A/N: Finally the last chapter. Hope you guys are satisfied with the outcome. I think I've been reading too much manga lately as there's some cheesy lines in here that sound as if they'd be right at home in a yaoi manga. Still, I thought it would be fun to put them in. I happen to like cheesy lines.

In keeping with the manga theme, I added a humourous (my feeble attempt at humour anyway) omake at the end of this chapter.

The quote from the movie is from Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train". It's an oldie but a goodie.

Warnings: The usual stuff, language, angst, fluff, and lemons.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight. I'm just having fun with the boys.

Chapter 13

Kaname jerked awake at the sound of raised voices. He opened his eyes, blinking confusedly and slightly disoriented.

"She was a human being. Let me remind you that even the most unworthy of us has a right to life and the pursuit of happiness," said a strong male voice.

"From what I hear she pursued it in all directions," a woman replied.

The voices were coming from the TV, Kaname realized. He'd fallen asleep while watching another Hitchcock movie, Strangers on a Train. He checked the time and determined that he'd only been asleep for a half hour or so, which was why he was probably so disoriented. He should have gone to bed when he realized he was sleepy but the movie was good and he'd been enjoying it. Still, they had to be up in a few hours to pack and check out at noon. It made sense to go to bed where they could sleep comfortably.

"Come on, Zero. Let's go to bed," Kaname coaxed, shaking the hunter's shoulder lightly.

Zero mumbled, his face buried in Kaname's stomach. It felt like he might have drooled a little. Kaname's pajama top felt damp near the hem.

"Come on." Kaname nudged and encouraged a sleepy and thoroughly confused Zero to sit up.

"What's going on?" Zero asked. His hair was sticking up on one side and he had a button imprint on his cheek.

Kaname thought it was just about the most adorable thing he'd ever seen. His fingers itched to smooth down those silver cowlicks but he kept his hands to himself.

"It's bedtime. We have to get up early so we need to get some real sleep."

"Oh. Okay."

Zero sighed and heaved himself to his feet, taking a couple of steps and almost tripping over the coffee table. Only Kaname's quick grab at his elbow stopped him from going sprawling.

Purple eyes looked at him reproachfully. "You shouldn't have let me fall asleep. I don't wake up well from a nap," Zero said almost sadly.

Kaname manfully repressed a smile, deciding to humour the hunter. "I'm sorry. I didn't know," he apologized politely.

Zero gave him a real smile, one that lit up his face and made his eyes smile too. "It's okay."

The hunter walked straight into the bedroom and crawled into the bed. He rolled onto his side and appeared to fall back asleep instantly.

"Zero? Aren't you going to brush your teeth?" Kaname asked softly. "Zero?"

"In the morning. 'Kay?" Zero asked sleepily.

"Okay, Zero," Kaname answered. One night of going to bed without brushing his teeth wasn't going to give the hunter any dental issues. Vampire saliva destroyed any residual bacteria so Zero wasn't going to get a cavity. He wouldn't even have morning breath. Even so, the pureblood washed his own face and brushed his teeth. He slept better when he stuck to a regular routine.

Kaname slid into the bed, taking care not to disturb the sleeping hunter. As soon as he was settled, Zero moved closer, pressing against Kaname's back and wrapping an arm around the pureblood's waist. Kaname could feel slow, warm breath against his shoulders and the weight of Zero's forehead at his back. He smiled to himself as he closed his eyes. He never would have guessed the hunter was a cuddler but he most certainly was.


The phone rang once and behind him Zero heard Kaname answer and thank someone before hanging up. He opened his eyes and focused on the bedside clock. It was 8:00 A.M. and probably time to get up but he really didn't want to. Beside him he heard a newspaper being turned and he could smell tea and Kaname's shampoo. It seemed the pureblood had been up already and Zero had slept through his shower and even the movement of the bed when he had returned. Zero rolled onto his back. Kaname was indeed reading the paper, his pajama top unbuttoned and showing a wide strip of smooth, toned chest.

"Morning." Kaname lowered the paper and smiled happily.

"Yeah." Zero mumbled. He needed a shower and a couple of cups of coffee before he was good for more than monosyllables. He started to sit up, making a valiant effort to repress any groaning. He really wasn't a morning person and his sleep patterns were really being disrupted. It must be just as bad for Kaname. The pureblood was normally fast asleep at this hour.

"I made you coffee," Kaname stated. "If you want to take a wake up shower, I'll pour you a cup and you can drink it in bed," Kaname offered.

"Okay." Zero pushed himself off the edge of the bed and shuffled into the bathroom. He felt mild surprise that the pureblood knew how to make coffee, but remembered that the grounds were in pre-measured packets and the instructions were printed on the coffee machine. Even so, it was thoughtful of Kaname to make it for him.

When Zero reappeared ten minutes later he was definitely feeling more human, well more ex-human he supposed. "Who was on the phone?"

"I asked for a wake up call, just in case we overslept," Kaname explained.

"Smart," Zero mumbled as he pawed through his stuff for a clean pair of boxers. He didn't want to wear his wrinkled pj pants again even if he was getting back into bed.

Kaname peered over the top of the paper, watching Zero dig around in his bag. The hunter didn't seem to be thinking about the fact that he was naked but Kaname couldn't ignore the way the light seemed to highlight the play of muscles under all that smooth pale skin. He put down his tea as Zero flipped the covers back and when the hunter was comfortably settled, Kaname carefully handed him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." Zero gave him a grateful smile and sipped cautiously at his coffee. "Hot."

