author: Brandi Vincent

disclaimer: Everything belongs to Joss Whedon. I only watch his show and make a prediction on what is going to happen next. Joss Whedon owns all of the characters and should take credit in this story for my imagination would be nothing with out his show.

title: Questions to Answer

chapter: Holding Back but Couldn't

show: After the show on the 25th

genre: Humor and partial Romance

rate: NC-17 (for language and partial romance, but it's not that big)

summary: Xander finds out something 'interesting' as questions aren't answered.

mostly about: Tara, Willow, Dawn and Anya (meaning they all get an equal part). Mainly about Xander, Spike, and Buffy (meaning they are included important and or they got a bigger part).

scenes: 10

thoughts: It just took me 3 days to write this, nothing big, I was just bored and knowing that they would start playing reruns, I would start doing fan fictions. Please do a review to see how I can improve on my stories and be honest. This is my first fan fiction, I don't want any pity or 'Since it's her first, I'll go easy on her.' because I am a pretty good young author at some of the other stories I write at least. I hope you like it!

Scene 1

Willow paced back and forth infront of the counter at the Magic Box, trying to control her crave to use magic for any apparent reason.

"Willow, what are you doing? You're scaring away money." Anya said after 5 mins of Willow's pacing.

"Oh, nothing! Just thinking, that's all, I'm fine!" Willow gave an innocent smile (again).

"Yea, sure..." Anya gave a weird look and then saw a customer walk in. "Willow, direct your feet over in that direction and sell something, 'k?"

"Sorry Anya, after many useless mins pacing in this shop, I think I'll do something more 'constructive' with my time." Willow gave another smile and walked to the door.

"Fine, don't help your only friend that is willing to spare her time for you in the morning while everyone else is busy!"

"OK Anya, bye.." Willow said lost in thought as she left. Anya straightened her outfit and went over to the customer after giving Willow another weird look.

"Buffy! Ya here? No ones at the Magic Box except Anya and Xander's doing his thing, who know's....Ya here? BUFFY!" Willow called through the house. She saw a note on the kitchen table as she walked in the kitchen and it read:


I took Dawn to a movie, won't be gone long, see ya later.


"Well....That solves my Dawn problem." Willow sighed rereading Tara's signature over and over. "BUFFY! Are you here? Typical. I know where she is know, but I don't wanna go there. And look, I'm talking to myself, who has more problems now? Stop talking to yourself!"

Scene 2

"Xander, we really need to do something about Willow, she's acting fidgety again, and we all know what happens when she does that." Anya said as Xander walked in, eating a Big Mac. "Didn't you hear? Honestly, I wouldn't talk or even be around her now, didn't Buffy tell you what happened with Dawn and Willow last night? Terrible.."

"No...Buffy hasn't even stopped by today except Willow and you now. What happened?"

"It's a long story, I have to get to Buffy though asap. And we know she's by a bleached blondie's crypt 'kicking some ass'." Xander said, raising his eye-brows a couple of times when he said 'kicking some ass'. Anya shook her head.

"What? What do you mean? Why do you need to see Buffy? What happened to Dawn and Willow last night?" Xander kissed Anya, said bye, and left. "And why can't I have some of your Big Mac?"

Scene 3

Buffy ran through the cemetary and into Spike's crypt, with an 'I'm gonna kill you!' face.

"Ya know, you do several types of 'knocking', but not with a door. What do you want this time Slayer?"

"SPIKE! Didn't I tell you not to tell anybody night.....the inncodent? I'm going to kill you!" She rang, ready to attack with her stake, but Spike just looked confused.

"What?? I didn't tell crap Slayer, no soul got from a mile to my voice, nor lips...except you, and that would change tons."

"You told Xander asshole!" Again, Spike just stood against a wall, looking as if to say 'I didn't tell any poof about our secrets, unless you want me to tell you about mine.'

"Look, I didn't tell Xander! OK? I have no idea how the ninny could have found out, what happened?" Buffy calmed down a bit, lowering her stake and her self to a chair.

