4. Red
Watanuki's yell was particularly intense. Doumeki felt his world vibrate, even with both of his ears perfectly covered.
Watanuki stopped his screaming, panting heavily and feeling waves of pure terror climbing up his spine. A gay bar?
-Yuuko sure has a sense of humour… -he muttered under his breath. The hand Doumeki was holding started to sweat.
-Come on –said the taller teen, making his way inside the club.
-How can you be so comfortable?! –Watanuki asked.
-It's just a club. And if we hold hands, nobody will come to bother us.
Watanuki huffed, but he kept quiet. They started to search for the mirror Yuuko had talked about. She had said it was very small, but that it was the most important part of a bigger mirror that had been broken. In order to repair it, they must find that last piece.
But the place was crammed. The whole club was filled with a large urban tribe whose members lived for dancing, jumping and making out, all at once. Watanuki was flabbergasted. He couldn't resist his curiosity and put his mouth next to Doumeki's ear to whisper a thousand outraged questions.
-Look at them…! Those two on the corner have been kissing since we came in, they should stop to breathe sometime! And why are the men's restrooms so crammed? There must be twelve men locked inside!
-They're probably doing it.
-Doing…? –asked Watanuki. His face was blank, the picture of naivety. Suddenly, he realised what was Doumeki talking about – Oh… Ew! It's a public toilet, for God's sake!
-Don't be such a sissy –said Doumeki, smirking – We've done the same, except for the toilet setting.
-That was…! That was…! –Watanuki's pulled his hand forcibly out of Doumeki's, his face about to explode from embarrassment – You're insufferable; I'm looking for that mirror by myself.
-Don't be an idiot–said Doumeki, grabbing again the bespectacled boy's hand.
-Get off –said Watanuki with a growl – The worst thing that can happen to me here is to be close to you.
Doumeki frowned, but let him go. Watanuki turned and moved away as fast as he could. Doumeki dug his hands on the pockets of his trousers and clenched his jaw, trying to calm down.
-That moron –he growled to himself. The loud music erased his words as soon as they were spoken.
Watanuki stared, horrified, at the group of men that had cornered him a few seconds after he left Doumeki. They were handsome enough, but something in the look on their faces was giving him the creeps.
"-They're looking at me like a pack of wolves" –thought Watanuki, swallowing hard. One of them got closer to him and whispered in his ear. He was wearing a black fishnet t-shirt.
-Hello, cutie. Wanna dance? – his voice was a bit harsh, probably because he had been whispering too many things in everybody's ears inside that noisy club.
-Sorry, but I have something to do. Maybe later –he said, a bit too frightened to say a direct "no".
-Okay. Remember your promise. My friends and I will be waiting – he purred.
"-His friends too?!" –he thought – "What do they want to do to me?! Cut me into pieces?!"
-Ahaha –he laughed, nervously and without mirth – Okay. See you.
He ran away in the opposite direction, feeling his heart pound painfully against his ribs. He wished Doumeki was with him, scaring the bad guys with his expressionless face.
-What?! –he screamed, talking to himself – No, that's a bad thought. I don't need that moron. I'm perfectly fiIIINE! –he yelped at the feeling of a couple of hands grabbing his buttocks. Two pairs of lips kissed him in both cheeks as the owners of those mouths got closer to him. They were two identical boys.
-Want to have some fun? –said one of them.
-If you don't mind to share… -said the other.
-Because I share everything with my brother – both of them said at the same time, coiling up Watanuki, grinding their hips against the bespectacled boy's thighs.
-Mmm, no, thanks, I have an appointment in a couple of minutes –lied Watanuki, moving away, his cheeks bright red.
He wasn't, after all, against homosexuality, but incest and threesome was a bit excessive for him. Watanuki sighed, focusing on his mission, searching for the mirror.
Not five minutes afterwards, he felt another hand touching his butt.
Doumeki was having a difficult time. Not because he was being harassed–a couple of boys had approached him, but he had been categorical in his rejection, and the boys had left without problem -. No, he was worried because he could imagine the sort of problems Watanuki would be having.
But, on the other hand, he wanted to teach the blue-eyed boy a lesson, so, to suppress his urges of going to rescue Watanuki, he had been drinking. Not much, just a couple of glasses of scotch. The drink warmed his stomach, but did nothing to his perception or his coordination. After all, he was quite a drinker –mostly thanks to his family and it's permissive rules about how to dispose of the familiar wine cellar. He needed more than that to get tipsy.