Kaname continued to watch Zero from the corner of his eye as he pretended to read the paper. The hunter drank the coffee pretty much in one sitting and then flopped back on the pillows sighing contentedly. "Shall I get you another cup?" Kaname asked him, amused.

"Sure. That would be great. Thanks."

Ha. So now that was two full sentences, Kaname thought smiling. He brought a second cup of coffee and watched Zero drink this one a little more slowly.

It was the first time he'd ever drank his morning coffee while still in bed and Zero enjoyed the experience. By the time he'd consumed his second cup, Zero was pretty much alert and awake and paying more attention to his surroundings. He couldn't help noticing the fact that Kaname hadn't turned a page in the last several minutes.

"What are you reading?" he asked.

"The business section," Kaname replied.

"It is interesting?" Zero asked curiously. Personally, he knew reading about stocks and takeovers would likely put him to sleep but he supposed Kaname needed to keep informed and knowing the pureblood, he probably found it interesting too.

"Not really," Kaname answered, putting the paper down.

"Good. What time is check out?"

The pureblood raised an eyebrow. "Noon. Why?"

"I think I have something more interesting for you to do," Zero drawled. "And it isn't the crossword."


"Yeah. Really," Zero smirked and pulled the pureblood down.


"Agh. Zero. Please," the pureblood groaned, squirming. "I'm sensitive there."

"You like it. I know you do," Zero teased. He was presently kissing and licking up and down the side of the pureblood's ribs. Periodically he took a detour to flick over a sensitive nipple or nip at Kaname's navel or an angular hipbone before going back those oh-so-ticklish ribs.

When Kaname began to twitch and shudder, Zero took pity on him and stopped teasing him. The hunter slid his body up along the pureblood's torso and kissed him slowly and sweetly. He paused to drink in the sight of his lover. Kaname's eyes were closed, his top and bottom lashes meeting and tangling together, casting shadows on his flushed cheeks. Zero could see every detail clearly. In daylight, which was much brighter than when they were usually together, the brunette's lashes were glossy, Zero fancied he could almost see iridescent colours swirling in each lash.

Kaname opened his eyes, and Zero watched his pupils contract in response to the light. The pureblood's irises were such a unique colour: sometimes dark chocolate, sometimes port or even maroon. Right now they reminded Zero of antique gemstones: garnets maybe. He knew every inch of the pureblood was flawless but his eyes were the most striking feature as far as Zero was concerned. Zero remembered the very first time he had thought of Kaname sexually. It was the pureblood's eyes he had been thinking of then.

Kaname wondered why Zero had stopped kissing him and why he was just leaning over him staring. "What are you thinking, Zero?"

"Your eyes. They're beautiful," Zero said gently.

"They were closed until a few seconds ago," Kaname teased.

"I have them engraved into my memory. I've always been attracted to them," Zero said softly.

"You have a funny way of showing attraction. You stabbed me the first time we met," Kaname said ruefully.

"We only hurt the ones we love," Zero teased him.

Kaname touched Zero's face carefully. "I do love you, Zero," he whispered.

Zero smiled and dipped his head, rubbing their noses together. "I love you too," he whispered back. "I'm gonna show you." He lowered his mouth onto Kaname's and the pureblood parted his lips, offering admittance to Zero's tongue.

Their kisses were soft at first but heat was rising in both of their bodies and Zero took them to the next level, mouthing and kissing Kaname's body; his throat, shoulders, chest, wrists, fingers, navel and the sensitive junction of his thigh and groin. Zero marveled at Kaname's skin, which looked as if it would feel cool to the touch but in reality was warm, fragrant with the pureblood's intoxicating scent. He sucked and nipped, leaving marks that bloomed like flowers on the snowy white skin, though with the pureblood's accelerated healing they would fade away even faster than flowers would.

Zero settled between the pureblood's legs and kissed the glistening tip of Kaname's erection before his mouth closed around the heated flesh and began a teasing descent at an excruciatingly slow pace. His hands pressed down, refusing to let Kaname's hips rise and the pureblood whimpered as Zero continued to move his mouth up and down at the same even and torturous tempo. In between his pleas, Kaname could hear the moist sexy sounds Zero was making with his lips and tongue. It sounded as if the hunter was devouring a treat, and it seemed as if Zero was enjoying every second. Kaname gripped the sheets desperately. He wanted to push that silver head down then pull it up again, over and over, and much faster than the pace that the hunter had chosen.

Zero moved closer, kneeling between the pureblood's thighs as he removed one hand from Kaname's hip to uncap the tube of lubricant. He looked up, watching his lover. Kaname's head was turned, the strong muscles of his neck stretched taut as he pressed his mouth against the pillow in an attempt to muffle the sounds he was making.

"I want to hear your voice, Kaname," Zero coaxed. "Let me hear all those sexy little noises. Please?"

Kaname sucked in a breath and nodded. It was embarrassing, but he would do anything for his silver haired lover.

"Can you do something else for me too? Don't move. No matter what I do. Okay?" Zero instructed.

Once again Kaname nodded trustingly.

Zero smiled crookedly and lowered his head again and the pureblood began a new round of broken pleas and whimpers as he fought the almost overwhelming urge to thrust upwards.

After several agonizing minutes the hunter sat up and gripped Kaname's wet length with his fist. "You're doing so well. I didn't think you'd be able to keep such control," he teased, dragging the slippery tunnel of his palm and lubricated fingers slowly back and forth.

Kaname's stomach flip-flopped and his arousal twitched as Zero spoke. Somehow it sounded so erotic. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, he was achingly hard now and Zero hadn't even started to prep him yet.