"Well, this morning, in the Magic Box, Xander kept staring at me in a mean, confused, and 'I can't believe' way until he started giving hints on how he knows, like just giving remarks like 'thump' and 'who's Shaggy now? I forget a lot when you're gone.' and 'Spike really is the Big Bad, huh?'. I couldn't stand it so I went home before Anya came in the shop, watched tv for a while while Dawn was still sleeping, then thought, 'hey, hell no I told Xander what happened, a little proud, horny bastard told him.' But surprisingly, you don't seem to be hurt or mad, at least before you weren't and now I have no idea who to accuse or what to think. This is going to get out to the gang fast." she said, looking worried.

"Don't worry Buffy, if the ninny knows what's good for him he'll keep his mouth shut."

"That's the thing, he can't keep his mouth shut!"

Spike snickered. "I know."

"What the hell am I going to do? I mean, what have you got to loose when everyone finds out? I'll have to stand all those glares and 'wanna talk about this?' lectures." Spike stepped closer to her, standing next to the chair she was sitting in.

"You're the Slayer, luv. If you can handle vampires and demons, you sure as hell can stand a couple of friends." Spike said, starting to put his fingers through her hair. Buffy didn't mind, his gentle voice he used right now calmed her feelings and anger until she felt relaxed and care free.

"Well, I know what Willow's, Tara's and Anya's expressions are going to be and I already know Xander's, but what about Dawn? What will she think of me? What will she think of you? Maybe she'll get the idea that vampires are great in bed, and start doing it herself...maybe. She almost did once." Buffy said, exasperated.

"Well, then her thouhts would be right, wouldn't they?" Buffy punched his arm. "Well, I'm sure Dawn is a respectable young lady that has the right point of view on...things." Spike sputtered.

"Yea, Dawn hopefully will understand-"

"That you can't resist my devilish looks and can't stand not to be around me?" he finished her sentence. Buffy gave him a mean look and said,

"No..Dawn hopefully will understand that sometimes I choose stupid choices and befriends idiots."

"You know you liked it."

"No I didn't! It was gross! And you're gross!"

"Stop denying it, and it looks like you want more."

Buffy stood up punching him in the sholder hard. What's your problem Buffy? It was good and you can't stand those sexy abs! You know you love him! Buffy thought, then almost wanted to slap herself 3 times for what she was thinking. As Spike was rubbing his sholder, he gave Buffy a cocky, evil look.

"There you go again luv. I'm not going to hurt you again, I don't want to. But seeing your eyes looking at me in that sexy way wants to make me hurt you bad." He said, stepping closer. Buffy suddenly realized what he meant, now noticing that she was giving him a passionate stare and looking down at his abs that showed through his black shirt.

"I think you forgot the problem here Spike! Everyone is going to find out! Wait, wait wait wait wait wait! How did Xander find out!? I almost forgot, where was he when....the innocent happened? He was acting normal yesterday, when Dawn got hurt, I didn't say anything and you were kinda around me the whole time."

"Don't look at me, I might have lived ahundred more years then I was supposed to but doesn't make me Eienstein. Where's Dawn? Did you leave her alone at home?"

"No, she said that Tara was stopping by to take her out to a movie and lunch. By the way, what time is it?" Buffy said looking down at her watch she put on in the morning just in-case.

"11, I have to go,"

"Whatdya mean? We still have to talk about your feelings," he said as she headed for the door. "Buffy! We have to talk!" "Sorry Spike, gotta go," Again, Buffy got out of yet another talk with Spike.

Scene 4

"Are you OK now Dawn? I mean, after last night, are you hurt or anything?" Tara asked Dawn as they ate lunch at McDonalds.

"Ya, I'm good. But Willow, she's just scaring me now with her magic, and now she decides to give it all up? I thought once you threatened to leave her she'd get the point, and all of a sudden she almost gets me killed and now getting the point? It just goes to show ya that Willow won't get a clue until she threatens someone else in any way, ya know?"

"Very wise."

"No, just obvious."

"I guess so."

"Ya, well, I'm just saying, she might go back on her word like she always does."

"Not always."

"I suppose not always but she's so caught up in magic she won't even know if she's doing a spell, leave alone a snap of her fingers."

"Dawn, are you this mad at her?"

"Yes! I love her and all, I think we all do deep down, but...but...You should have seen the way she was acting! Honestly, I don't think she was doing a spell, I think just getting high off pott."