He stood and reminded himself that he should be looking for the piece of mirror Yuuko had requested. So he started to walk around the dance floor, examining everything that shined. And when he was immersed in his search, he saw it.
Watanuki was being cornered by a group of men. Not teenagers. Those guys were all adults. One of them got closer to Watanuki and grasped his wrists.
Watanuki faced the man, regretting the promise he had made to him.
-Hello again. Did you finish your… business? –asked the man in the net t-shirt.
-Yes but… you know, I really can't… because… -mumbled Watanuki.
-You can't? –he asked – Well, I can –he said, pressing his body against the bespectacled boy.
And the next thing Watanuki saw was Doumeki's leather-covered back.
-Please, don't mess with my partner –he said, but his words gave Watanuki the impression of being saying "don't touch my damn property, you dickheads".
The man looked at Doumeki with a sceptical smirk.
-I don't think he's your partner. He has been alone for a long time.
-We had a little fight, that's all. We have already made up.
Watanuki looked between the both of them, almost tasting the rivalry between the two men. He slowly reached for Doumeki's hand and squeezed it. He felt suddenly safe, as if he had entered on his temple after running away from a bad spirit. Doumeki's long fingers wrapped around his.
-Okay, if he has chosen you, I have nothing more to say –said the man, noticing the silent communication between the boys. Doumeki nodded and walked away quickly, dragging Watanuki along, still too surprised for the man's lack of resistance. They reached the lady's restroom –that was surprisingly clean and deserted – and went inside.
They were still holding hands. Watanuki noticed and tried to untangle their fingers. Doumeki let him go.
-I knew you'd get into trouble – he said.
-I didn't need your help! –snapped Watanuki – I was… I was following your advice, and trying other people to check my… tendencies – he said, trying to look cool and smug, and failing.
Doumeki looked at him and allowed himself to smirk.
-You were terrified of that guy –he said- And I think you have solved all your doubts.
-I didn't…!
-Hush –said Doumeki, cornering him – You said that I pretended to be nice when we did it. What if I stop worrying about you? Will that make things clearer?
-Uh? –said Watanuki. He couldn't think with Doumeki's face so close to his. Their noses were almost touching.
-So, if I wanna kiss you, I'll just do it, without considering if you want to be kissed or not –his voice was surprisingly clear. It was, also, reverberating between the toilet's walls, impacting Watanuki like warm sound waves.
Watanuki smelled the scent of alcohol in Doumeki's hot breath.
-Have you been drinking? –he asked, weakly. Suddenly his knees felt like jelly.
-Sure –affirmed Doumeki – But what has that to do with us?
-You… you're drunk, that's why you're doing this…
-No, I'm not. I don't need to get drunk to like you.
His sincerity made Watanuki felt ashamed of his own lies and excuses. He couldn't avert his eyes from Doumeki's. It was as if their gazes were glued together.
Watanuki's pale fingers grasped Doumeki's t-shirt, in a last effort to push him away, but he grabbed the cotton fabric, instead.
And finally the golden-eyed boy came closer, and brushed his lips against Watanuki's mouth, kissing him softly. Their lips were dry. Watanuki closed his eyes, trembling at the feeling of that mouth touching his a bit deeper. The kiss ended, but Watanuki kept his mismatched eyes closed.
Doumeki waited. He was patient. He had once stood for ten hours under the rain, waiting for Watanuki to appear from wherever he had gone. He could wait a bit more. He just needed a real answer from the bespectacled boy. A true one.
Watanuki was trembling in anticipation. He opened his eyes just a bit. Seeing that Doumeki was doing nothing, he opened his blue eyes completely, feeling uneasy and very nervous.
-Why aren't you…? -he said, not finishing and blushing furiously instead.
-I don't want to force you.
-I though you were going to put the gentleness aside –said Watanuki, allowing himself to speak with a bit of sarcasm.
-Yeah. But I can't –explained Doumeki – I can't do anything if you don't want me to.
Watanuki looked at him, feeling a lump of something unknown tightening his throat. Doumeki reached for his lips again, kissing him slightly.
-Do you really want me to continue? –said the taller teen. Watanuki swallowed, blinked a couple of times and fought the denial, erasing old lies and excuses. And suddenly, after a titanic effort, the magic word came out.