Zero shifted and Kaname opened his eyes in surprise. The hunter was straddling him, poised over his groin, his eyes dark and intense. Zero wiped his slippery hand on the discarded sheet as he watched Kaname intently.

"Zero?" Kaname asked confused.

"I'm going to make love to you, but you're going to be inside me. Don't move unless I tell you. I need you to stay very still for me." He placed a little extra emphasis on the word "need". "Understood?" Zero purred.

"Zero. Aren't you sore?" the pureblood asked. He was extremely excited by the way Zero's voice sounded but now he was confused. They both knew he liked Zero to make love to him so why was Zero insisting on doing this, especially since he was perhaps still a little tender from last night?

"I might be if you start moving your hips too soon. So what do you have to do?" Zero asked gently.

"I'm to stay very still," Kaname repeated, breathlessly. He was beginning to understand. He might be about to be inside Zero but it would be Zero that would guide the pace and tone of their lovemaking.

Zero gave him a little smirk and began to lower himself carefully. Kaname felt the heat of the hunter's body and then slick, slippery skin. His eyes widened and his mouth made a silent "oh" as he realized Zero had used the gel on his own body. His eyes moved from Zero's face to the junction of their bodies: darting back and forth until Zero was resting his rear on Kaname's lower stomach and thighs and Kaname's entire length was buried in the hunter.

Zero smiled, pleased with himself. He had enjoyed the feeling of Kaname moving inside him and he couldn't see how it could feel anything but amazing for the pureblood, but it hadn't satisfied either of them on an emotional level. It seemed Kaname was programmed to find, maybe not dominance, but certainly assertiveness a sexual turn on. Right now Zero was experimenting with being pretty damn assertive. He would make sure Kaname knew he was taking his pleasure from him and if he was right about this, it would blow the pureblood's mind. He looked down at the brunette, leaning over him. Kaname's eyes were huge, his cheeks deliciously flushed with colour. Zero could feel how excited he was; the brunette was rock hard. Zero gave an experimental tilt of his hips and Kaname flushed and swallowed. His eyes fastened on Zero's face.

"Put you hands on my thighs, Kaname," he instructed gently.

The brunette obeyed instantly and Zero interlaced their fingers.

Zero rose up on his knees and carefully lowered his body back down. Kaname's body twitched under him and the brunette gripped his hands tightly but he didn't move his hips. Zero smiled and repeated his action. Truth be told, this was a huge turn on for him too. Kaname's reactions made him very excited. Guess you can learn something new about yourself any time, he thought only slightly surprised at his own response.

Kaname focused on breathing and not moving. Damn, Zero knew how to push his buttons. The hunter was moving on him at the same exquisitely slow pace as when he was using his mouth earlier. The brunette was sure he could actually feel each nerve-ending flooding with sensation as Zero moved. It was obvious the hunter was enjoying this. Zero's head was tilted back, his eyes closed. He was panting softly and his own arousal was hard and flushed, the tip glistening with moisture.

"You feel so good, Kaname," Zero said softly as he watched Kaname through his lashes. "You make me feel so good."

It was true. And right now watching the pureblood shudder and moan underneath him was making it tough to stick to this slow, steady pace.

"Oh… oh, Zero," the pureblood moaned. Zero had him pinned down and was doing all the work for both of them. It was incredibly arousing to watch Zero moving on him, to watch Zero's expression as he rocked his body, finding his own most sensitive area and adjusting his motions so that Kaname's member brushed against it repeatedly as he sought to increase his pleasure. The pureblood's entire body was quivering now and his breath was ragged. His fingers were asleep from gripping Zero's hands so tightly but he barely noticed.

"Does it feel good, being inside me Kaname?" Zero asked him gently as he began to gradually increase his rhythm.

"Aagh… yes," Kaname panted. Zero was moving faster now. It felt as if he was taking him in even deeper. It was sweet torture.

"I'm getting close," Zero moaned. "Will you help me?" he asked raggedly.

"Anything. Anything you want." Kaname tossed his head from side to side restlessly. He was on the edge of his own climax and had been for several minutes now. Only a little more stimulation and he'd be there but Zero's deliberate pace and his own lack of movement was keeping him hovering on the threshold. But he didn't want to orgasm before Zero. He'd rather try to wait for his lover, if he could.

"So close," Zero whispered.

Kaname wasn't sure if the hunter was talking to himself or not. Zero's thighs were shaking and Kaname could feel the tremble transmitted through his own body.

Zero let go of Kaname's hands and dropped his palms to the bed, pushing against the mattress as he began to press back onto Kaname's length, harder and faster.

"Move, Kaname. Now. Please move," Zero begged.

The pureblood gripped Zero's hips with tingling fingers and arched, his hips slamming against the hunter's body over and over. He had the presence of mind to reach between them and begin smooth, firm pulls on Zero's erection. Zero went wild above him and Kaname's mind seemed to go supernova as he climaxed. The last thing he heard was his own sobs drowned out by Zero's hoarse cries.


Zero was leaning over him and Kaname could feel puffs of moist air against his chest as Zero breathed; his rhythm slowing, his breathes becoming shallower. Kaname traced circles on the hunter's shoulders and upper back ignoring the way the hair from the crown of the hunter's hair hung down and tickled his face. He was still partially inside Zero but he could feel his own essence moist against his groin and his stomach and chest were wet with Zero's release. The hunter looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you. You were incredible," Zero murmured, kissing his mouth gently.

"I didn't do anything," Kaname reminded him, accepting another kiss.

