Hi guys, just fixed some of the mistakes in this! I'll be editing my other stories over the next month- I have just realised that I use then instead of than all the time!!! And to be honest it is driving me crazy! I added in some extra sentences too, mainly to show why Clary decided to go with Jace and that she did not just abandon or forget about Jocelyn/Luke/Simon =]

On another note, now that I have read City of Glass I just want to clear some things up since this fic obviously doesn't really fit in now because it was written before the third book. In City of Glass we see Luke and Jace getting on pretty well- which I love!- The reason that they don't get on much here is because Jace sees Luke as an obstacle standing in his and Clary's way. Also, Luke and Jace have not really worked for the same cause together here like they have in City of Glass. I love Jace and Luke getting on though =]
I loved COG too, it couldn't have been better! I wanted to read it so much that I got my Mam's friend to buy it in America for me.... The American spellings drove me nuts though, and could you believe that they called Alec ALEX at one stage towards the end!!! =0

Anyway, thank you all so much once more for nominating me and voting for me in the Awards, I am honoured- I can't wait to see who wins, the authors are so so talented and I feel so inadequate! =P

And yes, I will consider a sequel after my exams =] I have 17 days of them.... Well, thank you to everyone for reading and reviewing! =]

~Rach~ xox