Thanks for all of the reviews. I had writer's block and I was very busy, so I didn't have time to update sooner, but here it is, so please review.

Disclaimer: I do not Inuyasha or any of its characters.

The gang woke up to hear a scream. Koga sat up in fear that something happened to his lover and was relieved to see her clinging tightly to him, rubbing her eyes. "What was that noise?" Kagome muttered sleepily. Miroku was holding his face and Sango was fuming. "That pervert put his hand in my top and I yelled. I'm sorry, you guys."

Kagome scolded, "Miroku, you almost gave us a heart attack. Can't you just keep your hands to yourself for once?" Miroku scratched his head in embarrassment, "It wasn't my fault, the hand has a mind of its own." Sango said, "Yeah, right, remind me to never sleep next to you again." Miroku chuckled nervously.

Koga stood up and lifted Kagome up bridal style. "Well, it was good staying with you guys, but me and my lover have to go. We have important things to do today," Koga grinned, nodding towards the group. "I thought we were going to go look for the jewel shards, Koga?" Kagome asked, her face twisted in confusion. Koga smirked, "Well, that can wait. You'll see. So long, guys. See ya, MUTT!" dashing off, holding firmly to Kagome. Sango and the other waved, and Inuyasha twitched his eyebrow in annoyance. Ayame cocked her head sideways, "I wonder what was so important." She turned to the others. "So, you guys don't mind if I stay with you?" Ayame asked, her hands clasped behind her back. "Not at all. Beautiful women are always welcome," Miroku said, grabbing Ayame's hands and kissing them gently.

Both Sango and Inuyasha's face reddened in anger. Ayame's face held a slight pink blush. "Oh, monk, you are such a flatterer," Ayame chimed, gently pulling her hands out of his. Inuyasha balled up his fists and Sango positioned her Hirakotsu. "You wanna go first, or should I?" Sango asked, gritting her teeth. Inuyasha crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "He's all yours," Inuyasha smirked. Sango menacingly approached Miroku. Miroku felt a dark aura slowing suffocating him. He cleared his throat, "Uh, is it a little cold, or is it just me?" Ayame shrugged as Sango put her finger to her lips creeping up behind him.

A loud yell was heard as the Hirikotsu collided with Miroku's head. Miroku held his head in pain, his eyes watering in pain. "Wow, Sango, you clocked him good this time," Inuyasha commented. Miroku could only let out a whimper of pain. Sango smirked in satisfaction. Ayame giggled.

"So, Koga, are you going to tell me where we're going?" Kagome asked, brows furrowed in curiosity. Koga grinned, "Be patient, darling, I promise it won't be much longer." Kagome was even more curious, but was quiet.

They got to wolf's den in record time. Koga went in, still holding Kagome. Ginta was standing guard, sitting on a boulder, looking bored. When he spotted Koga, he straightened up and his face broke into a wide smile. "Hey, Koga! Hello, sister!" he greeted. "Hey. Are they here?" Koga asked, setting Kagome down who smiled and waved. "Yes, they are, waiting for you to return," Ginta responded, crossing his arms. "Okay. Ready, hon?"

Kagome shrugged, "I guess. Who are 'they'?" Koga replied with a sweet kiss, making her blush. He walked her to the farthest corner of the wolf den. In the room were two wolf demons, a gorgeous woman, with long black wavy hair and the bluest eyes, and a man, with a scar adoring his features and a face like Koga's, only with facial hair and a scarier aura.

Kagome's eyes widened profusely when it dawned on her mind who these people were. [His PARENTS!]She swallowed and bit her lip. The man spoke. "Ah, my son. Come and greet your old man," his voice boomed, giving a huge smile at Koga. Koga stepped forward, grabbing Kagome's hand and nodding. "I missed you very much, sweetheart," the beautiful woman spoke, holding out her arms. Koga gave her a warm embrace before stepping back and clasping Kagome's hands again. "And who is this human?" his father said, narrowing his eyes. "Father, this is my fiancee, Kagome," Koga replied bravely.

"She's a scrawny human. Are you toying with us, Koga? The girl is merely food to our kind," Koga's father said.

Kagome flinched and Koga bared his fangs threateningly. "Don't you dare speak of my future wife like that! I don't care if you're my father or not. I love her!" Koga spat angrily. Hoga's mother chuckled, "She's pretty. I like her." Koga's father snorted, "Well, I'll see if she's worthy to be part of this clan." Koga glared, "Her parents have already accepted me. The clan loves her and respects her. And I love her and she loves me." Koga's mother turned to her husband. "Darling, why don't you leave them be? They're a beautiful couple," she cooed gently.

"How old are you, dear Kagome?" his mother asked kindly. "I'm sixteen, ma'am," Kagome said meekly.

"So, young! Koga-kun, do you think you could at least wait until she's eighteen?" Koga's mother asked sweetly. Koga mumbled, "I suppose. But why wait?" Kagome turned to Koga. "Koga, I can wait. After all, I have to finish school." Koga grabbed both of Kagome's hands. "Are you sure, Kagome-koi?" he asked.

Kagome glanced at his parents. "Yes, I am. I love you. I can wait," she repeated. Koga's father cast a disapproving look at Kagome. "Look at you, Koga. Letting that measly, pathetic human influence your decisions." Kagome began to get angry. "Excuse me, sir, I don't like how you speak as if I'm not here. I don't like you and your blunt attitude towards humans. But I love Koga and I'd do anything to be accepted by his parents."

Koga's father sneered, "Ah, a feisty back-talker. Girl, I could kill you in an instant." Koga death-glared his father, "Lay a finger on her and I'll slaughter you." Koga's father ignored him. "But I look forward to see how long it'll take before Koga kills you himself. WIth that sharp tongue, it won't be too long," his father smirked evilly. Koga narrowed his eyes, "Let's go, Kagome. Good day, mother," pulling Kagome out of the room. Kagome fidgeted uncomfortably. "I am so sorry, Kagome. My father is very vocal, spouting out nonsense. We'll show them," Koga said, attempting a small smile. Kagome didn't respond and Koga glanced at her.

She was crying.

Koga's eyes widened in alarm. He instantly pulled her into a soft embrace, kissing her on top of her head. "He hates me, Koga. What did I do wrong?" she sobbed. Koga rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. "You didn't do anything wrong, love. You're perfect in every way. I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."

Kagome sniffled and Koga wiped her tears away.

"I love you, Koga...I do..."

"I love you, too, Kagome..."

That's the end of this chapter. I finally got my mojo back and I intend to keep it going weekly. Join me next week for, MY WOLF PRINCE CHAPPIE 15! Please review.