"That's the incredible part," Zero informed him. "I couldn't have done that. Your physical control is amazing. I really wanted to try that but I wasn't sure if it would work."

"If what would work?"

"I wanted you to be inside me but I wanted it to feel satisfying on an emotional level as well as physical. For both of us," he explained.

"Did it feel like that for you, Zero?" Kaname asked shyly.

"Oh yeah. I'm totally satisfied," Zero teased, grinning. He expression turned serious and he asked quietly, "What about you? Would you do that again?"

Kaname smiled. "Anytime you like. It was incredible. You're very sexy when you're taking charge," he teased.

It was true. He had loved watching Zero moving over him, feeling each of the hunter's movements transmitted to his arousal sheathed so tightly inside the hunter's body.

Zero's stomach grumbled and he gave Kaname an apologetic look. "Sorry. I'm hungry."

Kaname glanced at the clock and sighed. "We should get dressed and pack up," he said reluctantly. In a few hours they would be back at the school, in different dorms and on different schedules. He wasn't even sure when he'd be able to sneak over to see Zero again. He was so used to being physically close to Zero now, he was barely aware of their bond, humming away contentedly. It felt second nature to him now, as natural as his own heartbeat. But he knew when they were once again physically separated and their bond slumbered while they were apart, both himself and Zero would keenly feel its absence.

"What's wrong, Kaname?" Zero asked tenderly. The pureblood looked melancholy and it reminded him of the expression Kaname had worn the first few times Zero had met him when they were both younger. It was that same expression that the pureblood had shown when he thought he was unobserved. Even then, Zero had recognized the older vampire was suffering somehow and though he hadn't been able to identify the emotion, Zero had felt his heart softening. He'd always been affected by others' suffering though he felt it was sometimes a weakness. He hadn't wanted to feel empathy for the pureblood and as a result, he'd been rude and abrasive.

"I don't know when I'll be able to be with you again," the brunette said softly.

Zero ruffled his hair, teasing him. "You can see me whenever you want to," he offered. "Maybe I'll even come and see you in your room; maybe walk right through the front door. Might as well since your devoted followers know I'm a vampire too," he added dryly. "We can hang out together, play chess or something," Zero finished, flushing slightly at the pureblood's eager look.

It meant a lot that Zero would come to him, even if he were only willing to keep him company. Perhaps once they were alone, if he tried his best to be seductive, Zero might change his mind about just "hanging out". Kaname looked up at his lover who was looking down at him tenderly. The pureblood caught his lower lip in his teeth, slowly releasing it and flicking his tongue over his lips. He smiled internally as Zero's nostrils flared and his pulse sped up. Yes, if they were left alone he was reasonably certain he could convince Zero to do more than play chess.

The hunter's stomach growled again and Kaname gave him a little push. "Go. Get washed up and dressed and I'll order some breakfast. Are eggs and toast okay?" he asked.

Zero got off him and headed for the bathroom. "Yeah. Can I have scrambled? I don't like eggs any other way."

"Of course," Kaname replied. He'd order a double helping. Zero was probably really hungry. Kaname was fully matured physically but Zero was younger and an ex-human. He was unlikely to get much taller but he was still growing and would most probably fill out a little more. He needed to eat well. The brunette's groin tingled as he picked up the phone to order room service. He was thinking of his lover's strong back and muscled thighs. Zero's build was perfect now and very sexy. He really couldn't get any sexier, could he?

A few minutes later Zero stepped into the living room bare chested, his T-shirt in his hands. "Did you order?"

"Yes. It should be here any minute," Kaname confirmed.

"Great. If you want to get dressed, I'll call you when it gets here," Zero offered.

Kaname moved past Zero and towards the bedroom but stopped to watch as Zero raised his arms, pulling his T-shirt over his head and down his torso. He watched the movement of shoulder blades and ribs. There was something so erotic about the way Zero's skin moved over his muscles and bones. Kaname shook his head. He was obsessed, pure and simple.

He was just finishing putting away his toiletries when he heard a knock at the door followed by Zero receiving the food and thanking the hotel staff member.

"Breakfast is here," Zero called.

They ate together quietly. Zero ate over half of the food and Kaname was glad he had ordered extra. His lover had burned a lot of calories this weekend, he thought amused. Kaname had ordered freshly squeezed juice and he sipped it now as Zero finished eating, pushing his plate away and rising to his feet.

"I'll go get my things together," Zero advised him.

Kaname nodded glancing at his watch. They still had some time before check out and he didn't want to leave before he had to. He sat quietly, thinking about their weekend as he listened to the sounds of his boyfriend – how he liked the way that sounded – packing up his belongs and occasionally muttering curses. Apparently Zero didn't like packing.

"Done." Zero dropped his bag near the hotel door and dropped onto the couch, sprawling. His arms and long legs seeming to take up much more room than was necessary.

Kaname's dark eyes watched him and Zero couldn't determine his expression. The pureblood's look was making him feel weird.

"What?" Zero blurted. "I checked to make sure we didn't leave anything behind and cleaned up after myself."

"We still have time," Kaname advised him. "Do you want to … I believe the expression is … "make out" on the couch?" he asked. He was feeling somewhat mischievous.

"What?" Zero blushed. "We just … you just …." Kaname!" he scolded.

"Just kisses. Please, Zero?" Kaname asked sincerely. He didn't know when he'd be able to touch his silver haired lover again and he was already starting to miss him.

"Just kisses!" Zero warned him. He made no effort to move closer.

