone had piled on his back, he sat worried with a furrowed brow. He had just heard the news about his best friend. What should he do? he wondered to himself. How could he save Teito without indirectly hurting his own reputation and then perhaps his beloved family?

Mikage was torn with what to do. He loved Teito as much as his own family. Originally, his family was the sole reason for why he had come to the academy, to be able to support them. And now that he had met such a fragile and yet strong-spirited individual, how could he abandon that person who he now also loved so dear?

Rather than staying muddled about the situation, Mikage thought that maybe it could a win-win situation if he helped Teito escape somehow, though. It was worth a try. He jumped up from his desk and stepped out of their dorm room door decisively.

May whatever luck or God be with Teito, he wished.

.To be continued.

Author's Rambling again: So yeah, it's short… but, expect a lot more (which I am actually working on now~) next chapter… and some lemony action. ;/

Feel free to make any suggestions or comments for the story.

Thanks for reading~