"Well, actually, she looked really sorry and afraid after the car accident. Now I actually feel sorry for her. She looked like she was in a trance then got out of it after the car hit, she didn't really tell me big details on what happened to her, but now, I don't know, I'm still mad at her, but she looked really sorry."

"So what do you feel about her now? No offence but make up your mind."

"I...I don't know."

The conversation ended when Xander came over with his Big Mac, still unfinished.

"Hey, Tara and Dawn! What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Dawn asked.

"Oh, just now forgot to order fries, have you seen Buffy anywhere?" Xander asked.

"No, haven't seen her since this morning, why?"

"Just wanted to ask her something...Or about someone."

"Well, we'll tell you when we see her, bye." Tara said, turning back to her cheeseburger and fries. "Why getting rid of me so fast? I won't bite, despite my hunger for some salty fries." Xander replied, staring at Tara's fries.

"Get your own big boy." Dawn said, slurping her Dr. Pepper.

"Fine, I see I'm not wanted here, I'll go." Xander said sarcastically mean, ordering his fries and heading out the door.

Scene 5

"Buffy!" Finally someone to talk to, Xander's looking for you by the way, and what happened last night with Dawn?" "Xander wants to talk to me? Why...?"

"I don't know, a lot of my questions are being opened like a book but not read."

"What did he say, specifically?"

"He just wanted to talk to you and supposed you were by a bleached blondie's crypt, supposingly Spike's."

"That's all, he didn't tell you anything else?"

"No, no ones talking to me today, as if my interest on what happened last night is deadly, what happened??"

"No time to talk, gotta go." Away from Xander. Buffy thought.

"Why is everyone in a rush today! Let's see, Dawn's going to walk in here today with a baby elephant saying the dad is a bunny and Tara's going to start kissing Giles?"

"Ya, you do what you want..." Buffy said, lost in thought and left, hoping Xander wouldn't be around the corner, yet, he was, chomping down on fries heading for the magic Boxes door. "Oh no." Buffy ran out the back door silently hoping Anya wouldn't hear or see her much. Xander walked in.

"Has Buffy came in here since I left?"

"Yea, she just went out the front door," Anya replied irritated, counting money from the cash register.

"An, don't let money get to your head, I just walked in here, no Buffy."

"Really, she just left, must have been busy eating Tubby to notice."

"Ooook...maybe you should put the money down." Anya looked up, holding her money close to her chest, away from Xander.


"I wish Giles were still here." Xander said, sitting down, then getting back up heading for the door. "Bye honey."

Scene 6

Willow had turned on the TV, watching Gladiator on HBO, crying a little since the 'hanging his family' part. It's been over 2 hrs since she got home, bored to death. The movie was ending and had no clue what to do.

"Where is everyone? It's almost 12!" She got the phone and called the Magic Box, hoping for someone to talk to. "Anya..hi!"


"So, hi."


"Why did I call, let's see..."


"Suddenly, I just had a thought, sorry gotta go, bye."


"Sorry An, but I guess everyone is just busy today, bye."


"Sorry Anya, but like I said, I gotta go!"




"I'm hanging up now, bye." Willow said hanging up, irritated. "Now why did I think that was a good idea?" Buffy walked through the door quickly, knowing Xander would probably be knocking on the door in 15 mins. "Buffy! I am so bored! Everyone is busy and Anya is know...there, what about you? Where have you been?" Willow asked in a rush.

"Running f...running forever to get here! Haha, yea...well, I think I could use some rest, I'm going to bed, 'k?" Buffy answered, walking up the stairs. Willow respectfully didn't bug Buffy to stay awake with her down here, so she just smiled and returned to see what was next on HBO. Oh, Blue Streak, now how many times have they shown that movie in at least the last week? 10 mins later, Willow heard a knock on the door, answering it to find Xander breathing hard from running. Once he caught his breath, he asked,

"Is Buffy here? Can I talk to her??" "Buffy's sleeping, sorry." Willow said, letting him in.

"Oh, well, tell her I dropped by, and tell her I really need to talk to her." Xander said leaving.

"OK, bye!" Willow said, smiling, even though she was hoping he'd at least stay to watch Blue Streak with her. Willow sighed, knowing that there was nothing else to do so she relied on the movie to keep her attented.