Kaname slid along the leather, pressing up against Zero's side and slipping an arm around the other's waist. His other hand cupped Zero's jaw carefully. He pressed kisses into Zero's hair and along his hairline, behind the sensitive shell of his ear.

Zero inhaled then exhaled with a little sigh. "Just kisses," he mumbled.

To Kaname it almost sounded as if Zero was trying to remind himself. The pureblood smiled happily into those silver tresses before gently turning Zero's face and brushing his lips against Zero's warm, pliant mouth.

The pureblood's mouth tasted sweet, the faint flavour of juice a pleasant contrast to Kaname's own lovely taste. Zero was relaxed, enjoying being kissed even though he knew these kisses were not leading to something more. It was rare that they were able to kiss just because they both wanted to. They had so little time together that most times they kissed as part of foreplay before making love. Rarely were Kaname's kisses an end in themselves. But this was erotic and innocent at the same time. Zero slid sideways, lying on the couch and pulling the pureblood down on top of him. He pressed against Kaname, letting his hands wander under his shirt and over the warm skin of the pureblood's back. Kaname responded, kissing Zero and whispering tender words, stroking the hunter's soft silky hair.

Eventually Kaname pulled back, sighing softly. "We should check out," he said reluctantly.

Zero tugged his clothes into place and smoothed his hair as Kaname gathered his briefcase and bags.

"Do you want to call for a bell hop?" Zero asked, eyeing the pureblood's luggage. Kaname had been here for longer and had packed several suits for his business meetings.

"No," Kaname responded. "I think we can manage." He wanted to spend as much of their remaining time as he could alone with the hunter and not under the scrutiny of a stranger.

The hunter slung his own bag over his shoulder and picked up one of Kaname's bags. He glanced around one last time, making sure they'd left nothing behind.

Kaname held the door open, watching Zero glance around. The hunter's expression seemed to be one of happiness.

They rode the elevator in silence, Kaname's eyes straying to Zero's lips which still looked slightly kiss swollen. Zero caught him looking at him and gave him a small smile.

Kaname strode to the front desk as Zero waited a few steps behind. There was no reason for him to go over there since Kaname was paying for their hotel suite. Zero felt a little uncomfortable about that but logically he knew he shouldn't. He tuned out Kaname's conversation with the woman at the counter, gazing around idly.

"Mr. Honda. Mr. Honda." The woman raised her voice slightly and Zero realized with a start than she was speaking to him. He approached the counter warily, mentally cursing the pureblood's insistence on registering them both under aliases.

"Did you enjoy your stay, sir?" she asked pleasantly.

"Yes. It was fine. Thank you," Zero answered trying not to flush. Right now he didn't want to think about just how much he had enjoyed … anything.

"Will you be staying with us again, Mr. Honda?"

"Umm. I'm not sure." Zero gave Kaname a quizzical look. For some reason the pureblood seemed angry. Did he just hear a growl?

"Well, we'd love to have you return. If there's anything we can do to make your next stay even more enjoyable, please let me know." The woman smiled politely as she handed over a card.

Zero took the card, glancing at it. "Naomi Aoi, Guest Services," he read out loud.

"Err, thanks," Zero said, sounding slightly confused. He hadn't even been the one to pay. The hotel must be really eager to get repeat customers.

"You're very welcome, Mr. Honda." The woman gave him a brilliant smile.

"Good, the car's here. Let's go," Kaname stated a bit abruptly.

"Okay." Zero felt the pureblood's hand on his elbow and he was all but steered though the hotel's lobby to the courtyard and the waiting limousine outside. He wanted to shake Kaname's arm off and leave under his own steam but the driver was standing by the opened trunk and Zero decided that he didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention.

"Leave your bags here," Kaname advised him, setting his own bags near the rear of the vehicle. Zero did as he suggested, sliding in to the back seat of the limo after Kaname.

Once the bags were stowed and the driver had closed their door and pulled out into traffic, Zero turned to face Kaname.

"What was that all about?" he asked, after checking to make sure the privacy barrier was in place.

"What was what about?" Kaname asked him neutrally.

"The thing in the lobby. You practically shoved me out of the hotel. Are you that anxious to have the weekend over and get back to the academy?" Zero asked confused. He didn't think that was it but the pureblood's action made no sense.

"No. Zero, no."

Kaname shot him a quick glance and raised a hand to his hair, pushing his chocolate hair out of his eyes. Zero recognized the gesture as a delay tactic.

"Then what?" Zero asked sounding a little exasperated. It was a simple question. What had made the pureblood react like that?

"You're going to make say it, aren't you?" Kaname mumbled.

"Say what?" Now Zero was starting to get frustrated.

"She was flirting with you … I didn't like that," Kaname muttered, scowling.

"Who, the girl at the counter? No way. She was just being polite, doing her job," Zero protested.

Kaname rolled his eyes. "She didn't give me a card, Zero. I think of the two of us, I'm the one with the greater experience in being flirted with and she was flirting. With you."

"Oh." Zero thought about it briefly. He was almost sure Kaname was mistaken but the pureblood really was way more experienced with interacting with people. It was possible he supposed. One or two of the Night Class fan group had on occasion stepped into his personal space and done stupid things. Like the time that dumb Day Class girl had kept rapidly blinking at him. Zero had bluntly told her if she had something in her eye she should go to the infirmary. Yuki had tried to tell him then that the girl was trying to show she liked him. Had she been flirting with him? Was he that much of an idiot that he couldn't tell?

"Maybe," he grudgingly admitted. "Are you mad she didn't flirt with you?" he asked.

What! Kaname eyes widened in surprise. It was unbelievable just how clueless Zero was sometimes.