-Please –he said. He tugged at Doumeki's t-shirt, reaching for the golden-eyed boy's mouth. Doumeki kissed him, taking those slender hands and placing them around his own neck.
Watanuki tangled his fingers with Doumeki's short hair. Their tongues met shyly, becoming more daring. Doumeki's hands travelled across Watanuki's torso, opening easily the tight buttons, caressing the soft, soft skin. Watanuki yelped when he felt one of those big hands stroking his backside.
-I love these jeans –muttered Doumeki, between kisses. Watanuki's face grew redder, but, for once, he said nothing. He was too busy trying to control his breath. The words he was planning to say turned into whimpers and moans.
-Doumeki –he breathed against the taller teen's ear – I don't want to… not here… I… -he gasped at the wet caress of a tongue down his collarbone.
-Okay –said Doumeki, kissing one last time that creamy skin before moving away from Watanuki. He breathed deep a couple of times. It was difficult to resist the urge of ravishing Watanuki against that very wall.
-Let's go home –he said, holding Watanuki's hand. And, miraculously, the bespectacled boy didn't complain. He just held it back.
The room had been cold, but not anymore. The heat of the two tangled bodies that were wrestling lovingly in the bed had warmed efficiently the space.
Watanuki muffled a moan against Doumeki's forearm, now right under the bespectacled boy's face. His pale hands were supporting his own body and the added weight of Doumeki's, increased with every thrust. The tanned chest of the other teenager was rubbing Watanuki's back, and one of his arms was around the paler teen's waist, his long fingers brushing from time to time his neglected erection.
Watanuki felt his world crumble every time Doumeki touched his... well, he didn't know the name of that spot yet, but anyway, it was wonderful.
-Owmf... –he said, his lips pressed against his lover's forearm. Watanuki knew that Doumeki was smirking. He couldn't see it, but he knew, somehow. Watanuki sank his teeth in the tensed skin of the arm below his face, silencing his sounds of delight and taking his revenge at the same time.
Doumeki was so absorbed in the pleasure he was obtaining –and giving, he knew that for sure thanks to Watanuki's little mewls – that he didn't noticed the pain in his forearm. He bent down until his nose was nuzzling Watanuki's neck, and started nibbling the soft skin of his nape while he felt the mounting tension building in his body.
Watanuki couldn't mute himself anymore when Doumeki quickened the pace. He was constantly pushing against that marvellous spot inside of him, stroking his member at the same time. Seconds after, Watanuki came, all the strength leaving his sweaty body. He saw, in a haze, the little hairs in Doumeki's forearm standing up, and heard his low murmurs of pleasure as he came.
Doumeki tried to collapse on the bed, but he ended falling on top of Watanuki. The smaller teen whimpered, breathless.
-Get off me, you moron –he muttered against the pillow, too tired to scream.
-Sorry –said Doumeki, rolling on his back and reaching his side of the futon.
He was cold, so he got closer to Watanuki, his arms surrounding him. The bespectacled boy felt Doumeki's lips on his shoulder, nibbling randomly.
-Stop doing that –said Watanuki – I can't sleep if you keep biting me.
-Why? I'm not biting you. That includes using your teeth, and I'm not.
-Okay, I got it, but stop doing it.
There was a moment of silence. Watanuki began to fall asleep, immersed in that protective warmth surrounding him. Doumeki's pure aura was all around, filling the bedroom and covering Watanuki's pale skin like a defensive coating.
The amber-eyed boy watched Watanuki in his sleep. Moments later he closed his eyes too, his arms around the small-framed body next to him and his nose buried in the dark shiny locks of Watanuki's hair.
-Wait a minute!
Doumeki woke up violently. He looked at Watanuki, asking him without words the reason for his screaming. Seeing that silent interrogation was useless with the bespectacled boy, he tried other technique.
-Are you mental? –he asked.
-The mirror! The freaking mirror!
Doumeki frowned, definitely worried.
The Dimensional Witch opened her eyes, looking at what she had between her fingers. A mysterious smile was dancing in her red lips.
-My, my –she said, staring at the shiny mirror piece. The light hit the glass, a spot of it's reflection flying like a butterfly through the room's walls.
-One of this days –she said. One of her burgundy eyes was staring at her from the mirror – I'm gonna loose my head.