Scene 7

Dawn hadn't returned home intil 6 and the same old same old had gone through out the day. Xander didn't go looking for Buffy again, knowing it was useless since Buffy was a good avoider. Anya just counted money all day, while Xander told her about the Willow and Dawn innocent. Willow watched movies all day, not letting her mind work for she knew that boredom was nothing to think about. Buffy slept for an hr or 2 until going down stairs again watching movies with Willow, not bothering to call Xander. And Tara hung out with Dawn the whole day until retreating at 6. Now Buffy, still avoiding Xander, hoping he hadn't told anyone, which obviously, he hadn't, wanted to talk to Spike finally. Buffy went on patrol as soon as Dawn came home.

Buffy walked through the cemetery, staking vampires like swatting flies. Something made her shutter even though it wasn't cold.

"Hello? Anybody there?" That was stupid of me, why would anybody answer? Especially if it's a demon. She thought to herself. Something moved swiftly, touching her shoulder and then disappeared. "What the hell?" She started walking faster, hoping not to deal with some dirty, bloody demon fight when she was feeling so lazy. "Ah!" Buffy yelped as a vampire jumped in front of her, making her run into it's chest. She looked up and saw a cocky, sexy smile looking down at her. "Spike! God! Where did you come from? You just jumped out of no where!" She stammered. "Sorry luv, didn't mean to scare you. Did you solve your Xander problem yet?" He asked. "Actually, I've..well..kinda..been avoiding him." She said, backing up. He smiled.

"You know, lately you've been getting scared easily, are you losing your touch?"

"No, Xander was being annoying and you surprised me."

"Does this surprise you?" Spike asked, starting to kiss Buffy passionately. Buffy responded by slipping her tongue in his mouth. That was practically the whole reason she went patrolling that night kind of, looking for him, looking for his sexy abs and lips. Spike started rolling his fingers through her hair and down her back while Buffy put her hands under his duster and shirt. "I love you Buffy, you know that." Spike exhaled between kisses.

"I know, I...I...think I love you too." She breathed after what he said. Spike pulled away, looking at Buffy straight in the eye.

"Do you mean it?" Spike asked, holding her arms. Buffy was even surprised on what she said. "Yes, I love you Spike. I guess it took me one life too long to figure it out, but I love you too." Spike almost looked like he was about to cry, but instead had a smile that grew a mile wide, and started pushing Buffy against a tree and almost ate her face in the process of frenching her. Did I just say that?? Do I mean it?? Duh! I do! It doesn't take an Eienstein with 5 eyes and night vision to notice it! Buffy thought to herself again.

But what they didn't notice, was that a mischievous little sneek had been watching the whole time from afar, and his name was X-A-N-DE-R. Xander followed Buffy and Spike towards the crypt until they had closed the door behind them.

"Well, now that, I just saw, OMG!" Xander ran off, to shocked to tell anyone...right now that is.

Scene 8

Buffy awoke to find herself in Spike's bed, cuddled up against his warm chest, naked. Buffy didn't freak out this time, because as usual, it was a decision she made and now whether she liked it or not, it was her fault. What fault? Now that it was on a more comfier place, she had a better time. Spike woke up mins after Buffy, while she was still nuzzled up against him.

"Sleep well, luv?"

"Yea." She answered, yawning. Spike pulled her closer and started licking her neck, knowing he had to have permission to bite. She looked at her watch on the floor that she almost broke from dropping it hard on the ground during pleasure. 10:00. Oh great, not again, Dawn and Willow are probably awake and worried. She thought, getting up and putting her clothes back on, having a sad whimpering vampire in the back round. "Sorry Spike, I totally forgot about Dawn! See ya later, ok honey?" It felt a little weird to Spike for Buffy to start calling him 'honey', but he didn't give a crap.

"OK luv, see ya later." He got up, putting his arms around her, kissing her passionately.

"Bye." Buffy walked out with a happy Spike back in bed.

Scene 9

Buffy tip-toed in the house, hoping nobody would hear her go in her room. Too late. "Buffy, stop right there." Willow said with a mad look on her face on the couch with Dawn. "Explain."

"Uhhhh..." Buffy sputtered. "Don't worry, we know already, save some 'uhhhhhh's." Willow said. "Xander told us, now Buffy, we love Spike a lot, but...but...why couldn't you tell us you had feelings for Spike? We would have understood." Dawn said worryingly.