"No. Zero. I'm annoyed that she was flirting with you," Kaname managed to grind out through his tightly clenched jaw. He was almost proud of the fact that he did it without breaking any of his teeth.

"You're jealous!" Zero exclaimed softly. He was surprised and somehow flattered.

Now Kaname could actually hear the sound of his molars grinding together. He resolutely faced straight ahead. He was in deep denial. He'd never been jealous of anyone. But that's not true, his inner voice piped up annoyingly. Before you were with Zero you resented just how close Yuki was to him, of how much time they could spend together, of their shared evenings and shared meals, even prefect duties.

"You shouldn't be, Kaname. I'll never look at anyone but you."

"What?" Kaname cast an almost frightened glance at the boy sitting beside him. He was shocked by the intensity of this - so very ugly - emotion. He'd been so deep in thought that he hadn't heard what Zero had said.

Zero repeated his words softly before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to Kaname's mouth. He sat back, his face hot with embarrassment, hoping the driver was paying attention to the traffic and not to his two passengers.

Kaname slid over so that they were sitting much closer. "Are you angry?" he asked.

Zero smiled. "No. But you've no need to be jealous. Remember what I said to you in the park and several times since then?"

Kaname nodded. "I remember but I'd like to hear you say it again," he coaxed.

"Uh uh. You'll be spoiled," Zero admonished him teasingly, as he sat with his arms folded across his chest.

"Can I sit like this then, instead?" Kaname asked. He pressed closer and slid down slightly resting the side of his head against Zero's shoulder and upper arm. He shouldn't be upset that Zero's attractiveness was obvious to others. He was relieved the tension between them had dissipated but he wouldn't push it. No one enjoyed overbearing displays of possessive jealousy and he didn't want to risk making Zero angry. Besides, there was no need for jealousy. They loved each other.

"Sure. Why don't you try to sleep a bit, since this is your normal time for sleeping?"

Zero used his free arm to stroke the pureblood's cheek, looking down to see Kaname had already closed his eyes. Kaname wrapped an arm around Zero's stomach, fingers automatically slipping under his jacket and shirt to touch bare skin.

Zero stared through the window at the passing scenery, his fingers absently stroking the pureblood's wrist. It was sort of flattering that Kaname was miffed at the girl for paying attention to him. It felt kind of good to be cared about that much. Zero shook his head as he realized just how far he'd come emotionally since he'd first bitten the pureblood.

He actually felt a little sorry for Kaname. The pureblood would probably always feel a little vulnerable since vampires focused primarily on his status and both humans and vampires were drawn to his looks. It must be hard interacting with new people knowing that they all they saw was status or looks and probably didn't gave a damn about his personality or individuality; idiots, the lot of them. And Kaname didn't help with his cool and reserved façade. Very few people got to see the Kaname that Zero saw: perhaps only one or two trusted nobles. Zero knew he was very, very lucky.

Zero didn't give a crap about Kaname's pureblood status. In fact he'd have been happier if Kaname was a common vampire. Not a human though. They couldn't have been together if Kaname had been human and Zero an ex human. Zero wouldn't have felt he could trust himself not to physically hurt Kaname somehow.

Zero glanced down at the sleeping vampire, stroking the pureblood's hair. He couldn't honestly say he didn't care about Kaname's looks though. They weren't that important to the hunter but Zero was in love with the whole package and that included not just Kaname's personality but also the pureblood's eyes and his so soft hair; his beautiful smile and his sexy voice, those gorgeous hands and long slender fingers with the little moons at the base of each nail. Zero cut that line of thought off as something stirred in his loins. He was working himself up into a state of arousal. Bad Zero.

Instead he focused on the pureblood's emotions. Zero realized now that Kaname must have felt at least a little vulnerable in their relationship; and why not? Until recently, this weekend really, Zero hadn't been very reassuring. He'd been selfish. Taking and taking but not giving much back; well it was time to change that. Maybe he should suck it up and try to demonstrate a little bit of affection in public. That would probably go a long way to making Kaname feel reassured. They didn't have to be big displays; nothing that would get them arrested for public lewdness. Just little things that would help convince Kaname that he wasn't ashamed of their relationship. He wasn't! Zero just thought their feelings should be private. But that probably wasn't very reassuring for Kaname.

Despite his best intentions Zero nodded off and it wasn't until the car slowed and turned onto the gravel drive that he woke and realized they were back at the school. Kaname was awake at looking at him, smiling fondly. He must have given the driver instructions while Zero was sleeping because the car pulled up in front of the Chairman's house.

"I thought this would be more discreet than having you get out at the Moon Dorms, or even in front of the Sun Dorms," Kaname explained.

"Uh, yeah," Zero mumbled, collecting his thoughts.

The driver got out and opened the door, Zero climbed out slowly, followed by Kaname.

They stood awkwardly by the car for a minute as the driver moved to the trunk and took out his bag. Zero accepted the bag with a brief nod of thanks, adjusting the bag's strap on his shoulder.

"Wait in the car please," Kaname asked the driver.

Zero shifted his weight from foot to foot. They were only a couple of feet apart but Zero could tell Kaname was being careful to give him space. Behind Kaname he could see Yuki opening the front door of the Chairman's house. She stayed where she was though, probably giving them the chance to talk without being overheard, Zero thought.

"Thank you for being with me this weekend, Zero," Kaname said softly. "It meant a lot to me."

"No, Kaname," Zero shook his head. "Don't thank me. I should thank you for inviting me. It meant a lot to me too." God, words were so useless sometimes, Zero thought, frustrated.

