The Greatest Adventure

Chapter 6

"Are you okay?" Jack asked Sam as they walked towards the elevator.

"Yeah, I think it just freaked me out to be in the same room as her. I never felt that way when we faced Apophis."

"You weren't pregnant when we faced Apophis. We need to get that thing out of here. Until then, I'm taking you home."

"No way, I'm not leaving here with her walking around. Something weird happened to Daniel and the General when she touched them."

"What are you thinking?"

"I think we need to shut down the mountain and figure out what's effecting them. Is it just the men? Some sort of pheromone thing?"

"The doc would have authorization to initiate a lockdown."

"Well, what are we waiting for."

Meanwhile Teal'c was watching Hathor mesmorize his two new teammates. "She is a Goa'uld." He reminded to two men.

Hathor eyed him, "Jaffa," she said in a warning manner, "In service to Apophis, the serpent. Vile creature that he is."

"I am no longer in the service of Apophis."

"We despise all that Ra, Apophis and their kind do and believe."

Daniel stepped in, "It's all right. So does Teal'c."

"Then your enemy is our enemy. Together we can defeat them." Hathor said. "Who was the woman?"

"That would be Captain Carter." General Hammond said.

"She is a very beautiful woman, who is the father of her child?"

"Colonel O'Neill, they're getting married." Daniel answered.

"You will bring the woman back to us. We will get to know the woman with the special child."

Janet was just getting off the phone when Jack and Sam entered her office, "Oh, you're back." She could see that something wasn't right by the look in their eyes. "What's wrong."

Sam and Jack described what they had just encountered. "You're sure."

Sam nodded, "Daniel was in close contact with Hathor, and then the General, and all of a sudden they acted all hypnotized by her."

"If she was so hypnotizing, how come you and Jack weren't affected?"

Sam sighed, "I don't know, maybe it only starts working when you touch her, maybe it's a conscious thing on her part. We got out of there before she could touch me or Jack. For more than a second anyway."

Janet nodded, "I'll make the call, and then it's up to you to deal with the Goa'uld."

Jack nodded, "got it, Sam, for my own peace of mind, please go to the surface before they lock down."

"No Jack, I'll stay in the infirmary to help Janet de-hypnotize the general and Daniel."

Jack sighed, "Fine." Holding the woman who no longer just carried his child but carried his heart and soul as well, he prayed that he had the strength to not sling her over his shoulder and carry her to the surface. "But I swear to god… if anything happens…"

Sam nodded, "I won't do anything, I promise."

"Good." Jack said, "Now make that call."

Jack stood there as Janet called the president directly. Normally the chain of command would involve her debriefing general Hammond who would then contact the joint chiefs or the president directly. But that was not an option. "This is Major Dr. Janet Frazier authorization cod Foxtrot Charlie Beta,"

She passed the phone to Jack, "Colonel Jonathan Jack O'Neill authorization code Gamma Sampson Epsilon,

Passing it to Sam, "Captain Samantha Carter Authorization code Zulu Alpha."

Sam then gave the phone back to Dr Frazier, "We believe that General Hammond has been compromised by some sort of drug by a Goa'uld. My recommendation is that the mountain be shut down. This particular drug only affects males who have made direct physical contact with the Goa'uld Hathor."

The voice on the other end was silent. After a moment it replied, "Are you sure?"

"Mr. President, if we don't shut this base down her influence may very well expand beyond this base to your very office."

"Very well, as of 1600 today, that's in ten minutes, the mountain is effectively cut off from the world until I receive authorization codes from any four officers, at least two have to be female."

The three of them listened as the chevrons announced the fact that the base was being shut down, and they knew that they had to stop this now or there could be a battle against their own brothers in arms.


A/N: Another chapter! I hope you all enjoyed. Next weekend we'll see more of evil Hathor, will she get her hands on Sam and the Baby? Will Jack still become a Jaffa? We'll see!