"I'm sorry, it's just...wait, what did Xander tell you guys?" Buffy said, starting to get mad at a nosey nobody.

"Buffy, he told us what you were doing, with...uh...Spike last night and the night before. Are you OK? Times are rough now and if you needed comforting you shouldn't have went for Spike to...umm...for 'comforting'." Willow said, still worried.

"Hold up, I thought you were mad at Willow, Dawn." Buffy said accusingly, almost trying to change the subject.

"Buffy, when you get worried more than mad, you put it behind you, and don't change the subject." Dawn answered.

Willow got up off the couch, walking towards Buffy.

"Um...Buffy, no offence intended but, I don't know, why did you, well, you know?" Willow asked. "Can we talk about this later, I'm going to have a little chat with a rat." Buffy said angrily, walking out the door.

"Buffy! Come back here!" Willow called with a head shaking Dawn behind her. "Dawn, we have to do something about Buffy, I think she still won't relax about going to heaven-"

"And you tearing her out of it." Dawn said suddenly mad at Willow again, walking up stairs to her room.

"Dawn! Uh! Well, I have to do something." Willow said, going up stairs to take a shower.

Scene 10

Finally, after a day of avoiding Xander, she was looking for Xander, as usual, in the Magic Box.

"Xander, can we talk please?" Buffy said, trying to be calm.

"Yea, sure. Unless you have other plans." Xander replied.

"Shut-up, what do you know?" Anya was pretending to put magic books and spells away back on the shelf, listening cautiously, as though she thought it didn't look obvious.

"What do you mean?" Xander said, trying to act innocent.

"What Do You Know?" Buffy replied, raising her voice.

"About what category, the one about you going patrolling and didn't come back, or the one about you shagging Spike for 2 nights?" Xander said accusingly.

"Did you have to tell everyone??"

"Buffy, what mess did you get yourself into this time? Why are you having sex with Spike?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're my friend, and I don't want some gothic vampire taking advantage of you."

"He's not taking advantage of me! It's my choice!"

"Why did you make that decision then?"

"None of your business!"

"Buffy! Your scaring the crap out of everyone! One day you were almost going to stake the British idiot with a stake, and before you know it, you are staking him with your tongue!"

"Xander, how did you find out?"

"Which night?"

"The first and the second!"

"Well, the first one I didn't find out about until the Dawn and Willow thing, I was checking up on Dawn that night, after you were done talking to Willow, Spike told me Dawn got hurt and crap by the way, anyways, I heard you saying to yourself as I was leaving 'Buffy, what are you going to fucking do with yourself? Who knows if Spike might tell them about what happened! I don't even know why I had sex with him!' But that's all I heard, and I was looking for you when you went on patrol, wondering if you needed help or needed to talk about something, but it seemed you were handling that peeerityy well." Buffy started sitting down, still mad at Xander.

"Why did everyone have to know??"

"They were worried, I looked suspicious and they ganged up on me this morning! I didn't mean to tell them, honest, I just wanted to talk to you about it first!" Xander started looking worried and innocent, and looked like he wasn't lying.

Buffy started feeling sorry for him. "They ganged up on you?"

"Yea, I said that you were probably OK, and you would show up like you did 2 days ago, but I guess I wasn't that believable." I should have just talked to him. Buffy thought.

Anya was staring now. Buffy looked at her, Anya was on a little ladder, looking from the side of a book case, she fell surprised when she saw Buffy looking back at her.

"Anyways...Buffy, why?"

"It's for me to know and you to find out." Buffy said, getting up to leave. Just as she was about to get out the door, Xander asked,

"Pick a reason, #1, you were looking for comforting, #2, you were confused and didn't know who else to turn to." Buffy had stopped when he said the reasons, but started going out the door until he said reason #3. "Or reason #3, you love him with passion and all your heart and finally admitted it to your feelings and him." Buffy froze. Xander starred, almost smiling. And Anya just stood at the book shelf, wide eyes and on opened mouth. Buffy stood at the door way, still opened eyes and frozen, until she shook herself out of the trance and walked out the door. "I had a feeling it was reason #3." Xander said, smiling to himself.