The pureblood flushed, pleased.

"Kaname…" Zero stopped. He tried again. "Kaname, I love you. You know that right?"

"Yes. I do."

The pureblood's voice sounded warm and happy.

"I'm a bit shy sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't feel very strongly about you," Zero said desperately.

"I know that, Zero. It's okay. I understand," Kaname soothed.

Shit this wasn't what he wanted to say at all. "Aw, crap." Zero closed the distance between them and grabbed the startled pureblood in a bear hug. Before he could chicken out he pressed his lips to Kaname's and then stepped back blushing furiously.

"I'm going now, maybe I'll come see you tomorrow," Zero mumbled brushing past Kaname. Even from here he could see Yuki's mouth was hanging open.


The pureblood sounded dazed. Zero almost didn't look up but at the last minute he relented and glanced back at Kaname's face.

Kaname looked happy. Surprised and flushed, but happy.

"I love you too," the pureblood said shyly.

He reached out and gently touched the back of Zero's hand briefly, before hunching his shoulders and balling his hands up in the pockets of his jacket. Maybe Kaname wasn't all that comfortable or experienced with public displays of affection either, Zero realized. That was oddly reassuring. He gave Kaname a genuine smile. "We'll work on this PDA stuff together," he offered.

"Okay," Kaname agreed. He gave a wry glance at Yuki who was still standing in the doorway. "I think you've probably just canceled all Yuki's matchmaking plans."

Zero snorted. "Yeah."

"See you tomorrow?" Kaname asked.

"Probably," Zero agreed. They see each other at class change over at least. How that was going to go he had no idea but he'd deal with that tomorrow.

"Say hello to Yuki for me," Kaname requested. He didn't think it was wise to accompany Zero into the Chairman's house at the moment.

"Chicken," Zero teased.

"True," Kaname agreed ruefully.

Zero laughed.

Kaname slid into the limo, closing the door behind him. As the car pulled away he glanced back to see Yuki running down the path towards Zero. Right now he pitied Zero a little. At a minimum the hunter was bound to get an interrogation from Yuki. Likely the hunter probably wouldn't get any peace until she'd extracted at least some details about their weekend out of him.

Kaname sat back relaxing. He was tired but happy. That incident the first night had been traumatic and he'd almost lost Zero. Kaname felt a surge of grief and anger as he remembered but he ruthlessly tamped those feelings down, choosing instead to focus on the rest of the weekend. Yesterday and today had been the best days of his life. They still had some details to work out about going public but Zero was calmer and more open than he'd ever been. Kaname smiled. Whatever the future held in store for them they would work through it together.


Omake – A month or so later

Zero looked up from his textbook as he heard a soft knock on the door. He was currently sitting in the pureblood's living room on a weekend night as he worked on his homework. He glanced at Kaname who was pacing back and forth as he talked on his cell phone. The call had come a couple of minutes ago. Zero didn't try to eavesdrop but it sounded as if the call was a business related call, probably from a member of Kaname's staff. Zero had tuned it out and went back to his homework. That is until someone knocked politely on the pureblood's door.

"Do you want me to get that?" Zero mouthed.

Kaname nodded and smiled his thanks before stepping into his bedroom and closing the door. Probably wanted some privacy Zero decided as he rose to answer the door. It made him feel good to think that Kaname didn't mind talking in front of him though.

Takuma stood on the other side of the door holding several books in his arms. He smiled pleasantly.

"Hi, Kiryu-kun. Is Kaname-sama free right now?"

"He's on the phone," Zero replied. He raised his hand and with his thumb, casually gestured over his shoulder towards the closed bedroom door. He eyed the books in Takuma's arms. They didn't look like schoolbooks: they looked more like comics.

Takuma shifted his weight and had to juggle the books awkwardly as the ones on top threatened to slide from the pile. He actually lost one, though Zero made a grab and caught the book in mid air.

"Can you pass these on to him please?" Takuma asked politely.

"Sure," Zero agreed turning the book over in his hand. "I didn't know Kaname read manga," he said slowly.

Takuma laughed in a friendly manner. "I don't think he does, but he was in my room a while back and I noticed him looking at one of these books. The series is finished now and I've just read the last volume. I though he might like to read it since he seemed interested in this particular series."

"Hn," Zero answered, unconvinced.

"It's a great story about a girl that goes to live with a large family of boys. They're all cursed and turn into animals from the Chinese Zodiac whenever they're hugged by a member of the opposite sex…."

Zero snorted. "Yeah that sounds believable."

"Well. I'm not doing it justice," Takuma said deprecatingly. "It's really good. The story is funny and sad and the characters are great. Tohru is such a sweet and gentle girl and Yuki and Kyo fight all the time, which is really funny. Shigure's my favourite though. He's a real rogue," Takuma said fondly. He tried not to flinch as Zero's eyes seemed to sharpen on him rather abruptly.

"I'll make sure Kaname sees the books," Zero said suddenly. He shoved his pencil behind his ear and took some of the books. "Let's put them on the table."

"Oh. Um, sure," Takuma replied as he followed Zero in. He deposited the rest of the books on the table as Zero unceremoniously shoved his homework out of the way.

"Well. I'll leave you to your homework. Have a good evening. Feel free to read them too if you like," he added as Zero escorted him to the door.

"Oh. I'll definitely take a look at them," Zero replied.

"Um. Right. Well, goodnight," Takuma mumbled as the door was closed rather firmly in his face. He was suddenly glad to be on the other side of the door though. Kiryu-kun could be scary sometimes.

Back in Kaname's living room Zero sorted the books out by volume number and began to flip through volume one.


Half an hour later Kaname emerged from his bedroom rubbing his ear and apologizing for the phone call.

Zero stood up, a book still in his hand.

"Oh, it's okay," Zero said silkily. "Takuma dropped by to loan you his Fruits Basket manga."

"Really? I wonder why?" said Kaname, sounding confused.

"He thought you'd want to read the whole series since you seemed to be so interested when you were looking at them in his room a month or two ago."

"I don't recall expressing an interest," Kaname murmured, puzzled. "I don't remember looking at them at all," Kaname added, picking up one of the books and scrutinizing the cover.

"Really," Zero said, managing not to spontaneously combust on the spot.

Kaname glanced up from the book at the sound of Zero's voice.

"Let me tell you the plot. Maybe it will refresh your memory. It's a wonderful story with many fascinating characters…." Zero reiterated the basic plot, his voice dripping with icicles.

Kaname gazed at him puzzled at Zero's apparent sudden love of manga. The room suddenly seemed several degrees cooler and he shivered slightly. He knew he was missing something, but what? It was definitely getting frosty in here. He almost thought he'd just seen his breath fog when he exhaled. Whoops, better pay attention, Zero was still expounding on the wonders of the story.

Zero wrapped up his summary and waited expectantly, one hand on his hip, his foot tapping impatiently.

"So? Ring any bells?" he asked.

"Ah, no," Kaname offered. "It doesn't really sound like something I would be interested in."

Zero was obviously still waiting for something. Clearly more in depth comments were required. Kaname wracked his brain for something constructive to add.

"That Shigure character sounds positively lecherous."

"You think so?" Zero asked calmly.

"Yes," Kaname answered. Zero seemed to want more so he offered more character analysis. "The ah ... heroine, Tohru Honda seems like a nice character though. Sunny, generous, and cheerful, a good cook. Quite a lovely young woman."

Zero took a deep breath. "Would you say she's like me, Kaname?"

The pureblood frowned. "Well apparently she's a good cook, as are you."

"Anything else?"

"No," Kaname responded, still puzzled.

"Come on, Kaname. She must remind you of me somehow," Zero stated, exasperated.

He'd been pretty pissed when he figured out Kaname had given them aliases from a frickin' manga. Not only that but Tohru Honda was a girl. A vapid, naive, cheerful girl: little Miss Frickin' Sunshine. She was nothing like him. However, Kaname really seemed to have no idea why Zero was annoyed. He didn't seem to remember anything about the manga. Perhaps it had been unconscious rather than intentional. Zero began to calm down.

"Why this sudden fascination with this fictional school girl, Zero?" Kaname asked carefully.

"Because you registered me under her name at the hotel last month," Zero almost shrieked. Okay clearly he was still a bit irritated. He took a few deep breaths. Calm blue oceans, calm blue oceans, Zero chanted mentally.

"I don't understand," Kaname said plaintively.

"Kaname. You registered me as innocent high school girl Tohru Honda at the hotel last month." Zero took another breath. "You registered yourself as the "lecherous" Shigure Soma."

"No. It must be a coincidence," Kaname said a little wildly. Zero was going to kill him.

Zero glared.

"I'm so sorry, Zero. I didn't realize that's where I got the names. I thought I'd just made them up." He glanced at Zero's stony expression. "Tohru's a boy's name," Kaname added desperately.

Zero continued to glare though it was getting harder to remain mad. It seemed to have been accidental and Kaname did look pretty sorry. No one at the hotel had seemed to notice and it wasn't as if they had to go back there ever again. He could almost - almost but not quite - see the humour in this.

Kaname sat down on the couch morosely. It hadn't been intentional but he was still in so much trouble. He'd be lucky if Zero didn't cut him off for weeks. He wouldn't survive if he couldn't touch Zero. Desperate measures were called for. Time to bring out the big guns.

"Can you ever forgive me, Zero?" He looked up at Zero, his eyes pleading.

Holy crap. Kaname was making puppy dog eyes at him. The pureblood looked like the little lemur from that kids movie. What was it called? Madagascar. Yeah that was it. He should remember since Yuki had made him watch it enough times.

"Err …." Zero started, trailing off as he gazed into soulful chocolate eyes. He could feel his stony facade starting to crack like the chocolate dip coating on an ice cream cone.

Kaname moved to the end of the couch, closer to where Zero was standing. He touched Zero's hand gently.

"I can make it up to you. Anyway you want," he promised, his voice pitched low and slightly rough.

Zero shivered as Kaname's voice resonated within him. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. It was ancient history, water under the bridge. No point in getting worked up about it now. Kaname wanted to make amends. Maybe he should let him.

"I don't know. It might take a lot to make it up to me," he said slowly. One corner of his mouth curled up in a slight smile.

Kaname smiled. They were on the same wavelength.

"I'm very resourceful and we have all weekend," Kaname offered, his eyes sparkling. He kissed Zero's fingers, drawing each finger into his mouth and swirling his tongue around the tip, stroking it across the individual loops and whorls of Zero's fingerprints.

Zero groaned. A penitent Kaname was a very sexy Kaname. "Okay. Can you start now?" Zero asked a little breathlessly.

"Whatever you want, Zero," Kaname agreed readily. He stood and began walking to the bedroom unbuttoning and dropping his shirt to the floor. Kaname smiled to himself as he walked. This was going to be great.

Behind him Zero followed, enjoying the view of the pureblood's sexy back and firm round rear. He grinned. This was going to be great.
